« on: February 11, 2022, 0739 UTC »
2/10/2022, 9:20PM EST, commuting from one job location to another and put the truck stereo on 87.9FM for possible pirates and Part #15'ers on satellite radio. Exiting from an industrial park, I was hearing co-channel bleed-over. It wasn't 88.1FM, but 87.7FM, to my surprise! (Possible Franken-FM on TV audio CH6, 87.750MHz? There were clues to tell me. Audio wasn't loud, but maybe 1/2-level of commercial FM, and MONO. Audio didn't sound compressed, but did sound limited, and no gain to quiet passages, like TV. Good, strong, full-quieting, signal that was heard for over 2 miles, when I rounded the valley side that I was traveling on. Unfamiliar with artist aired, but what sounded like a mix of modern rock with soul thrown in. After +2 miles, the signal went from full-quieting to faded gone within a few hundred feet of rounding a valley side. Signal, never recovered after that. This isn't the 1st suspected Franken-FM that I've heard traveling. The last time was in Western New York, almost 20 years ago, traveling through the Allegany Indian Reservation, jamming classic rock on 87.7FM. Heard that one for almost 10 miles, further than I've heard known analog CH6 TV LPTV and translators. Anyway, I thought that it was a neat catch, just wish that I had time to check it out more.