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Topics - Chanter

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Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Rossii, 5930kHz 4/8
« on: April 10, 2013, 0005 UTC »
Caught this yesterday morning, but am only now getting the chance to post it here.  This was totally unexpected!  I was heading down the dial looking for Shiokaze before leaving for work, and whoops!  Russia!  Not sure if this was the northern Europe or the far eastern broadcast, but I'm going to bet the latter, given recent propagation.  I've never managed this one before, whichever beam it is! 

5930, Radio Rossii, 1105-1115Z.  News in Russian, including correspondent reports, lasting for several minutes.  Musical bridges in places.  Into what sounded like a program promo around 1110, then a choral piece with a fanfare beginning and singing.  Signal fair to good, subject to lots of QRM from a Bible blaster on 5935.  SINPO 42343. 

Anybody ever had luck QSLing them?  I may well try. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Asian DX up a storm, 4/7
« on: April 07, 2013, 1344 UTC »
The incredible Asian DX conditions of the past day or so continue!  Here are some logs from today.  More likely to come, if conditions stay this way all local morning. 

9595, Radio Nikkei 1, 1100-1116.  Japanese-language talk between two women - conversation, laughter.  Brief piano music near the hour, and again near 1115.  Signal fair, some static, SINPO 33333. 

9440, China Radio International, 1204-1211.  Khmer Talk from a male presenter, presumably a newsreader, from tune-in to tune-out.  Signal fair, SINPO 33333. 

9490, Voice of America, 1204-1210.  Korean talk, presumably news, from a male presenter.  Into what sounded like a program promo including music, multiple Korean speakers and an English snippet at around 1210, then back to talk.  Signal weaker to fair, subject to fading.  SINPO 23232. 

This doesn't include the signals I haven't properly logged yet.  I had CRI in Russian on 11935, many, many instances of that dang CNR1 jammer, and Voice of Korea on 11710 and 9650.  Crazy, and by that I mean amazing. 

Shortwave Broadcast / SW logs, including unids thanks to A13
« on: April 01, 2013, 0735 UTC »
As you can probably guess, A13 is messing things the heck up!  It's certainly messing me up.  :)  Here are a handful of logs, some identified, some I could use a hand with until schedules solidify.  All except the Argentine logged tonight, April 1.  

March 31  

15345, Argentina al Exterior, 2339-2345.  Spanish-language music, interspersed with talk and laughter from two male presenters.  Signal fair, the clearest I've ever heard this station.  SINPO 43344.  

April 1  

9665, Voice of Russia, 0004-0012.  A wide-ranging English-language interview between a female presenter and an Irish rock musician.  Signal good, though subject to a transmitter hum.  SINPO 44344.  

9530, Adventist World Radio, 0322-0330.  East African music, sometimes with a presenter speaking over it in a very deliberate way.  Arabic or Somali (this was actually Tigrinya) talk in a male voice between songs at around 0325, then back to music.  Abruptly off at 0330.  Signal fair, but subject to loud ACI from Spain on 9535.  SINPO 43344 at best, 32232 at worst.  

11750, Voice of America, 0331-0346.  Somali news programming presented by at least one man and one woman, including telephone conversations, several mentions of Afghanistan and one of Taliban, and a Somali VOA web address.  Signal fair to good, SINPO 43343.  

11670, Iran Voiri (presumed), 0333-0346.  Talk, presumably news, shared between male and female presenters.  One possible mention of Afghanistan.  Language sounded south or southwest Asian - Nepali? Sinhala? Uzbek?  Per EiBi, Azeri.  Signal fair, though subject to rapid flutter that almost sounded like nearby RTTY.  SINPO 33333.  

My guess is possibly India for the 11670 catch, and Radio Sudan? Eritrea? somebody religious? for the 9530 one.  Anybody have a better idea?  

Edited to add: As of April 6, I was able to figure out those unIDs!  Per EiBi's excellent A13 list, the 9530 was AWR to East Africa.  I was right on the religious aspect, but not the language.  That was Tigrinya.  Aha!  As for the 11670, I suspect Iran in Azeri, though I can't be as sure of that one.  If it was, then I was right about the general location of the language when I suggested Uzbek.  I'm not as familiar with far eastern European and western Asian languages as I am with others. 

