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Messages - Cornel

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23:20z 6995U sounds very good in IN GT rem., low noise, good audio, strong and stable signal: rocking!

Killer signal in IN / GT rem., 01:52z "Breaking the Law", very loud, very clean.

KUNT Radio, you kicked doors. TNX

Very good signal/audio in IN, GT remote, some crashes and vy light fading, good enough to put it on my speakers! Awsome.

00:56z RFW ID
01:54z shoutouts to hfunderground
01:57z RFW off

Great show, fun and gooood signal, thanks for the show RFW!

Very interesting Chuck, thanks for sharing!

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Mystery signal question
« on: July 20, 2017, 2227 UTC »
No sliders nowhere hr. Nil.

"1.5-60kW and more output power...For years, many RF heat sealers were not well designed in terms of RF safety."

Not bad in for the bad conditions tonight, strong static crashes and slow fading, 3kHz BW. In IN GT remote.

00:14z Stop in the name of love

03:036z Lowish but audible in IN GT remote, good audio

02:45z Audible in IN, hard time against the QRM, RTTY, CW etc. Good enough to ID some Cindy Lauper songs...

00:35z 6940u Sounds good in IN, GT remote. Not very strong but good condx tonight, some crashes and peskies close.

Doing very good in IN GT, remote. Great audio, clean signal.

00:50z ID Wolverine Radio
01:07z some light fading but still strong and good audio, FSK audible close
01:32z Wolverine is rocking the waves, clean audio good signal.
01:53z ID and SSTV and OFF

Nice show Wolverine Radio, thank you!

Sounds good Indianapolis, IN. GT remote.
01:25z Alice Cooper
01:27z light fading still good
01:32z more static crashes, good

then: ISP breakdown

s6-7 in south dennis, MA web SDR, static crashes but ok signal

01:29z Raiders on the storm, The Doors
01:32z Voice, hard to copy, more crashes, signal in and out
01:34z Phil Collins?
01:37z Cher?
01:41z OM agn, the crashes are killing it, more music
01:46z some ALE under it
01:57z Elvis? still audible but really low now
02:03z fadet bad, almost gone

02:11z audible in Vero Beach FL, GT remote, but nasty crashes too
02:23z OM, in the mud, no chance to ID
02:34z still there, vy low with short periods of ok signal

10/11 meters / Re: 11m Activity 10 Jul 2017
« on: July 10, 2017, 2026 UTC »
11/10m nada today, nearly wiped out. Very few brasilian rogerbeep-freaks on 11m and low.

01:03z Creepy music, god signal in Noblesville, IN
01:05z fadet to low, hard to copy, Pirate Jesus episode (TNX PirateSWL)
01:11z after a long fade better now
01:15z OFF

00:37z 6930u Noblesville, IN GT remote, strong signal and good audio, low noise
00:43z lower now, more crashes, still pretty good!
00:47z some fading , SSTV and OFF

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