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Messages - Pigmeat

Pages: 1 ... 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 [378] 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 ... 446
Huh? / Penguins master information technology.....
« on: January 07, 2015, 0116 UTC »
According to the website The Verge, penguins have mastered the IPad within in days of being exposed to the device.

Steve Wozniak resembles a penguin. I suspect his feathery hand is behind this.

Could this be the technological leap that allows penguin domination of the planet?

Al, a simple "thank you" would have sufficed. You didn't have to write a song.

Equipment / Re: Collapsible fiberglass pole
« on: January 06, 2015, 0636 UTC »
MFJ sells a 10 meter tall fiberglass mast. It comes in at just under 100 bucks the last I checked.

Swimming pool supply houses sell telescoping pool poles for cleaning leaves, etc.. out of the pool. They're fairly cheap but I don't know how sturdy they are. They go to about 30 feet.

Telescoping crappie poles are available at any good sporting goods store. They max out around 22 feet and are cheap. A guy at the local Cabela's say's they sell about 75 percent of them to hams.

If you've got local stands of cane and bamboo, all you need is a brush knife. Many people hate the stuff on their property. They will gladly let you whack down a few choice canes. (And set fire to the whole patch when you're done.) Careful cutting the stuff. It can build up a ton of torque from getting twisted together in the wind. People can get killed cutting it when the built up tension is released and it springs back. Nothing like being impaled by a 12 foot hunk of splintered cane to ruin your day.

Al, I spoke with a member of Marriott's B.O.D. yesterday morning. He told me they were having problems with hipsters hanging out in the lobby, taking advantage of free wi-fi, and raiding the breakfast bar. He said if they had known they were interfering with paying guests getting their goat porn fix, they would have never considered it.

They tabled the proposed wireless ban today. You can thank me later.

This must be about the "No Goat Porn" policy most hotels put in place re; pay-per-view television, a number of years back. Now, without wi-fi access goat porn aficionados, are out in the cold.

It looks like you'll have to stay in the manger if you're a goat porn fan. (Like someone I know.)

Huh? / Re: Al, I need advice on TX sites for New Years Broadcast.
« on: December 31, 2014, 2340 UTC »
Smith Mountain Lake it is.

I hope that yahoo in the bathrobe with the "Will Transmit For Food" sign isn't making a pest of himself this winter.

Huh? / Re: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
« on: December 31, 2014, 2147 UTC »
Watch him. When he starts acting nice and normal he's at his most dangerous.

Huh? / Al, I need advice on TX sites for New Years Broadcast.
« on: December 31, 2014, 2146 UTC »
would Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia do for this time of year or should I consider the Outer Banks of NC? Norfolk and Virginia Beach are options, too.

Let me know what you think.

Simmer down, Al, he's just trying to bait you.

It does explain why you and I never hear Radio GaGa. A SDR receiver is obviously needed to hear a SDR transmission.

Keep the faith, Al, keep the faith. Every right thinking DX'er knows SDR stands for "Satan's Death Ray."

Huh? / Re: Al, Svetlana has a new man.......
« on: December 25, 2014, 1608 UTC »
Nah. Electricity was invented by Captain Ron in 1978 after finding a bucket of lemons and a piece of copper flashing.

From what I understand, when hauling the stuff back to his box, the Captain thought, "What can I make with an old zinc bucket, a piece of copper and a bunch of lemons that will annoy Old Man Fansome?" Thus, electricity and with it, the joy buzzer, were invented.

Huh? / Re: Al, Svetlana has a new man.......
« on: December 23, 2014, 1112 UTC »
Personally I have nothing against aging so to say (hell I'm 50 young). I just hate that botox plastic look, and yes, she was hot back in the day...

By "back in the day" you mean "before electricity", don't you, BDM?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Listen to Christmas in Antarctica
« on: December 23, 2014, 1106 UTC »
At last,we'll know what hundreds of thousands penguins sound like singing in unison!

General Radio Discussion / Re: SoCal for the holidays
« on: December 23, 2014, 0000 UTC »
We may have to go fetch Fansome. The evening news is reporting that fossils are being washed up by storms on the coast of California.

We don't want Al to be put on display in a museum. Seeing him could traumatize children.

Huh? / Re: Al, Svetlana has a new man.......
« on: December 21, 2014, 1337 UTC »
Like Ms. Piggy with botox.

And all this time I thought she was a Mexican actress.

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