« on: November 13, 2016, 0229 UTC »
French Alps GT remote: Wolverine Radio 4020kHz, actually better, stronger sig then on 6950 before, but more noise and faster fading, some UTE hiss close. Still pretty good for the condx tonight. Same "Lady" program as on 6950 earlier.
02:27z Wolverine Radio ID
02:41z Wolverine Radio ID
02:48z Wolverine Radio ID
02:59z Wolverine Radio ID
...as the show goes, Wolverine R. gets stronger and with better signal and audio, 03:09z Dire Straits "Lady Writer" with vy good audio! Nice show Wooooolverine Radio.
03:19z Wolverine Radio ID and SSTV tx, show goes on as it seems....
03:27z Wolverine Radio ID, signal vy good audio too