Clandestine Stations / Echo of Hope-VOH 4890 kHz 17:34 UTC July 17 2020 English news program
« on: July 17, 2020, 1845 UTC »
Heard via Daejeon , South Korea remote thanks to tip from Ron Howard in CA and XYZ in Japan
They run a 4 hour program loop starting from 00:00utc with English at xx:37 during 1-5-9-13-17 and 21 hours utc. Program is called "Touch! Global Headlines" and is from EBS-FM (https://home.ebs.co.kr/morning/main). It consists of English followed by a Korean translations.
recorded 7-17-20 starting at 17:29utc. English starts at about 5:00. Recording is in Synch-USB to avoid strong CW on 4888kHz
Again, thanks to Ron Howard and XYZ
btw, English is noted in most recent EiBi update but at different, mostly incorrect (as far as I can tell) times.
They run a 4 hour program loop starting from 00:00utc with English at xx:37 during 1-5-9-13-17 and 21 hours utc. Program is called "Touch! Global Headlines" and is from EBS-FM (https://home.ebs.co.kr/morning/main). It consists of English followed by a Korean translations.
recorded 7-17-20 starting at 17:29utc. English starts at about 5:00. Recording is in Synch-USB to avoid strong CW on 4888kHz
Again, thanks to Ron Howard and XYZ
btw, English is noted in most recent EiBi update but at different, mostly incorrect (as far as I can tell) times.