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Utility / For your SIGINT Library
« on: November 11, 2019, 2301 UTC »
These pdfs should be in any ute radio enthusiast library.

The War Secrets In The Ether series takes us from the beginning of the (radio) art prior to WW1 to shortly after WW2 from a German perspective.
An interesting thing about War Secrets In The Ether is the US Gov bought copyright to the work from the author (a top ranking German SIGINT officer) and publisher prior to publication because in it the author revealed how they had broken several allied codes, including some the Russians were still using.

So, to keep the Russians from knowing their systems had been/still were compromised, the US Gov paid off Herr Flicke and it wasn't until decades later that a sanitised version was released by NSA to select researchers, long after these systems had been abandoned by the Russians. Today you can dl copies right from NSA archives;

War Secrets In The Ether I and II

War Secrets In The Ether III

Before Snowden, even before Bamford, and raising as much or more government concern, there was an American who wrote about early American SIGINT efforts from first hand experience;

Herbert Yardley and his SIGINT operation was terminated by US gov prior to WW2 because the gov had no money and "gentlemen do not read each others mail" .
They then scrambled to replace him with William Friedman, a fairly worthy successor, when WW2 showed up;

This work covers the birth of NSA, more or less SIGINT from the American perspective from WW2 to the 80s;

The Puzzle Palace, authored by James Bamford, a USN vet, stirred up a lot of stuff as you can tell from this pdf regarding congressional hearings;

And others by Bamford on more current capabilities;

This pdf describes Soviet SIGINT efforts to the time of glasnost and perestroikii;

This pdf describes current Japanese SIGINT infrastructure;

Another excellent work by Desmond Ball.
The Tools of Owatatsumi;
Japan’s Ocean Surveillance and Coastal Defence Capabilities

If you use a pc or just about any computing device, much less cheap sdrs that more or less take the place of what used to be entire buildings filled with racks of very expensive receivers, recording devices, and computers, you might thank US Gov and NSA for the neat and cheap gear because of the fortune invested in computing by NSA, but perhaps not for the spying they do on us sans warrant.

Utility / 06881.1 MIL141 ALE
« on: November 11, 2019, 2211 UTC »
[2019-11-11 22:03:43]
[2019-11-11 22:03:43] [NORMAL MODE][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][TWS][6880][EOM]

attributed to Dept of Veterans Affairs.

Utility / MARS ALE
« on: November 09, 2019, 0045 UTC »
Went back a few years of logs to compile this QRG for MARS ALE.
USAF/US Army MARS inclusive, USN/MC MARS no longer exists.
Some freqs are shared with SHARES (pun intended) and etc.
Commonly heard MARS voice channels have been excluded; these may pass ALE traffic but are typically dedicated to scheduled voice/digital nets.
Feel free to add to the list.


MW Loggings / CKLW 800AM
« on: November 08, 2019, 0527 UTC »
CKLW 800AM 2050Z 08NOV19

News and talk re Windsor, very strong and clear for the brief listening period in the work parking lot

Utility / SKYKINGs, SKYBIRDs, etc
« on: November 05, 2019, 1932 UTC »
This fine pdf from our good friends at CIA reveals some interesting info on SKYKINGs, SKYBIRDs, and etc.

To wit; as CIA is a int agency we can rationally expect this pdf to be related to 1, spying, and 2, a USAF/NSA airborne int mission.

Going by the lat/lon coords (one point is several hundred miles east of the Taiwan coast, the other is much closer to being just south of the Japan coastline) we can assume this mission targeted an Asian country or possibly foreign Pacific ocean naval activity. If the lat/lon coords are legit and not "sanitised"" per CIA.

Paying attention to the units involved, we have DUCK BUTTs and SKYBIRDS, and forms for sending and receiving SKYKINGS and SKYBIRDS. I suppose the DUCK BUTTs are the air elint units, SKYBIRDS being the various USAF bases involved directly in this mission.

The forms reveal that SKYKINGS are messages sent to elint aircraft that are threatened or soon to be threatened by enemy activity such as a fighter launch or missile alert being sent out to air defense units of the target country.

If you're in a elint bird about to cross or have crossed the border into some nefarious country and your callsign comes up in a SKYKING, you need to gtfo before you get intercepted. In this case if you get a SKYKING for QUINCY, your duck is cooked.

On receipt of a valid SKYKING you, as the aborted mission, must acknowledge said SKYKING with your authentication via a SKYBIRD message. In this case you authenticate the SKYBIRD with BACK 42. Then you might be instructed to divert to a specific base, say they direct you to ALLOCATE, looking at the table it shows Wake Island as ALLOCATE.

