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Messages - William Hassig

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Tuned in at 0143utc, very weak here in NE Illinois, (edit) improved sig at 0220utc. R2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0129utc, poor with some static, old pop tune, then Hendrix "all along the watchtower", twilite zone music, R2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0205utc, fair but with static, big band & swing music, nice program as usual, Kenwood R-2000 & dipole. Edit: songs with the word "dream" in them.

Tuned in at 0115utc, fair but with static, soft rock music, dickweeddj@gmail.com, Kenwood R-2000 & dipole. Edit: as of 0205 faded down to poor, I'm going to listen to Wolverine Radio on 6940 now.

Tuned in at 0102utc, fair sig, some static, excellent audio with real bass notes, slow orchestral music, big band music, Drake R8 & 7mhz dipole, also 30watt amp driving big speaker. (edit) I have some old Jackie Gleason music LPs.  

Tuned in around 0100utc, was on 6924.2 then, now has drifted down a bit, heard bits of audio under heavy static, heard woman's voice singing, heard man talking but can't understand a word. May have to shut down due to storms forecast. R8 & dipole. (edit) Don't you mean 7 July 2014?  

I tuned down there about 15 to 20 min ago. Barely heard carrier in ssb mode. (edit) BTW, lots of static here. (2nd edit) Don't you mean 7 July 2014?

Tuned in at 0230, good sig, excellent audio, actual bass notes, how do they pull that off? Jazz tune playing, Drake R8 and external 30 watt amplifier and big speaker, also 7mhz backyard dipole.

Tuned in at 0126utc, good sig, good audio, program of songs with the word eyes. R8 & dipole. (edit) SSTV/FAX at 0219. More eye songs at 0221.

Longwave Loggings / Re: Alexanderson Day, Sunday, June 29, 2014
« on: July 05, 2014, 0226 UTC »
Yes, I was listening too with a Drake R8 and a Heathkit VLF converter. I replaced the 3.5 MHz xtal with a 4mhz xtal in the Heathkit converter and was waiting on 4017.2 kHz (4000khz + 17.2khz) and heard nothing but moderate local noise. Was able to hear those 2 fsk stns just above 20khz but they are always there. Also WWVB at 60. One of these days I'll have to build a 17.2 kHz resonant loop, with cathode follower to match impedance to the receiving eq.  

Tuned in at 0207utc, fair sig some static, good audio with good bass, spacey dance music, XFM ID, clips of Amer top 40 w/kasey kasem, song "dirty laundry", more kk with AT40, dipole & R8 with ext 30 watt amp & big speaker. (edit) left the air at 0512utc after 3+ hours of nice pop music of various types.

tuned in at 0005utc, poor with tons of static from storms west of here, light classical music, DJ said "now I put you to sleep, Ray Block (Bloch?) with music from movie spellbound", now more music for mopes from the 50's (ha-ha), R2000 & dipole. (edit @ 0025) just heard thunder, had to disconnect antenna and turn off set. Oh, BTW, macshortwave@gmail.com and macshortwave@yahoo.com

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: O T R 6770.6Am 6/16/14
« on: June 16, 2014, 0250 UTC »
At 0248utc, hear bits of audio, have to use lower sideband due to local digital noise on upper, poor sig, R8 & dipole.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XLR8 6935 USB June 16,2014
« on: June 16, 2014, 0157 UTC »
Tuned in at 0147utc, fair sig, R8 & dipole, XLR8 ID, reggae tune, blues/rock tune, another reggae tune, I don't have email address.

S-on with ♫ "testing 1 2 3 can anybody hear me" ♫, good sig, good audio, now old record "my blue heaven", "little white lies", songs with colors mentioned in them, R2000 & dipole.

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