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Messages - Cornel

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0305z Heard very low in the french alps remote GT, harmonica playing, on the edge, vy hard to ID, agree on the Santana/Guitar song 0313z

Good signal in Lexington KY, better on LSB on the GT remote.


Get up stand up / Bob Marley
Sledgehammer / Peter Gabriel
Radio Gaga / Queen
Stone cold crazy / Queen

RIP Rick, thanks for the pogo Status Quo...✌🏼, fun times.

Software / Re: Morse Pad 1.4 for iPad / iPhone is out
« on: December 22, 2016, 2255 UTC »
Great! Installed and testing.👍🏼

Utility / Re: XLA/XLB ALE who are they?
« on: November 18, 2016, 2020 UTC »
Hi Alan
It's unknown i guess. http://www.ominous-valve.com/ale-list.txt

What antenna and radio did you use, signal strength, direction?

Historical ICAO Callsign
Expo   XLA   JN   XL Airways UK Limited - United Kingdom

If i had to guess i'd say it's chinese or mexican. Who knows...

Edit: it could be XLA US DoD loc: unknown


French Alps GT remote: Wolverine Radio 4020kHz, actually better, stronger sig then on 6950 before, but more noise and faster fading, some UTE hiss close. Still pretty good for the condx tonight. Same "Lady" program as on 6950 earlier.

02:27z Wolverine Radio ID
02:41z Wolverine Radio ID
02:48z Wolverine Radio ID
02:59z Wolverine Radio ID
...as the show goes, Wolverine R. gets stronger and with better signal and audio, 03:09z Dire Straits "Lady Writer" with vy good audio! Nice show Wooooolverine Radio.
03:19z Wolverine Radio ID and SSTV tx, show goes on as it seems....
03:27z Wolverine Radio ID, signal vy good audio too

Wolverine low but ok in Grenoble/France GT remote. Some noise and light fading.

01:33 Wolverine Radio ID
Stones, Jimi Hendrix "Foxy Lady"...good music Wolvie!
01:42 Wolverine Radio ID
Beatles "Lady Madonna",...,"Lady Lay"
01:59 Wolverine Radio ID, signal up and down but always audible
...Dire Straits "Lady Writer"
02:10 SSTV

Hola Daniel

Muy buena información.


CW was strong in France on the GT remote in the alps. Speed ~22 WPM, decoding letters and vy few numbers that do not make sense, maybe training, synoptic WX, maybe crypted msg. Uneven speed so pretty sure it was hand keyed. We'll see...

Audible from vy weak to good in Lexington KY / GT remote. Some deep fading.

02:48 SSTV
02:51 more Rock, hard to ID
02:54 OFF

Huh? / Re: Samsung's Whopper of a problem!
« on: October 14, 2016, 0350 UTC »
Can i have mine with HOT Jalapeño sauce please?

VERY good to excellent signal in the french alps dear Wolverine Radio!

00:43z off after SSTV

Great Wolverine Radio

Utility / Re: Cordoba Volmet, Argentina 8952 usb 2345 UTC 10/1/2016
« on: October 05, 2016, 2221 UTC »
Funny thing is, that you guys copy it stronger than i, and TX is only ~100 miles away from here. Got kinda "over-jumped" i guess.

22:10z - 22:18z (off)
YL op,  Volmet / WX report on 8952 USB, muffly and lowish but readable.

23:27z Up agn, now with interference from 8950 ss OMs, and yes the YL speaks spanish.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6930 USB 2340 UTC 9/28/16
« on: September 28, 2016, 2353 UTC »
Weak to fair audible in Kentucky/Lexington remote GT.

23:48z blues
23:57z Whatcha see is wahatcha get / The Dramatics
23:59z ID + mail
00:01z Right Place Wrong Time / Dr. John
           some fading now, weaker
00:05z All that meat and no potatoes / Louis Armstrong
           quick jump to the Grenoble/France remote --> nil
00:11z Fever / Sandra Meade
00:14z I'm a bad, bad girl / Little Esther
00:15z Moonlight Radio ID
00:15z unid song
           again weaker, hard to ID songs
00:17z more blues unid
00:21z CW: VVV de Moonlight Radio and off

Thanks for the show Moonlight Radio.

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