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Messages - glimmer twin

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Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Two catches to America
« on: December 07, 2013, 1555 UTC »
I heard that too. i was understating it when I said 15 - 20 seconds. The announcer went on much longer than that most times. I remember there was a joke about that habit of Spanish speaking announcers on the Simpsons once, so it is not just one guy... "it's a thing".

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Two catches to America
« on: December 07, 2013, 0740 UTC »
Costa Rica has been closed for about a month. I think it went dark at the end of October. I find REE to be quite strong here in the center of the US at various times of the day from Noblejas. The transmissions from Costa Rica were not just strong, they were waaay strong , often splattering for 15 Khz on each side of the fundamental. Especially on football games when someone would score a "GOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL". The word would be stretched out for about 15 - 20 seconds & would cover 30 khz of spectrum.

I heard this on twente today while I pretended to work in my office.
Thanx for the heads up, Token.

Shortwave Broadcast / B13 DX dog walk frequencies
« on: December 05, 2013, 0633 UTC »
I've been horribly unorganized so far this season. I'm breaking in a new "winter dog walk radio" A Tecsun PL660. I donated my beloved ATS909x to a DX friend who needed a good radio. It was to large for my outdoor DX adventures in cold weather. I need a radio that fits certain needs:

1) small enough to fit in my pocket while I am listening to it.
2) SSB capable
3) easily tuned with one hand (direct entry of frequencies is a must)
4) memories aplenty

As awesome as the ATS909x is, it only actually fit two of these needs, SSB & memories.  Here are the English language programs that I am finding the easiest to hear. Keep in mind I am using the radio with no external antenna. Lots of stuff that I can hear at home on the "good" radios & antennas just aren't audible on a barefoot portable.
 I am usually out at 4:00 UTC so that is the time for these logs:

Radio Romania   7305 // 6020 khz  7305 is best but it has co-channel BBC Hausa service from 4:30z
Voice of Turkey 9655 //7240  khz   weak at the best of times,unlike their summer frequencies which were total inboomers here in central US.
Channel Africa   7230  also pretty weak but occasionally good.
Deutsche Welle  7425 // 9490 //9800  khz  the 31 meter freqs are best.
And of course Radio Havana Cuba which is always audible one at least one frequency & is fun to listen to for the screw-ups alone. 6165 khz is best for me.

weak carrier with occasional bits of music in KCMO. My antenna doesn't do MW very well.

Really weak this time ,unlike earlier. Carrier appears as a dashed line on sdr waterfall. I thought t was cw at first.

"Oh, Canada"  at 23:59 with strong if noisy S9 signal.  ID at 00:00 and into "big 10 inch".

I went to get a cup of coffee so I could sit back & enjoy the music but they were inaudible at 00:14. Unable to even detect the carrier.....stupid ionosphere.

Checked at 2349 & found at S2, wasn't even sure if they were there or not. Recheck at 23:57 found S9+10 & steady.

I fired up my SDR-IQ at 00:30 & found XLR8 still well audible after I removed the antenna from the Satellit 750 & attached it to the sdr. Nice signal & great show.

Mostly S9 +10 with fades to S4. Alice in Chains at 23:40. Really inbooming on peaks. Band seems a little noisy.

RFW ID at 23:42z

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Firedrake 11945 kHz AM 1529 UTC 30 Nov 2013
« on: December 01, 2013, 1758 UTC »
I heard this one today quite strong. I was able to pick it up on the crappiest of radios my Kaito 008 wind-up/solar powered radio. I have used it as a wind up flashlight & I remembered that it actually is a shortwave radio (it even has a digital readout). 11945 was audible but it had a MW station bleeding through,as it does on most frequencies.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Ronin 6940AM 2358z 2358
« on: December 01, 2013, 0034 UTC »
Totally inbooming with Elton John "Tiny Dancer" at 00:29. slight fades but mostly 20 over S9.

Solid if a little fady signal in KCMO with multiple ID's and music at 23:57z. Much qrm though. S9+ on peaks & S5 on fades.

00:04  "You cant say cunt in Canada"

Noted at sign on with great signal. I thought I had actually logged Radio Totse (it would have been the first time I  heard him from my QTH & not on a remote). ID at about 23:40 gave it away as a relay, as if the strength hadn't already done that. when he said 6925.

Very strong signal in KCMO with pretty good audio too.

Big 'ol S9+10 signal here on my bedside portable Satellit 750. They're S5 with the antenna disconnected. Very nice signal.

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