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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 [374] 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 ... 446
Equipment / Re: Antennas for Beacons (tricky terrain)
« on: March 10, 2015, 2229 UTC »
I knew a fellow who ran one of those beacons in the southwestern USA. His antennas were half-wave longwires, plugged directly into the antenna jack via a banana plug. He strung the antennas through the local brush at about 8 feet above the ground.

I could hear his 150 mW beacon regularly in the late afternoon, in the freq. range around 8000 khz., at a distance of nearly 2500 miles.

Don't sweat the antennas. Try a few that you think will fit your needs, see what works best, and go with that design. You can experiment with other types after you have a functional antenna to compare them with.

Huh? / Re: This Saturday is pi Day
« on: March 09, 2015, 2152 UTC »
Your SO should give you 3.14 whacks on the head with your adjustment hammer for this one, Al

Jealous, eh Al?

So that's what all that racket was downstairs? Belinda thought the circus was in town.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Anybody else have this problem?
« on: March 01, 2015, 1737 UTC »
It's the deadly blow dryer and faulty alternators here. It seems every third car that goes down the street has a crappy alternator.

If everyone had the courtesy to lose their hair at young age, like me, blow dryers wouldn't be the menace they are today.

Big signal, great modulation and an excellent show.

How about playing B.B. King's "Shake it Up And Go."?

Huh? / Re: R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
« on: February 28, 2015, 1741 UTC »
It sounds as if your brother was wise beyond his years.

I'll tell you what, I'll get my old Schwinn Apple Crate out of the basement and you get your old beater out of the junk pile. We'll have a wheelie contest. Whoever rides one the farthest gets Belinda Carlisle and a years supply of Pixie Stix.

No helmets, a real Stingray man doesn't need a stinkin' helmet for poppin' wheelies.

Huh? / Re: R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
« on: February 28, 2015, 0423 UTC »
I wonder how long Al will stay on the roof when he hears this news?

Isn't that the same day you began to line all your hats with aluminum foil?

Huh? / It looks like someone I know is in trouble.......
« on: February 27, 2015, 1559 UTC »
A person, who often posts on this board, but will remain nameless, seems to have forgotten to turn off the lights on Ceres.

In other news, Belinda Carlisle and I are sharing adjoining suites at a hotel outside of Philadelphia this weekend. Bodyguards are posted on the doors to keep the legions of my fans and hers who are pouring into the place from disturbing our rendezvous.

The entire scene reminds one of early Beatlemania, with old smelly guys instead of legions of teenage girls.

MW Loggings / Re: Overnight MW loggings
« on: February 23, 2015, 0142 UTC »
That station in Pearl River, MS. always has big signal for 10kW. I guess that's the advantage of broadcasting from a brackish swamp?

Give the grey line hours a shot. With that antenna orientation you ought to be able to nab a few West Indian stations.

per the BBC Science page.

Al, you were alive then. What did it look like?

Equipment / Re: More like a tsunami than a QRP transmitter...
« on: February 20, 2015, 2309 UTC »
The AM broadcast 4 kW amp for 49 to 40 meters is under ten thousand bucks. 30 watts in, 4000 watts out. A pirate with deep pockets could have a lot of fun with that thing. Not to mention the boys in the AM window on 40.

Hey Al, you've got a pile of money, buy us all one of those things.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Pirates on 13900 kHz range?
« on: February 20, 2015, 2224 UTC »
I've been told Murphyslaw is made by an aging rabid bunny.

How he does it without opposable thumbs is the real mystery.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Join the DPRK Radio Station Monitors
« on: February 18, 2015, 0239 UTC »
Uh-oh, now you've got his attention, A-train. And I'm not talking about the Beloved Great Leader in Pyongyang.

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