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Topics - MDK2

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Just noticed this, not sure how long it's been on. (DAY AFTER EDIT - I had programmed SDRuno to record 0100-0400 UTC. Nothing was on this frequency at the very end of the recording, so 0400 is the earliest it could have started.) Most likely CNR based on signal, frequency, and music selection. Thanks for the show!
0418 "I Fink U Freeky" Die Antwoord
0422 SSTV (was late getting a decoder started)

0424 Off

****** Thanks for catching the ID, Chris!

Noticed this while skimming 25m, station ID almost right off the bat. OM announcer (the one with the booming baritone voice, I think he's been there for a long time) and YL, with occasional other OM and bits of music scattered throughout. This is very unusual for me to copy anything from South America at this time of day. I can't recall ever hearing it this early in 2016, when the sunspots were more plentiful and they hadn't yet suffered the transmitter fire from which they're still recovering. (Of course, I was using a random wire and Satellit 750 then.)

Signal quality has been variable, from a brief S9+ peak around 1630 to JBA as it is as of this writing (1649z). But free of interference and pretty quiet.

EDIT: there was another brief peak at 1659z: https://youtu.be/YfqQBj8fJes

Issoudun tx.

Interesting propagation today. This broadcast typically isn't copyable for me, but today it's a respectable SIO of about 222. By contrast, Radio Saudi on 13710, which is often 333 or better, is about 111.

0255 groovy tune. Then automated YL voice said something, and it went QRT.

0243 "Piano Man" Billy Joel, nice signal
0244 "Movin' Out" Billy Joel
0253 SSTV

0255 SSTV

0300 SSTV

Back on the air around 0400. Alice In Chains "Check My Brain" at 0404. Followed by some kind of techno track with Public Enemy's "Bring tha Noise" sampled throughout.
0413 CNR ID into new track
0419 CRN ID
0420 off

Spy Numbers / V24, 4900 kHz, 23 JUN 2018, 1530 UTC
« on: June 23, 2018, 1532 UTC »
Listening via kiwi SDR "soy sauce" in Chiba, Japan, where V24 is right on the same frequency as Voice of Straight. Rapid fluttering of Voice of Strait signal which may be due to multipath propagation. V24 is still playing the same song that they use for this time and frequency, so ID is established.
Short message, ended at 1538. The flutter on Voice of Strait ended when V24's carrier went QRT.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 USB 0209 17 JUN 2018
« on: June 17, 2018, 0211 UTC »
0209 "Karma Chameleon" Culture Club, weak signal
0239 hearing OM speaking but too weak to understand what's being said

I guess this has been online for nearly a month, if the Eibi listing is accurate, but I kind of stumbled upon this. Apparently targeting Europe and listed as a "test," although its transmission from Red Lion suggests that they have installed a DRM transmitter and would probably need to make use of it beyond the test phase. I got a few seconds of audio here and there. Reportedly targeting Europe, bearing unknown, but my QTH bears 280° from Red Lion, so there's that. Dream says the bitrate is only 8.28 kbps, compared to Radio Romania Int'l which is 17.00. 

Finally, getting a very solid copy of this station which is supposed to be for North America but is always on 19m all year long. Just one day earlier, this was little more than a carrier, and no usable audio was heard until after 1400, when it switches from English to Korean. Some fades but overall about SIO 444. Lots of discussion of the Trump-Kim summit and that things Trump has said in interviews afterward.


Booming signal tonight, the best I've copied since the start of the a18 season. I think a reception report will be in order.

Music below the noise floor.

Heavy bluesy guitar music.

0243 SSTV

QSLs Received / Dr. Detroit eQSL (unconfirmed reception edition)
« on: June 04, 2018, 0508 UTC »
Thanks Azimuth Coordinator! (I had a carrier when everyone to the east had a signal.)

SDR recording catch. CW messages that were short, to the point, and possibly on a loop. QRT at 0115.
SSTV sent at 0022, but none of my apps would decode it. Might not be the same op as the CW signal was pretty good.

SDR recording catch.

2338 Weak music which came up by 2340, revealing itself to be The Firedrake. Fair copy at best. QRT at 2343.
0036 Firedrake music back on.
0039 segued into heavy blues jam which Shazam couldn't ID (maybe signal is slightly off frequency? It doesn't take much to throw off Shazam if a USB signal isn't dialed in perfectly). The same music was played earlier on 6955 (https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,43118.0.html).
0047 Firedrake music back.
0051 back to blues.
0101 SSTV
0103 SSTV
0105 QRT

Seems to be same pirate as reported here: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,43107.0.html

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