Longwave Loggings / new NDB catch, 4/1
« on: April 01, 2013, 0721 UTC »
This is technically a local, as it's an in-state catch for me.  I can't get it at my home QTH, though, and I've never heard it here before either.  I'm visiting family for Easter, so you know. 

332, 0438Z - SG 'Depre' - Green Bay, WI 

I've also heard GR, the other Green Bay NDB, clearly again tonight.  No sign of most of the Canadians I'm used to at my home QTH, but AQ in Appleton is loud and clear, as is OS in Oshkosh - no surprise.  I really need to take an EMF detector to this house and find whatever the source of the horrible electrical interference is.  Man oh man, it's bad. 

MW Loggings / 1060 Brazilian unid driving me nuts!
« on: March 24, 2013, 0824 UTC »
I have a definite Brazilian on 1060, heard for the first time... and of course, they refuse to ID, or if they do ID, it's covered up by KYW in Philadelphia or Radio Educacion in Mexico City, or splattered to heck by the irritating local sports yawner WTSO here in Madison.  Listening in USB helped... until KYW faded up.  I lost the signal for twenty minutes or so, and when it came back up, it was past the top of the hour.  Arrrrrrgh!  Help?  It's been nonstop light/easy listening Brazilian music, mostly Portuguese but English just now, the whole time.  It was remarkably clear around 0610Z, and again around 0710Z.  Of course, no ID.  NO talk at all that I could hear.  Can anybody help with this one? 

For that matter, can anybody tell me how to knock the overloading problems out of my radio?  I've heard the DX-398 is notorious for overloading, and it's true.  It's ridiculous, and between one local and another splattering all over the dial and destroying the LW band besides, I'm sick of it.  I'll keep the radio - I really rather like it - I just want to tinker with the darn thing. 

Utility / 2320Z+, 7433kHZ USB, presumed MARS net
« on: March 20, 2013, 2334 UTC »
I'm going to assume by the callsigns that this is in fact a military net.  I thought they were out of band hams at first, then a pirate.  Nope!  The callsigns rather told the tale.  Here's my log. 

7433, MARS net, 2320-2328.  AAR5VY, AAM5EMI, and an AAV station talking about the encoding of e-mail addresses real and fictitious.  Signal good at peaks, variable depending on the speaker, best when AAR5VY spoke up.  Heard in USB.  SIO 434. 

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 7375kHz, 0000Z+ 3/17
« on: March 17, 2013, 0046 UTC »
On since 0000Z, with lovely armchair quality sound from Nauen.  SINPO 55455, noisy band but nothing that's really causing any problems.  Time check at 0042.  Per Eric, it's freezing cold in the studio and he's drinking coffee.  Not a bad idea, as it's darn cold in here too!  

Anybody else tuned in?  

Edited to add: Eeeee they played my song request!  I'm the one requested "Jij Bent Zo".  I've had a case of the night-long warm fuzzies. :) 

MW Loggings / Spanish-language Catholic unid, 700kHz, above WLW!
« on: March 16, 2013, 2358 UTC »
I've only once heard a station above WLW before this, and that was an unid of another sort entirely.  Last night, a Spanish-speaking Catholic station was in ascendance for most of the time I was DXing.  Here's my log.  I've tried searching for the phone number given, no joy.  Could this be from over the southern border? 

700, 0605-0620.  Spanish-language Catholic call-in show; two presenters, both male, taking calls for prayers from listeners.  One man asked for strength, a woman wanted to pray for her son.  Many mentions of the word of God, Jesus, Catolica, the Holy Spirit at least once, and one reference to what sounded like 'a mighty fortress is our God'.  Telephone number given 938-388-2286.  Signal good but fluttery, variable but generally strong above WLW in Cincinnati.  SIO 434. 

Anybody have any idea who this is? 

Longwave Loggings / Finally, a new LW catch!
« on: March 16, 2013, 0648 UTC »
I thought I'd never succeed in snagging another one, between the GPS beacons all over 280 to 310 or so and the assorted utility and random artifacts all across the band.  But tonight, conditions must've been right, because boom!  :D  

326, 0625Z - YQK - Kenora, Ontario  

I'll see what else the night brings.  

