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Recorder Catch on 6925.0 USB
19 Sep 2012

RTN heard here at fair but building level until BBR s/on.

Thanks RTN!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6950 AM? 0035UTC
« on: September 19, 2012, 0055 UTC »
19 Sep 2012

0035 Started seeing a weak carrier here.
0053  Just starting to hear music now.  Seems to be a weak CW in the LSB.
0108 Steve Winwood - "Sledgehammer"

Hey Z!  Same here; I have a nice bright line in the waterfall for an S9 carrier, but ain't got no mods.

Well, not happening here; but thanks for the show.  Will catch kk7's audio later.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID SSTV 6925 USB 0319 UTC
« on: September 18, 2012, 1152 UTC »
Found this morning - Scottie 1:


17 Sep 2012

0047 On with eclectic dance music
0055 Whispery ID. followed by more eclectic/spacey music
0102 Whispery ID over music
0104 off

Not super strong tonight, but holding around S9+5, some fades.

Thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Rave On Radio 6925USB *0130 - 0204*
« on: September 11, 2012, 0138 UTC »
11 Sep 2012

0130 LZ - "Immigrant Song", "Ten Years Gone"
0139 ROR ID, "Your Time Is Gonna Come" is sounding great here!, "In the Light"
0152 ID, "Rock and Roll", "That's the Way" (nice pick, ROR!)
0202 SSTV - Scottie 1, 0204 off

Fair to good at S7
Thanks for the show!

Audio:    http://www.mediafire.com/?98mgc8s5672p3v6

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6940AM Stereo *0127 - 0206*
« on: September 10, 2012, 0145 UTC »
10 Sep 2012

In C-QUAM stereo.  About S7 to S9 here, rolling fades, generally quiet.

0127 "Pennies From Heaven", Police - ""Fields of Gold"
0152 "Godzilla"
0205 Audio and/or tranny problems; intermittent audio, then off

Trying Sodira with the SDR-IQ, and while it seems to work OK, any heavy loading on the CPU and it spazzes out.
Recorded about 0140 - 0200, and will post later.  Fairly good reception early on, started getting choppy with pilot drop after 0155.

Thanks Stereo Mystery Pirate!
Hope no major problem with  your gear.

Audio:  From around 0140:    http://www.mediafire.com/?5zid7y3epc5d1or

I have edited out some horrendous sounds due to Sodira crashing.

Even though it was a rather quiet night regarding storm noise, the recording is still a bit hissy, probably due to my relative unfamiliarity with the Sodira controls and their practical capabilities.  Still, the audio captured in the first part of the show (mono, using SDR-Radio) has about the same S/N ratio as this stereo capture. 

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6924AM 0118
« on: September 08, 2012, 0120 UTC »
9 Sep 2012

0118 I'm noting a weak AM here with music on around 6925.316
0120 poss OM tx and back to music
0138 Still there, but as carrier only; not hearing any audio
0149 off


Equipment / Using Sodira with SDR-IQ for C-QUAM decoding.
« on: September 07, 2012, 1604 UTC »
I wanted to give Sodira a try with my SDR-IQ for decoding C-Quam stereo transmissions.  While this appears to be possible, I could not find any firm procedure for setting it up.  Cobbling together info from various forums and sites, I have come up with this procedure.  It works for me on my OS (Vista) with my soundcard (I use an external Sound Blaster X-Fi).  Maybe it will work for you.

Note that this took a bit of doing, and seems to be pretty reliable.  If you do not feel comfortable shooting down cranky apps and processes with Task Manager, this may not be for you...

Download and install the software.  

1) Using Windows Explorer, create a folder such as /Sodira
2) Download the Sodira files from http://www.dsp4swls.de/download/download.html and place the archive in this directory.  I used
    version 0.092
3) Extract the files to this folder.
4) You will need an additional DLL to communicate with the SDR-IQ.  Go to the Winrad homepage at http://winrad.org/ and download
    the file from the link "Download the support files for the RFspace SDR-14 and SDR-I/Q receivers."
5) Download these support files to your folder and extract all.

Getting it to work can be tricky.  Everything worked fine the first time I tried to configure and run Sodira.  There was a problem with all subsequent restarts.  When Sodira is closed, either Sodira or the support DLL will leave a file named "ExtIO-SDR14_IQ.ini" in your folder.  It appears that this file can cause problems (cause the DLL to throw exceptions) if it is there when starting Sodira.  The following seems to be a workaround to that problem.  Using this procedure, I can get Sodira to start reliably without crashing.