You will also note in the pdf specific discrete channels on hf (13267 primary, 11243 secondary) and uhf for the operation. Also the specific SKYBIRD bases and their alternate callsigns.
Emergency channels for the mission is 2182 (internationally allocated for emergency use) primary and 8364 secondary.

All of this per the forms contained in the pdf.

Or if your orders are to proceed with the mission rather than abort/divert, say over a hostile Nicarazuela, you get the latest copy of Playboy ready, for when the fighter pilot pulls alongside your flying spy machine and flips his belly up so you can see all those nice soviet made missiles dangling from his pylons you can put the centerfold of said Playboy up to the closest window in an effort to buy off or al least amuse the fighter pilot.

Utility / Communications Exercise (COMEX) 19-4
« on: November 05, 2019, 1840 UTC »
From the ARRL Bulletin:

During October and corresponding with the ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET), Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) members will be reaching out to the amateur radio community to continue building working relationships and improving interoperability. As part of this effort, MARS will be promoting the use of a serial phase-shift keying protocol, Military Standard 188-110 (M110), on the 60-meter interoperability channels. Radio amateurs are authorized to use this digital mode on the five 60-meter interop channels, although M110 exceeds the allowable symbol rate that radio amateurs may use on all other HF bands.

Starting on November 2 and continuing until November 17, the MARS community will be executing Department of Defense (DOD) Communications Exercise (COMEX) 19-4. MARS members will use the exercise to continue training and refining their operator skills to provide situational awareness information, such as county status reports and weather observations.

To announce the kickoff of the exercise, WWV and WWVH will broadcast voice announcements starting on or about October 31. WWV will transmit the announcements at 10 minutes past the hour, while WWVH will transmit them at 10 minutes before the hour.

The communication exercise will culminate on the evening of November 16 with military stations sending M110 messages to the amateur community on 60-meter channel 1 (5330.5 kHz USB).

This will give us the chance to suss out them MARS freqs.

Utility / 6348 USB S4285 CARB 0039Z 05NOV19
« on: November 05, 2019, 0044 UTC »
FUE Brest, France Naval CARB S4285 600L
S0 mostly but K500 is trying.

[2019-11-05 00:39:31] VZCZCABCY01     
[2019-11-05 00:39:31] ALL DE FUE   ALL DE FUE    ALL DE FUE
[2019-11-05 00:39:32]
[2019-11-05 00:39:32] TESTING   TESTING    TESTING
[2019-11-05 00:39:32]
[2019-11-05 00:39:33]
[2019-11-05 00:39:33] 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
[2019-11-05 00:39:34] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[2019-11-05 00:39:34]
[2019-11-05 00:39:34] INT ZBZ INT ZBZ INT ZBZ
[2019-11-05 00:39:34]
[2019-11-05 00:39:35]  NNNN

Utility / USN FSK
« on: November 03, 2019, 1957 UTC »
USN HF FSK Network

4005    NSS Davidsonville, MD
4726    NPG Dixon, CA
4985    NSS Davidsonville, MD
5120.5  NSY Sigonella Italy
5340    NAU Isabela, PR
5715    NAU Isabela, PR
6383    NSY Sigonella Italy
6487    NSS Davidsonville, MD
6732    NSY Sigonella Italy AJE Barford St.John UK
6831    NAU Isabela, PR
7455    NAU Isabela, PR
7545.5  NSY Sigonella Italy
7597    NPG Dixon, CA
7830    NAU Isabela, PR
8093    NKW Diego Garcia
8145    NSY Sigonella Italy AJE Barford St.John UK
8204.5  NSY Sigonella Italy
8547    NKW Diego Garcia
8676    NPM Lualualei, HI
8694    NPG Dixon, CA
9112    NPM Lualualei, HI (occasional)
9830    NAU Isabela, PR
10153   NAU Isabela, PR
10827   NDT Totsuka Japan
10430   NPG Dixon, CA
10830   NDT Totsuka Japan
11177   NPM Lualualei, HI
11688   NAU Isabela, PR
11980.7 NAU Isabela, PR
12015   NSS Davidsonville, MD
12120   NAU Isabela, PR
13229   NAU Isabela, PR
13227   NAU Isabela, PR
13870   NPG Dixon, CA
14375   NDT Totsuka Japan
14434   NPM Lualualei, HI
15959   NSS Davidsonville, MD
16047   NPM Lualualei, HI (occasional)
16123   NAU Isabela, PR
16268.5 NPG Dixon, CA
18370   NPN Barrigada Guam  (occasional)
18558   NPM Lualualei, HI (occasional)
22471   NKW Diego Garcia
22910   NKW Diego Garcia

updated via personal logs as well as udxf and other input

Shortwave Broadcast / 49m bandscan 03NOV19
« on: November 03, 2019, 0055 UTC »
5800 unid yl roboreader with Asian accent of tv manuals and news 0031Z, ancient log of Xianjiang PBS on freq

