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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 [368] 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 ... 446
Huh? / Re: Mr. Fansome, a question about our Bilderberg plans.
« on: June 11, 2015, 1255 UTC »
Be careful, remember what you got yourself into at that soiree' in Dera.

The traffic is terrible this year. You might want to use the ornithopter to avoid it.

Huh? / Mr. Fansome, a question about our Bilderberg plans.
« on: June 10, 2015, 2117 UTC »
I'm on my way to the Bilderberg meetings with the Sultan of Brunei. He's graciously allowed us to have the pick of his concubines for Friday's mixer. Is your date with Angela Merkel set in stone? 

Finally, his Majesty is wondering if you would consider constructing a HAARP facility in his country? He's offering you a yacht to use in this summers annual Earhart hunt if your answer is "yes".

This taking over the world stuff is hard. There are days I wish we should have stuck with media domination. No responsibilities and we would still get invited to all the good parties. If a couple of jugheads like Rupert Murdock and Ted Turner can do it, how hard can it be?

Big signal here, but very narrow audio.

When do we take over?

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 09, 2015, 2311 UTC »
Fred, would it be possible for him to salvage a mod tranny from one of those old CB's and use it in the Guerrilla?

Al, I'm a figment of your imagination. Deep down you know that. I don't exist outside of your computer, radios, or your obsessive thoughts.


Great to hear Old Time Radio again!

S8 signal, Amos and Andy?

It seems like it's always Amos and Andy with that station, Chris. LOL.

Persian traditional music, just like their shortwave side. No positive ID heard yet. S-6 and decent copy when it comes up.

I went there looking for Radio Espana in Ceuta which is what I thought I heard there last night w/ 50's style piano jazz. I'm not sure but, I think that's what's currently under VOI?

Two things are perplexing me, 1) Is it possible to hear Iran from the S.E. USA under normal conditions in this time slot at this time of year? and 2) If not, did the Sun take an enormous dump this evening?

Huh? / Re: Signal from extraterrestrials
« on: June 07, 2015, 2137 UTC »

At the Greenbank Observatory in WV, they had an odd intermittent signal for years that only turned up in the winter. After much df'ing over several winters, they discovered it was coming from an electric blanket in a doghouse an old couple had rigged with a timer to keep their dog warm.

Attaboy, Al. You sure showed Oliver who's the King of The Obits on this board.

You did inform them they forgot to add knobs, didn't you?

That's why FANCO was brought in. We're the worlds only manufacturer of flux capacitors.

Why use a surplus 1980's era flux capacitor when you can have a new one. Call FANCO today!

Did you notice that the first two names of the company owners were Robert? Is this yet another of the evil Radio Bob's plans to take over pirate radio?

Yes, they have. Even the youngest Jenner bimbot has noticed them.

Speaking in my role as the head of PR of FANCO, the company that currently owns and maintains HAARP, how would you like a foot of snow dumped on your tomato plants for the 4th of July?

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