1) Detach the SDR-IQ from the USB port and reattach it.
2) If there is a file in your folder named "ExtIO-SDR14_IQ.ini" DELETE IT.
3) Start Sodira; there may be a dialog complaining about an exception in the DLL.  Close it and ignore it.
4) Click on the "Configuration" button in the Sodira window.
5) Click the "Wavedevice" tab page make sure that your sound card is selected.
6) Click the "Receiver" tab page.
7) Make sure that the "Using External IO DLL" checkbox is unchecked.
8. In the "Internal Receiver" drop down box select "No Receiver, IQ Data From Sound Card"
9) Click the "HW Init" button; Sodira should start, but it may just buzz.
10) Check the "Using External IO DLL" checkbox.
11) Click the "Load ExtIO" button.
12 Select the ExtIO_SDR14.dll file from the resulting file open dialog.
13) Click the "HW Init" button.  Sodira should now be running properly.

To get CQUAM stereo

1) Select "AM Radio" in the drop down box in the lower right corner of the Sodira window.
2) Click the "Dialog Window" button just above the drop down.
3) Click the "Stereo (C-QUAM) button.  That's it!

7 Sep 2012

0029 On w/ Sonny & Cher - "The Beat Goes On, unid track, screamo/yodelling vocals, big arse fusion guitar solo, many quotes of
       McLaughlin riff from Miles Davis's "Go Ahead John" "Right Off"
0034 Go-Gos - "We Got the Beat"
0035 Drum solo w/ bird calls
0040 "Beat It"
0041 YL announcing "Dan Wetzel Trio"?, more drum solo and applause
0049 Sonny & Cher - "The Beat Goes On" clip
0050 more drum solo w/ a hint of guitar...and applause
0055 Sonny & Cher - "The Beat Goes On" clip
0056 more percussion w/ percussively bowed guitar or violin?...and applause
0102 "Beat It"
0103 more percussion
0105 Sonny & Cher - "The Beat Goes On" clip
0106 Muppet Show "Drum Battle of the Century" - Animal vs. Buddy Rich
0109 Go-Gos - "We Got the Beat"
0111 drum solo with shouts "Are you with me?"
0114 off

Big signal here.
Great show...Thanks!

Audio:    http://www.mediafire.com/?1b1vzrv1r2v1bv1

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925AM *0133 - 0136*
« on: September 05, 2012, 0139 UTC »

Played the Beatles - "When the Rain Comes" and off w/o ID.
About even with S8 storm noise.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925AM *0130 - 0225*
« on: September 04, 2012, 0241 UTC »
4 Sep 2012

Started out initially as Recorder Catch on 6925.05USB, subsequently re-tuned to 6925.080 AM.

0130 Came on with OM vocal with lyric "We are the children of the sun".
0138 Song played at 0130 was repeated.
0146 A New Agey vocal by YL.

Signal initially around S9+5 to start, but diminished with time.  Hard to hear after 0150.

0225 Re-check: still on weakly with YL vocal, esoteric music.
0229 seemed to go off.

North American Shortwave Pirate / 2 UNIDS on 6925USB
« on: September 03, 2012, 0038 UTC »
2 Sep 2012

*2356 - 0002*  Someone playing "Shaft" then off w/o ID heard.  About S7 here.

3 Sep 2012

*0006 - 0011* The NEMO CW station with apparently the same message as reported previously.  About S9 here.

1 Sep 2012

S9+5 here on 6924.47USB

0210 Strange sound repeated 3X
0211 Ten Years After - "I'd Love To Change the World"
0214 Strange sound repeated 3X and off

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6950AM 2220
« on: August 31, 2012, 2325 UTC »
31 Aug 2012

Fair level of S7 at 2220, but a lot of fades to the noise.  Continuous music as far as I can tell, as I heard no IDs until tune-off at 2233.

2321 re-check shows it still there, but right at the noise.
0012 Still there weakly w/ pesc QRM on the USB

QSLs Received / Renegade Radio QSL
« on: August 31, 2012, 0212 UTC »
For last night's show.

Thanks Renegade!

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