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Messages - K5KNT

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Thanks for the heads up. I’m just getting back into the hobby myself. This should be interesting to follow.

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 13-Apr-2018 and DIGTRX Issue
« on: April 14, 2018, 1407 UTC »
Thanks. I am using a virtual audio cable program. I discovered that I had the wrong input selected on OBS for the desktop audio.  HM01 was just starting and I hurried to get things up and running. I didn't notice that there was no audio on OBS.  I tested it using a broadcast station and found that the input setting was the problem. Hopefully, everything should be good to go now.

How often do you empty the autosave and "corrupt" folders?

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 13-Apr-2018 and DIGTRX Issue
« on: April 14, 2018, 0823 UTC »
OK, now I feel stupid. I was watching the main DIGTRX folder and didn't even see the autosave folder until now. My files are there. Can we compare settings? I also have "Rx ON while decode" and "Accept bad blocks!" also checked in Options. I have also checked "Overwrite repeated Rx file" since you have it checked and I see I now have multiple files in that autosave folder.

Edit to add: Now I just need to figure out why there is no audio in my OBS recording. I was going to get the voice numbers from that.



Spy Numbers / HM01 13-Apr-2018 and DIGTRX Issue
« on: April 13, 2018, 2256 UTC »
13-Apr-2018 2155UTC 10715 kHz KiwiSDR, Kansas, USA

DIGTRX crashed twice at the beginning but then ran smoothly until my browser froze at approx 2210UTC. I happened to open the program folder while it was decoding and noticed that it was overwriting the currently saved decoded file even if it was a different file name. This included both .txt and .f1x files. I finally started dragging the file to my desktop to save them. I only managed to save six.

Has anyone had this situation? Any known fix? In the setup > Options, the "overwrite repeated Rx file" is unchecked.



HF Mystery Signals / Re: How does one Identify a Mystery Signal?
« on: April 09, 2018, 1610 UTC »
Original reply deleted as I had not seen Token's first reply.

I have both books Token mentioned, but I'm not sure where to begin. I'll look into other software and post in the proper forum about any that I find.

Maybe Link-11 wasn't the best example, but I "think" I'm understanding what you are saying.


HF Mystery Signals / Re: How does one Identify a Mystery Signal?
« on: April 09, 2018, 1446 UTC »
Ok. That and the HFU Wiki are both good resources. What If I want to learn how to analyze/identify a signal myself? What steps should I take? I could then compare my findings with those resources.

Edit to add: I took information from a youtube video of a link-11 signal on 6243kHz and entered the following in the SIGWiki search database form:  Frequency range: "6240-6250", Mode: "USB". Using those search parameters did not bring up any results.

HF Mystery Signals / How does one Identify a Mystery Signal?
« on: April 09, 2018, 1300 UTC »
What should one do to attempt to identify a mystery signal before posting to this forum? For sake of this discussion, let's assume the following:

  • The computer is running Windows 10.
  • He/she is a beginner in the hobby.
  • They only have access to on-line SDRs.
  • They are able to do screen recordings using OBS Studio.
  • They have Audacity and/or Adobe Audition CC audio editing software.
  • They have Adobe Premiere Pro CC video editing software.

I know that many of the on-line SDRs have labels to identify known signals, but how would you identify the signal if there is no label?

Is there any other software, free preferred, that is needed or would be very helpful? Assume that they don't want to spend a lot of money because they may not like the hobby.

What are the steps this person should take to identify this mystery signal?

Let's also assume that this signal will later be identified as a Link-11.

Would the process be the same of other types of signals?



I"m not sure. In Appendix B of the Harvester User manual it says:
Determine the centre frequency of your receiver. This is particularly important
when receiving OOK or FSK signals and enabled [sic] you to accurately establish the
correct transmitter frequency.

I'm not actually using this software, but I found the User Manual interesting.

General Radio Discussion / Confused about Modes
« on: April 06, 2018, 2143 UTC »
I'm confused about Modes as it would relate to logging a reception. I'm currently working on revising my spreadsheet in hopes of creating a database for logging my receptions.

While looking at the HFUnderground Wiki under "Signal_Identification#Mode" I see the common modes I'm use to (AM, FM, LSB, USB, CW)  along with "Non Communications Modes" like radars. Then under "DATA Signals"  there is a list of various modes like FSK, MFSK, etc.  This is where I'm getting confused. Looking at this video from Token's Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKlLW_J8kEU the signal is identified as "MIL STD 188-141 ALE" and "USB". How would I log this if I only have one column (or field) for "Mode". Is there an additional column or field name I should add and which mode would go into which field?

I hope my questions make sense. 



A few questions regarding online SDRs and the Center Frequency:

Is knowing the center frequency necessary or important?

If so, is it possible to determine the center frequency?

If yes, how would this be accomplished?



Software / Re: DIGTRX - No RX Signal
« on: March 26, 2018, 1656 UTC »
Thanks for your help. Sometimes DIGTRX fails to decode, with various error messages. Bad block seems to be the most common.

I'm using web-based SDRs as my current location is not conducive to receiving HF very well. Ground floor apartment of a three-story building with high-voltage power lines directly across the street. No out-door antenna allowed.

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01, March 2018 log
« on: March 26, 2018, 1648 UTC »
Good information. I may copy your format beginning in April.

How do you know files are "repeats"?

Software / Re: DIGTRX - No RX Signal
« on: March 25, 2018, 1854 UTC »
I am using DIGTRX v 2.14D, but I had not set the compatibility setting. I've done so now and have it running in administrator mode. So far, so good. I was able to get some text documents from a recording of HM01 that I played back with VLC.

Is there anything else we can do with these text files?

Software / Re: DIGTRX - No RX Signal
« on: March 23, 2018, 1648 UTC »
The first place I would check is the sound card settings. Go to setup --> soundcard --> sound card devive (yes, it appears that they misspelled "device"), select something other than what is currently set up, and then close and restart the app as instructed.

My issue with running DIGTRX on Windows 10 is that the decoding process seems to get stuck on a loop and it never finishes. I have better luck on my older Windows 7 machine, running the older version of DIGTRX that's compatible with that operating system. I may have some basic setup problem that I have yet to figure out on the Win10 one, or perhaps it's a problem with the last version of the program.  Who knows? I think it's been 11 years since the author of that app abandoned it.

Thank you for the reply.  Changing the sound card settings did work but I experienced the same problem with DIGTRX freezing. I was able to get one text file from HM01 today before it froze. I have no idea what to do with the text file and with DIGTRX freezing I may just abandon trying to capture the RDTF. I don't have access to any computers running older operating systems.

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