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Topics - Skipmuck

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S8 here with UNID songs so far! Very good audio!
0253 UTC Several IDS/email address by OM and YL with Ghost Riders music into Grand Funk Railroad-"Please Don't Worry"
(Nice signal marred by some S5-S7 static crashes)
0258 UTC OM with ID "The Ghost-Shortwave", into "Roundabout"-Yes
0306 UTC "All Right Now"-Free
0312 UTC Reggae tune about smoking marijuana
0315 UTC "Rainy Day Women #12 and 35"-Bob Dylan
0330 UTC A long string of jingle ID's and email address, bell tolling, ID's again
0333 UTC OFF

Thanks for another program Mr. Ghost! :o

Someone did a hit and run SSTV at 2245 UTC ending about 2247 UTC. Back again at 2248 UTC now. First one was stronger then the second one.
By UNID I mean that I am unable to decode these things.... 8)

Nice S7 signal here at 0149 UTC with "Let It Be"-Beatles
0151 UTC OFF :(

0042 UTC I'm hearing what sounds like a YL and OM in Spanish with bits of music...sounds like a TV drama or something...loud peskie in Portuguese on LSB
0047 UTC The music is short like a program music bridge...?
0049 UTC OFF
0052 UTC Back on again with same...sounds like a daytime Spanish language soap opera
0057 UTC Signal is a solid S5 here with a rather low noise floor this evening...seems to be mostly dialogue between OM and YL in Spanish with occasional music bridge.
0100 UTC OFF again...I have no clue what this is ???

QSLs Received / Shortwave Ghost eQSL Show#8
« on: July 08, 2015, 0133 UTC »
Thanks Ghost! That's a scary looking ship there :o

0003 UTC Something here that sounded like a ute, but now I'm hearing music
0008 UTC Yep, I've heard this electronica composition before...better in USB.
Spacey, ambient music....mostly just above the noise floor but some S3 peaks amidst the static. This song has been played on an UNID station a couple of times in the past....this time the frequency is a bit wobbly sounding
0018 UTC "Crazy Frog" (I think that's the name of the song)

0317 UTC Heard 2 carriers around 6925, one of which I assume is Liquid on 6925.2ish with no audio heard here. The other seems to have been on 6925 exact more or less with UNID garage/punk rock tune, 0319 UTC with OM mentioning KOTH QRP test with 25 watts...gone or faded out about 0321 UTC
0330 UTC OM voice rising out of the noise again with "KOTH...6925" and gone again
0335 UTC Seems to have QSY'd to 6935 USB! Hearing OM chatting intermittently now
0336 UTC Alternative grunge tune now(signal dropping in and out just a bit but audio sounds much clearer than earlier :))
0342 UTC I heard that also kilokat! It sounded like another op coming in on top
for a few seconds but I couldn't make out what was said
0347 UTC "Modern Love"-David Bowie

Thanks for the tests today KOTH! Hearing you very well now but it's time to hit the sack...hope for more soon!

2235 UTC "Stars and Stripes Forever" (on suddenly at S9!)
2238 UTC OFF?
2239 UTC Back on again with same tune as 2235 UTC
2242 UTC UNID tune with false start, then "Star Spangled Banner"
2244 UTC "God Bless America"-OM singer 40's version?
2247 UTC OFF
2250 UTC Back again with UNID ballad...God Bless the USA?
2253 UTC OM said something but the audio was distorted. Followed by UNID tune

QSLs Received / The Crystal Ship "The '80's Time Machine" QSL
« on: July 04, 2015, 2035 UTC »
Thanks JP! Greatly appreciated, as always :)

S6 here with UNID song OM singer at 0424 UTC, into a spoken word with OM talking patriotic followed by familiar Patriotic tune
0433 UTC Electronic YL with TCS ID, into martial music
0434 UTC "Battle of New Orleans"-Johnny Horton
0437 UTC "Ballad of the Alamo"-Marty Robbins
0441 UTC "PT 109"-Jimmy Dean
0444 UTC "Sky Pilot"-Eric Burdon & Animals
0447 UTC TCS ID, into instrumental medley "The Caissons Go Rolling Along/Anchors Aweigh/Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder
0451 UTC "Soldier Boy"-Shirelles
0454 UTC "The Green Beret"-Barry Sadler
0459 UTC "Waist Deep In the Big Muddy"-Pete Seeger
0502 UTC "Born In the USA"-Bruce Springsteen
Can't stay awake any longer! Thanks for the 4th of July show JP!

Testing 1, 2, 3 at 0158 UTC, followed by old time tune YL singer at 0159 UTC
0201 UTC "Wolverine Radio" ID, then another old time tune with OM singer...Angel is in the lyrics
Signal is S9 peak this evening but the S-meter is bouncing a bit....
0215 UTC ID, then "Devil Or Angel"-The Clovers
0218 UTC "My Special Angel"-Bobby Vinton? Helms?
0221 UTC "I Can See An Angel"-Patsy Cline
0224 UTC "Sweet Little Angel"-BB King
0226 UTC "The Angels Listened In"-The Crests
0228 UTC "Pretty Little Angel Eyes"-Curtis Lee
0231 UTC "Angel"-Jimi Hendrix
"The Angels Want to Wear My Red Shoes"-Elvis Costello
"I'm No Angel"-Greg Allman

Thanks for the Angel tunes this evening Wolverine!

