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Messages - Ray Lalleu

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [25] 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ... 2506
on 6305.0- -
1925 D music, noisy at home, better in NL, D DJ, D song
1930 music, clear ID in E except for the name,
closing down,
1931 OFF

other station coming in ? different offset, then back to same offset, music
1942 "Auslander", 1945 W singer
1950 D song "Senorita", 1952 shout out to Liverpool, "Barracuda"
>>> maybe Radio Ronalisa ?
2053 lost?
>> ID and move to 5800 thanks to Fisherman

on 5840.0
1918 music, 1920 advertisement for KBC Import,
1922 ID Thed Mighty KBC +@, CCR "Born on the bayou"
2002 nieuws, 2003 ID, "I hear you knocking"

2040 DJ, 2041 "Hotel California"

(2102 gone)

on 5880.0- -
0811 music, weak, local PV noise

1718 music
1915 music, 1916 ID, noisy here, music

on 6170.0
1906 reading reception reports, with big bands background,
1910 Dit ist de DX-Show of Radio Delta International, accordion music, reading more reports

2133 ID in E, then in F, then long jingle ID, music, 2141

on 6425.07
1844 electro, 1845 blank, more electro, 1847

(1955 gone)

must be Studio Joey

on 6295.0 - -
1727 some D song, heard on SDR in C. Europe, and also at home (near WE Music R), 1734

1831 rock, ZZ Top, 1840 D schlager
1848 "Bette Davis' eyes", into "Cambodia", next, on 6294.94

fading out or OFF by 1940

edit : ID from Toutatis and Achim

on 6255.0- -
1634 noisy here, good in UK,
1636 station tune of R Monique Int, 1637 jingle ID,
1638 Bart talking (yes baby!), 1639 song

1713 going to c/d
1719 TX OFF

on 5990.0 at first
1622 barely heard here, very weak in UK, DJ and music sound Dutch, some fades,
also drifting or moving to 5990.5
1629 talking (no copy), music, 1633 DJ no copy

1648 was OFF, carrier back, and OFF again (while there's another music station on 5995)

ID thanks to Eagle Wave (see below)

on 6210.0 - -
1608 music, weak-fair on UK SDR, just a faint carrier in local noise at home
1612 rock

1716 heard at home now, ID just below a storm crash, more music, 1725

on 6395.0
1541 pops, fair in UK (barely a faint carrier in local noise at home),
1546 promo for site of ukdxer, 1547 song, 1551 talking (no real copy),
1553 propmo for Achim's web site, then Radio Pandora ID + @, "Born to be wild" alternative version
1843 ID+@

(1955 gone, channel now with Joey?)

on 6160.0
1517 pop "Mr Jones"? 1521 ID, music, OK via UK SDR (just a trace here)
1523 recording of ABC England (giving address of Offshore Echos France in Cany), etc...
>>> NOT in sync with 6290 <<<

on 6290.0
1510 music, ID, music, barely heard here, fair-good on UK SDR
1524 closing down, station tune, 1525 bye for now, END of show

1526 back at beginning : proud IDs, bagpipe, 1527 station tune and talking, some headlines and reminding us with events of last week, 1530 ID for waterfall, then ID in Morse

(1726 back to beginning, see below)
1856 playing recordings of former SW pirates, 1900 R.Sunshine shout out to G.C. in Nantes in France,
1901 ID+@ WMR Scotland, 1902 rock

2120 like at 1520
2126 station tune, bye for now, carrier

>>> 2h long show, played 4 times in a loop

on 6020.0- -
0808 polka, 0809 OFF

on 6140.0
0759 Br music, 0800 'Il est dix heures. Musique de qualité, Radio Onda', next song
0916 fading down

1539 music
1600 OFF

on 6931.1
2108 rock, 2115 talking in Sp, music

2309 music

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