The following url leads to a pdf on antennas and their secrets that you should know. Almost everything one might need to know about hf antennas in this tome.
Its author is a hero of mine from way back, he was in the FCC RID during WW2, and decades later became my antenna elmer without ever knowing about it because he wrote about his findings in QST and other publications for us newb HAMs to profit from.
He taught that nonresonant/reactive antennas can be made workable by canceling out the reactances at any point in the antenna system, and after the match is made the swr is low for the entire circuit. He also pointed out that as only resistances can eat power, no power is lost in a reactive antenna system when matched as the power will just bounce back and forth in the system till it leaves the antenna, just like we want it to. He wasn't dreaming with these declarations, he proved his ideas in practice as he designed some of the first satellite antennas for the US gov.
The unwashed claim a antenna tuner just fools the rig into believing it sees a low swr.
Here's your soap;;