5850 WRMI Slovak yl and om in chat
100KW Okeechobee Fl
S9 @ 0025Z

5935  PBS Xizang Chinese vry weak almost unreadable
Lhasa-Baiding 100KW

5940 a vry weak Radio Melodia in Spanish or Radio Voz Missionaria in Portuguese om in talk 1KW

5950 WRMI English w mx into noise, must be off beam
Okeechobee Fl 100KW

5960 Mighty KBC Radio in Dutch with country.rock track
S6/9 clean sig via Nauen Germany 125KW

5990 China Radio International Spanish yl intro to om nx
Quivican 250KW S8 with splash from Habana on 6000

6020 China Radio International yl in English chat
Cerrik 300KW S7/9 clean sig

6030 Radio Marti yl Spanish S5
Greenville B 125KW

6040 Radio Romania International alt rock track English 0050Z S3 in local noise into yl annc
Tiganesti-Saftica 300KW

6070 CFRX Toronto om in English
Toronto 1KW barely there 0053

Utility / 6910 MIL141 ALE
« on: November 03, 2019, 0008 UTC »
6910 MIL141 ALE

[2019-11-02 23:06:58]
[2019-11-02 23:07:04]
[2019-11-02 23:07:04] [NORMAL MODE][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][TO][HSM][CMD LQA REQUEST RESPONSE MP = (7) SINAD = (31) BER = (31) ][TIS][YOS][EOM]

Possibly USMC stas.

WEFAX and SSTV / NMG 4317.9 kHz 0000Z 01NOV19
« on: November 01, 2019, 0025 UTC »
NMG 4317.9 kHz (4316 dial) 0000Z 01NOV19
Weakish with a lot of multipath and fade, as well as tx drift because god knows a IC-775 never drifts.

DGPS / DGPS 322cf
« on: October 28, 2019, 0108 UTC »
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Message Type   : (9) Subset differential GNSS corrections
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Station ID     : 119
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Z Count        : (4692) 46 min 55 sec
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Sequence Count : 4
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Message Length : 5
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Health         : UDRE scale factor = 0.30
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Scale          : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] UDRE 1 sigma error :  < 4m
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRN            : 16
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRC            : -16
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] RRC            : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] IOD            : 51
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Scale          : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] UDRE 1 sigma error :  < 4m
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRN            : 22
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRC            : -81
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] RRC            : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] IOD            : 51
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Scale          : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] UDRE 1 sigma error :  < 4m
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRN            : 23
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] PRC            : -11
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] RRC            : 0
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] IOD            : 86
[2019-10-28 00:47:24] Msg OK

On 319cf WCODE outputted this;
Stat-Id  117, MsgType  9, Z-Count 5737, SeqNum 0, Len  5, Health 4
Stat-Id  117, MsgType  9, Z-Count 5740, SeqNum 1, Len  5, Health 4
Stat-Id  117, MsgType  6, Z-Count 5740, SeqNum 2, Len  1, Health 0
Stat-Id  117, MsgType  9, Z-Count 5742, SeqNum 3, Len  5, Health 4

On 292cf K500 said this;
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Message Type   : (6) Null frame
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Station ID     : 113
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Z Count        : (508) 5 min 4 sec
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Sequence Count : 0
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Message Length : 0
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Health         : UDRE scale factor = 1.00
[2019-10-28 01:07:53] Msg BAD
[2019-10-28 01:07:53]

dunno wtf I'm doing but it's fun anyway

Equipment / Antennae Maxims
« on: October 27, 2019, 2238 UTC »
1. Keep on mind rf is just light you can't see

2. RF gotta go somewhere (Gooch's Paradox)

3. If it's a conductor it's an antenna, and is receiving from and/or sending electromagnetic energy to conductors around it

4. You are an antenna

MW Loggings / KFAB 1110
« on: October 21, 2019, 2347 UTC »
KFAB 1110 Omaha Nebraska, not normally heard here at all presumed greyline, brief catch with sports talk, 2340Z 21OCT19

WHO 1040 with wx into Simon Conway show, good sig as expected for a clear channel.
2349Z 21OCT19

Clandestine Stations / SoH? 11120 AM
« on: October 21, 2019, 2329 UTC »
SoH? 11120 AM 2320Z 21OCT19
Good copy in u/lsb, poor in am due quick fade, om into nx 2327, prior to nx, commercials that made it sound like an Asian commercial station. Mebbe jamming via Peking.


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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns