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Topics - Markokpik

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OM talk, "I don't want to set the world on fire," ID (unintelligible) w/ OM talking, ID (intelligible) into another 40's style big band ballad.

S4 - 5 here

"Fish heads." 2 more songs. SSTV (symbol with "Radio Fish.")


North American Shortwave Pirate / KIND 6939 USB 0012 7 August 2020
« on: August 07, 2020, 0013 UTC »
Music on and off, Zeeky identifying himself and into talk.

S4 here

0034 ID as KIND after several songs including "Shake, rattle and roll," "Peggy Sue," Keep on rock'in in the free world," "Don't sleep in the subway darling," and commentary by Zeeky.

Up to S5 now.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UnId 6924.7 AM 0102 6 August 2020
« on: August 06, 2020, 0108 UTC »

S4 here

0120 Signal was fading in and out.  Now is just above the static floor to disappearing.  Barely any audio.

First two songs from Ball Smacker's earlier broadcast, ID, next song.


Can't tell if this is a real or fake.

Initial music was hard to describe into Hispanic music. ... nice.

S6 here

Hoarse voiced OM with what sounds like numbers - not familiar to me.  Tones start shortly after.

S5 and clear here.

Here's way too much detail from my log:
OM w/ series of words in ? Language (maybe a language) w/ tones under - like a numbers station with no pauses for sets. Pause, "break Turkey ah" repeated, "break narco land" repeated, pause, "break pressure vendor" repeated, 0202 warbling tone starts over / under OM, OM pauses, 0203 OM stops, other tones, perhaps some kind of digital - like signal, 0308 signal pulsing w/ howling then digital signal - someone with VFO sweeps over, 0211 OM starts w/ "Turkey ah break, Turkey da break, Martin ah break," etc. pulsing starts, 0215 voice ends, ute like pulse, idling, fluttering like sound, 0217 idling, 0221 unintelligable talk - sounds like a QSO under, 0223 stops for tone, resumes, O225 OM starts "Turkey ah break da," etc. 0226 commercial radio sounds over rock music, OM voice - unintelligable except for few words; "hush," pulsing, OM w/ same "break Martin pan" repeated a number of times, "pan" 11 times, pulse / rumble, tone .-. ... (KS) repeated, 0236 wooshing, OM just barely audible - some about tornados, CW "KS" over from time to time, audio from alien invasion movie, 0247 off.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UnId 6937 AM 2336 13 July 2020
« on: July 13, 2020, 2340 UTC »
Het on several minutes, then on with mellow vocal - briefly off then back on. 

S4 with good audio; fair amount of lightning QRN.

music with woman singer.

S4 in lots of QRN here

Lost signal into the static floor about 0203.  I can still see the signal on the SDR, however no audio.

Bit of music, "This is the final countdown," few sets of numbers, ID, some of "Aqualung," some other rock, another piece of "Aqualung," pause, 1949 Glow coat ad, Jello ad, gas (briefly distracted,) V2a Spanish numbers, rock.

Enjoyed the explosives ad - "better things for better living through chemistry."

S5 - bit weak here

Piano IS, ID, The banana song.

S6 with some lightning QRN

0115 signal up to S8 here with good audio - still QRN

Off just after 0230.

Contemporary atmospheric music.

S7.  Hard to tune in initially, now good signal.

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6926U UnId 0302 29 June 2020
« on: June 29, 2020, 0304 UTC »
OM w/ monologue about Coronavirus, Black Lives Matter, etc. instrumental music, hard rock.  I went out of the room briefly about 0307 & when I returned a minute later, station was gone.

S5 here

Hard rock.

S6 with lightning static here.

Listening to a just barely audible station with a woman talking, some music and men talking.  Doesn't sound like a peskie however I can't really tell what it is.

S3 in noisy conditions.

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