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 7375kHz, 0000Z+
« on: March 10, 2013, 0010 UTC »
I missed the KBC broadcast last week (darnit!) as life intervened.  I wasn't missing it this time if I could help it.  Tuned to the proper frequency a few minutes early.  At 2359 or so, the transmitter came on loud and clear, and at 0000?  Boom!  Excellent audio into Madison, SIO 545.  Absolutely beautiful armchair copy here.  I'm thrilled!  I despaired of ever hearing this station this clearly on 9450 again.  7375 has done the trick!  Or maybe it's Nauen... both?  Something's worked in KBC's favor, anyway.  :) 

Wide-ranging musical styles, IDs, and chat from Eric who still sounds lovely *coughs!* You didn't hear me say that! :P  Time check at 0009, then into some blues rock. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Bangladesh Betar, 15505kHz, 1408-1430Z 3/10
« on: March 09, 2013, 2048 UTC »
Finally, finally heard this one!  I've been trying for months, mainly earlier in the mornings due to work during the week, and today boom!  I wasn't even making the attempt; I was working my way upward with intent to try for Spaceshuttle Radio!  Here's my log, as I wrote it down later.  You better believe I'll be QSLing this one!  Anybody got a usable address if a girl wanted to send a snailmail letter? 

15505, Bangladesh Betar, 1408-1430.  Programming consisted of subcontinental music moderated by a male presenter.  Presumed news in Urdu at the beginning, lasting for several minutes, and more brief comments later on.  One definite mention of Bangladesh.  Off at 1430.  Signal fair, subject to transmitter hum.  Music slightly louder than spoken audio.  SINPO 33333. 

Equipment / silly question
« on: February 20, 2013, 0511 UTC »
This is a stupid question, but I can't find it in a manual or by trial and error.  A ways back in another thread, someone mentioned hitting the attenuator button on a DX-398 to help with severe, 40kHz+-wide station splatter.  I'd love to... but where the heck is the attenuator button on a DX-398?  I've tried just about every key, nothing, and I can't see my keypad and dial labels, so I can't just look at the thing.  Help, somebody with eyes and a clue? 

MW Loggings / The Big Q, 1710kHz 2/17, 0845-0930+
« on: February 18, 2013, 0133 UTC »
Tuned in while messing about on the MW band, and what the heck?  I finally heard a pirate on 1710!  I've never managed that before.  Oldies music - The Archies, many others I didn't know - several Big Q IDs, a listener comment recorded from down a telephone line, and what sounded like silly commercials.  SIO 333 give or take, up to 444 at peaks but subject to deep fades. 

I wonder if the Big Q QSLs? 

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 9450kHz, 0000+ 2/17
« on: February 17, 2013, 0132 UTC »
Speaking of KBC, 9450's coming in consistently clearly here.  On at 0000, and a solid 333 pretty much since.  Music, chat, one silly pirate instrumental with Eric humming/singing along for a smidge - what the? :P and now digital transmission at 0130. 

Very glad to hear this clearly enough to unplug the headset and move from room to room as I let the show play! 

Back into music at 0131.  Lots of blues, early rock and Motown-ish tracks tonight. 

Longwave Loggings / recent longwave logs
« on: February 15, 2013, 0854 UTC »
As I've said before, just when I despair of ever finding a new beacon, up pop a few to restore my faith in a night-to-night variable band.  :)  I really need to get a map of nearby states and provinces, detailed enough to list small towns and cities, for the purpose of sticking pins in heard locations.  Does such an animal exist, I wonder?  

417, 02/09, 0450Z - IY, Chukk - Charles City, Iowa  
281, 02/13, 0703Z - DMO, Sidalia, Missouri  
332, 02/15, 0727Z - FFL, Fairfield, Iowa  
274, 02/15, 0736Z - YPM, Pikangikum, Ontario  

Edited to add: Aaaaand one more. 

300, 02/15, 1122Z - YOG, Ogoki Post, Ontario 

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