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10/11 meters / Re: The band is starting to open 1230 UTC 18 OCT 2021
« on: October 18, 2021, 2129 UTC »
Overall a pretty epic day on 11 meters

"711 topside of Portland Oregon we're shutting this thing down, CLICK!" (the word "click" was said out loud at the end of transmission) at 1816 UTC good FM signal on 26.805 MHz FM.  He was almost full quieting.  I couldn't hear the station he was talking to though...

Hearing FM activity on 26.805 MHz 26805 FM at 1809 UTC...

The band seems to have calmed down a bit bit there are still a lot of signals in the 25.615 MHz to 26.955 MHz portion below channel 1.  The regular 26.965 MHz to 27.405 MHz band is alive and the higher freqs are too...just not as crazy as before.

And...now 26805 is clear.  I guess that's that? Maybe..

10/11 meters / Re: The band is starting to open 1230 UTC 18 OCT 2021
« on: October 18, 2021, 1802 UTC »
Taxi dispatchers all over the band..heard from 25.615 MHz AM (that's channel 1 on Band A for those people keeping score at home) up to 27.935 MHz AM - 27.935 AM is channel 7 on Band F! 

 Lots of taxis in the 25 MHz band (25.695 MHz, 25.775 MHz) the lower and mid parts of the 26 MHz band (26.005 MHz, 26.105 MHz, 26.175 MHz, 26.205 MHz, 26.365 MHz...) and the higher portion of 27 MHz...27.745 MHz, 27.765 MHz, 27.775 MHz, 27.835 MHz, 27.885 MHz...

28.015 MHz AM, 28.035 MHz AM, 28.065 MHz AM and 28.085 MHz AM also active with taxi dispatchers and Spanish speaking stations...operating in the 10 meter band no less!

Lots of Spanish language but a fair amount of French and Portuguese and some UNID languages heard. US based American Truckers on 27.685 MHz AM and a US STL signal on 25.950 MHz FM too.  WWV coming in nicely on 25.000 MHz / 25000 kHz 25 MHz WWV. 

The A/B bands 25.615-26.055 and 26.065-26.505 MHz (25.615-26.505 MHz - so lower than the "low channels" - Band C or 26.515 MHz to 26.955 MHz) filled with freebanders, truckers, taxi dispatcher and a surprising amount of SSB activity, including 25.985 MHz LSB and 26.540 MHz LSB in addition to usual suspects - 26.555 MHz LSB. 

Inside the band lots of signals on top of each other.  Noted FM voice, lots of AM voice (including a taxi dispatcher) and several different FSK signals on 27.255 MHz - CB Channel 23.   Also French language on 27.255 USB. 

FSK signals heard on 27.195 MHz almost constantly.  Taxi dispatchers on all the R/C channels all over the band today.

10/11 meters / Re: The band is starting to open 1230 UTC 18 OCT 2021
« on: October 18, 2021, 1355 UTC »
Jamaica booming in on The Jamaican Connection frequency 27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB SIO 555 numerous signals on top of each other at 1355 UTC

1414 UTC - YL taxi cab dispatcher taxi lady reading numbers/dispatching taxis on 27.195 MHz AM 27195 AM R/C channel
1414 UTC - 27.255 MHz super messy, hearing FSK mixing in with all sorts of AM traffic, lots of noise toys, roger beeps, etc.
1416 UTC - 26.995 MHz AM with taxi cab dispatch (roger beep end of transmission of course)
1417 UTC - 27.255 MHz AM - YL taxi dispatcher on top of the pileup !!
1425 UTC - 27.195 MHz FM - FSK bursts every 4-6 seconds

Good morning,

I stumbled upon a Facebook page dedicated to promoting the use of 26.805 MHz FM as a FM calling/working channel, much like 26.915 MHz (and nearby frequencies like 26.885, 26.955, etc) are used for AM calling/working on the lower channel side. 

This matches up with the station I heard transmitting the audio recording loop yesterday "Big Grandpa...this is Big Grandpa calling...Las Vegas!" on 26.805 MHz FM 26805 kHz FM 26805 FM.  It was clearly a loop or maybe a voice keyer set up...but the guy was transmitting FM! 

Yet another frequency to keep an eye out for/ear out for.  They actually picked a pretty good frequency too.  26.815 and 26.835 are sometimes really busy...but 26.805 not so much.

Maybe we will see more FM usage within the CB band as well as outside the FM band as time goes on.

This is interesting - and matches with the Big Grandpa Las Vegas station heard on 26805 FM 26.805 MHz FM 26.805 FM heard yesterday...apparently there's a FM group and 26.805 MHz is their "home" channel or FM calling channel.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1244742879290829/  - FM Calling Channel 26.805 MHz

10/11 meters / Re: 11m DX starting to roll in 1302 UTC 16 OCT 2021
« on: October 18, 2021, 1139 UTC »

We've been literally waiting years for conditions to be this good again  :)

I agree these are pretty awesome.  Hearing European and UK stations mixing in with Latin American and Caribbean stations and Russian hospital pager transmitters all at once is pretty amazing. 

Now, a hair after 2215 UTC, I'm still hearing a YL taxi cab dispatcher on 25.695 MHz AM, the same user heard in numerous other logs and earlier today.

26.415 MHz AM, 26.585 MHz AM, 26.605 MHz AM and several other frequencies below CB channel 1 are also active.  26.645 MHz AM coming in nicely from Puerto Rico at 2218 UTC.  CB channel 5 - 27.015 MHz AM is still very busy too.

At 2217 UTC, the YL taxi dispatcher on 25.695 AM is a solid SIO 444. 

At 2219 UTC, noted several FSK data bursts on 27.095 MHz, followed by a YL reading numbers (in AM mode - likely another taxi cab company using 27 MHz - this time, using 27.095 MHz R/C channel. 

2222 UTC - several FSK bursts (sound like the data links usually heard on 27.255 MHz) on 27.195 MHz (weak, but the sound is identical).  No voice signals mixing in with the data bursts...

Yeah. No harm in a lengthy QSO. The only thing that bothers me is when stateside stations tie up a DX op when others are clearly waiting. When it's dx I just get a signal/QTH confirmation and then move on.

Yep - that and having a super long extended QSO on a calling frequency like 27.385 LSB or 27.555 USB.  QSY off the calling channel/DX calling window and have your long QSO on a clear frequency.  Nothing wrong with that.  I've heard operators chatting for hours on end on 11 meter frequencies - operators that QSY'ed off of 27.555 MHz USB

Great set of logs there!

27570 USB now, says he has a 7-el yagi, runs 1 kW. Not sure of the QTH.  OK, he said he grew up in the south of France.

The 27410-27700 region is now filled with SSB signals (and a few AM signals here and there)...too many to log!

I checked 10 meters real quick and there's activity on 29600 FM 29.600 MHz FM at 1950 UTC.  Looking at the 29.7 MHz to 30.0 MHz region and the 30-32 MHz region right now...

Lots of stuff on the band this afternoon:

25695 AM 25.695 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
25775 AM 25.775 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
25965 AM 25.965 MHz AM - Hearing OM talking, lots of noise in background ?? - Spanish language
25985 AM 25.985 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
25995 AM 25.995 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
26045 AM 26.045 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
26205 AM 26.205 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
26305 AM 26.305 MHz AM - OM Spanish language chatter
26355 AM 26.355 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher mixing with other stations on frequency
26375 AM 26.375 MHz AM - Hearing Spanish speaking OMs on frequency
26475 AM 26.475 MHz AM - Spanish language, OM heard...heavy fading
26475 LSB 26.475 MHz LSB - Heard "Puerto Rico" very clearly at 1925 UTC
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language Latin American DX frequency
26575 AM 26.575 MHz AM - Spanish language, busy
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language - trucker and freebander frequency, similar 26.575 MHz, 26.595 MHz, etc.
26605 LSB 26.605 MHz LSB - "HOLLAAAAA QUE TALL!!!???" at 1926 UTC - heard the same in English and then French
26665 AM 26.665 MHz AM - Spanish language, lots of noise toys, etc. heard
26675 AM 26.675 MHz AM - Spanish language
26685 LSB 26.685 MHz LSB - Spanish language, lots of QRM
26695 AM 26.695 MHz AM - Spanish, getting OBLITERATED by splatter from 26.705 AM 26.715 AM etc
26705 AM 26.705 MHz AM - Just as insane as 26.715 AM - sometimes going at the same time
26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM - Insanely busy, lots of big splatterbox radios, like 27.025 is during a band opening
26725 AM 26.725 MHz AM - Spanish - heavy QRM and lots of signals at points
26765 AM 26.765 MHz AM - Possibly a taxi dispatcher?  Lots and lots of QRM...
26785 AM 26.785 MHz AM - Spanish - heard "85"
26805 FM 26.805 MHz FM - "hello hello, this is Big Grandpa...Big Grandpa, Las Vegas" - recording played over and over
26835 AM 26.835 MHz AM - Spanish language
26885 AM 26.885 MHz AM - Weak AM signals noted
26895 AM 26.895 MHz AM - Spanish language, heard "Alberto"
26905 AM 26.905 MHz AM - Spanish, possibly taxi dispatcher
26915 AM 26.915 MHz AM - Spanish language, usually US based stations are found here
26935 AM 26.935 MHz AM - Spanish language, OM and YLs heard
26935 LSB 26.935 MHz LSB - Spanish language, mixing with AM signals on same frequency
26955 AM 26.955 MHz AM - Spanish language, weak

Activity on nearly all 40 legal channels.  Noted a taxi cab dispatcher on 27.195 MHz and FSK data bursts mixing in with AM voice on 27.255 MHz (channel 23)

27415 AM 27.415 MHz AM - Heard a roger beep - AM, not SSB
27420 USB 27.420 MHz USB - Spanish language
27435 AM 27.435 MHz AM - Spanish language, possibly a taxi dispatcher mixing with other signals
27440 USB 27.440 MHz USB - Spanish language
27445 USB 27.445 MHz USB - Spanish language
27447 USB 27.447 MHz USB - Spanish language, yes, they're using 27.447 MHz, not 27.450 MHz or 27.445 MHz
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language - very busy DX channel, see also: 26.555 MHz LSB
27465 USB 27.465 MHz USB - Spanish language
27470 USB 27.470 MHz USB - Spanish language
27475 USB 27.475 MHz USB - Spanish language
27485 USB 27.485 MHz USB - Spanish language
27500 USB 27.500 MHz USB - Spanish language
27505 AM 27.505 MHz AM - Weak Spanish language chatter heard with SSB QRM
27505 USB 27.505 MHz USB - Spanish language, weak
27515 USB 27.515 MHz USB - Portuguese??
27525 AM 27.525 MHz AM - Spanish, very weak
27540 USB 27.540 MHz USB - Spanish language
27555 USB 27.555 MHz USB - Heard stations calling CQ, including "CQ Europe, QSY to 27.570"
27570 USB 27.570 MHz USB - Numerous stations on frequency
27575 USB 27.575 MHz USB - numerous stations on frequency
27580 USB 27.580 MHz USB - numerous stations on frequency
27590 USB 27.590 MHz USB - French language
27600 LSB 27.600 MHz LSB - Spanish language
27600 USB 27.600 MHz USB - Spanish language - very strong at 1941 UTC
27605 AM 27.605 MHz AM - Taxi dispatcher?  AM signal getting slammed by SSB QRM
27615 USB 27.615 MHz USB - Spanish language - very strong
27625 LSB 27.625 MHz LSB - Spanish language, very very strong signals
27630 FM 27.630 MHz FM - French language !!!! - first noted at 1919 UTC
27630 USB 27.630 MHz USB - Spanish language at 1942 UTC, heard "Santo Domingo" (Dominican Republic)
27640 USB 27.640 MHz USB - Spanish language
27650 USB 27.650 MHz USB - French language, good signals at 1945 UTC
27655 USB 27.655 MHz USB - Weak signal - sounds like French or maybe Portuguese
27665 USB 27.665 MHz USB - Spanish language, very very strong
27670 USB 27.670 MHz USB - Hearing French and Spanish at the same time it sounds like
27695 USB 27.695 MHz USB - "HOOLLLLAAAAA!!!!" over and over again
27710 USB 27.710 MHz USB - Strong FSK or RTTY signal
27725 LSB 27.725 MHz LSB - Spanish language very strong
27735 AM 27.735 MHz AM - Weak AM signal noted with roger beeps
27765 AM 27.765 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
27785 AM 27.785 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
27785 USB 27.785 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter - mixing with AM signal, often stronger than taxi cabs
27805 AM 27.805 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
27815 AM 27.815 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
27815 USB 27.815 MHz USB - Stations using SSB on top of the AM taxi cab dispatcher
27845 AM 27.845 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish
27885 AM 27.885 MHz AM - "HOLA!" "HOLA!" heard at 1949 UTC
27985 AM 27.985 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch YL dispatcher taxi lady - Spanish

10/11 meters / Big Grandpa 26.805 MHz FM 1857 UTC
« on: October 17, 2021, 1858 UTC »
"Hello hello, this is Big Grandpa..Big Grandpa...." heard several times over on 26.805 MHz 26805 FM 26.805 MHz FM...

10/11 meters / Re: 11m DX starting to roll in 1302 UTC 16 OCT 2021
« on: October 17, 2021, 1853 UTC »
26.715 AM going absolutely nuts.

Spanish language taxi cab coming in on 25.695 MHz AM as usual.  But I haven't seen/heard 26715 AM like this in a while.

Also hearing Spanish language on 27.125 USB - that's channel 14 but in USB mode.  First time I've heard SSB used on CB channel 14.

10/11 meters / 26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM Super Busy 1850 UTC 17 Oct 2021
« on: October 17, 2021, 1850 UTC »
Lots of signals all over the band but 26.715 MHz AM is just as insane as channel 6 / The Superbowl 27.025 MHz AM is.

Spanish language chatter...tons of QRM and splatter.

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