Rock tune at 2341 UTC at S8 with excellent audio :)
2346 UTC "D'yer Maker"-Led Zeppelin
2350 UTC Metal tune
2353 UTC "Shortwave Ghost" ID/email by electronic YL, into UNID power ballad
0003 UTC Faux advertisement for Tequila :D
0007 UTC "War"-Edwin Starr followed by "What The World Needs Now/Abraham, Martin, and John"-Tom Clay remix version
0017 UTC OM with shortwaveghost@outlook.com followed by "Mean Mistreater"-Grand Funk Railroad (Boy, does this song bring back good memories 8))
0025 UTC "White Punks On Dope"
0033 UTC Spaghetti Western guitar, evil sounding chimes, and OM with email address, the OFF at 0034 UTC

Killer program this evening Mr. Ghost...thanks!!!

Remarks of Commissioner Michael O’Rielly Before the New York State Broadcasters Association Summer Conference June 23, 2015

                            Time to Eradicate Pirate Radio Stations
To see the impact of New York broadcasters in Washington, you don’t need to look any further than the letter to the FCC on the ongoing problem of pirate radio, which every single member of the New York House delegation signed just two weeks ago. Getting all those signatures on one document is quite an impressive feat and speaks not only of your high level of engagement and involvement with your representatives, but also of the extremely serious nature of this problem, which I addressed in a post on my FCC blog two months ago. Far from being cute, insignificant, or even somehow useful in the broadcasting ecosystem, pirate radio represents a criminal attack on the integrity of our airwaves, at a time when spectrum has become more scarce and precious than ever before. Burdened with around 25% of the nation’s total pirate transmissions, New York’s airwaves are a target under continuous assault. As the Congressional letter highlighted, there appear to be 34 pirate stations operating in Brooklyn and the Bronx alone, with more stations now spreading throughout the state like poison ivy in a neglected garden. And where is the gardener? With enforcement actions on the decline even as unauthorized stations proliferate, many feel that pirate radio has slipped far down the FCC’s priority list. Allocating spectrum and subsequently protecting license holders from interference is one of the Commission’s original charter missions and remains our most fundamental responsibility. Without vigilant, proactive enforcement of every license, the value of our spectrum, one of the most treasured natural resources of the modern age, is irreparably degraded. And when the interference affects legitimate, licensed broadcasters, Americans can be deprived of the vital and potentially life-saving emergency alerts, weather updates, and news they need at critical moments. There can be no justification for the Commission continuing to look the other way with everything that is at stake here, and that is why I have called for a renewed focus on pirate radio enforcement along with consideration of potential private remedies to give licensees more tools to defend against interference. In addition, one idea that is worth exploring that I discussed with David is whether to put building owners on the hot seat for hosting pirate radio stations. Most building owners wouldn’t allow tenants to conduct an illegal gambling sites, sweatshops or drug activities, why should they be allowed to be so passive with regards to illegal pirate radio stations? Shouldn’t there be an added burden to make sure building owners don’t knowingly lease or rent to pirates? I don’t want to go overboard because I strongly believe in property rights, but it seems like accepting a complete ignorance excuse is insufficient. Such an idea may require a change in law, and therefore subject to Congress, but if it is something that may help the cause, I’m willing to assist you in that effort. The good news is that more help is on the way from the FCC. Thanks to all the recent efforts to raise awareness of this problem, the Chairman has finally seen the light and committed to step up enforcement against pirate radio operators in connection with the Commission’s initiative to reorganize the operations of FCC field offices. My understanding is that the NY FCC Field Office is quite responsive and capable. Our job at FCC Headquarters is to make clear to them that we place a high priority on their efforts to eliminate pirate radio, are ready to provide resources, and expect results in the near term. Next week, the FCC will be hosting several New York broadcasters, as well as your counterparts from other markets, for a discussion to start formulating a plan of attack. So I am optimistic about the chances of rapid, substantial progress on the enforcement front. I know that no one is happier to hear this news than the community gathered in this room, and I commit to keeping the pressure up to
eradicate pirate radio for good.

0259 UTC with OM with X-FM ID's and thump thump dance music
0307 UTC UNID alternative "grunge" tune
0317 UTC "Blue on Black"-Kenny Wayne Shepard
(Usual superb audio this evening with a solid S8 signal amidst moderate static crashes)
0330 UTC Thanks for the shoutout Mr. Redhat!

Hearing some very weak music at 0209 UTC just above the noise floor
0213 UTC Punk tune
Hmmm....think I heard an X-L-R-8 ID at 0215 UTC?
Signal is about the same as it was on 6950U....maybe a little clearer!

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