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Topics - Ray Lalleu

on 5800.0-
1958 very weak music, 2000 talking, music, weak, atmos, etc... 2019

(2024 gone or lost)

on 6275.7  weak
1900 music, talking, music, etc
1912 song fromthe 1950's ?,  1914 het from 6274.9?,  D music, 1918
1920 "Lili Marlene" and ID : Radio ...., free radio
1924 "Soleil de mon coeur" ? in D version?, 1925 song from the 50's~~
1938 some jazz singer, 1942 IDs, music
1947 singer in G, 1949 IDs, at T-online.de

on 6279.95    weak
1857 R&R
1903 hum from second carrier, music, atmos, 1906

(1909 lost or gone)

on 6320.00
1844 music, 1845 next
1945 bpm
real ID thanks to tcolgan (see reply)

on 6284.95
1831 "Three steps to heaven", "Singing the blues", "Just walking in the rain"? , blank
1838 Elvis ? "Kiss me quick", ID Johnny Tobacco, greets, closing down
1841 Vera Lynn "We'll meet again", 1842 off

on 6229.95
0738 music, etc...    0758 ID, ads   0837
0912 music, weak (but the strongest pirate this morning), 0915

2159 ads, 2200 ID, news from London and elsewhere, 2202 long ID, music

on 6205.0
0742 music, etc... 0759 DJ
0908 music, DJ, music, 0911

no ID heard so far, but typical

on 5780.00
0743 music  \local noise (electric drill!)
0800 W Brasilian singer
0902 music, 0903 ID barely heard, then W singer in operette, 0907 M singer going on
etc... 0926

1822 music,    1957 music,   2126 jazz   2146 music, 2149 ID, more music

on 6305.05
0836 hit from the 80's
0856 music, 0859 DJ, ID, very weak, 0900 music
0917 "I got the power", DJ, ID

on 6210.0-
0740 music, 0741 canned ID with seagulls, music     0754 music
0837 music...   0842   0854 music, very>extra weak, noisy

on 5770.0
0746 music, DJ in F and D, loc. noise here (drill ! ), 0750
0800 ID with coucou and chimes, DJ  in D
0832 DJ in D,etc     0844 ...and music,  very weak now, noisy
probably a recording from some R. Mi Amigo,  0851
0900 coucou! but barely heard

on 6964.95
2037 Irish trad. music, 2043 ID (clear), e-mail not clear, more Irish music
2114 weak, fady, Irish music,  2120 better, more Irish music
2123 ID, radioparade at protomail dot com, Irish music
(2125 checked on Twente : just a weak carrier, no audio) 
2129 fair-good here on peaks, noisy on fades
(2132 very weak audio on Twente), still fair-good here
2138 ID, beaming to Europe and N. America, Irish music, some SSB QRM (not long)
2150 ID+@, music, 2157 talking (no copy, weak mike, atmos rising), 2158 music
2203 ID+@, 2204 off

on 3904.95   very weak
1922 music, rock
1928 talking, echo, and off

edit : ID thanks to dandan22 listening via Twente (see reply)

on 5140.0   noisy
1738 "C'était un musicien", 1740 ID, next old record
1917 ID, "Yes sir that's my baby" (= "Lundi des patates...")
1920  next

on 6729.95
1631 music, 1636 rock, 1645
1652 very weak, barely at ut. noise level, 1655 talking (no copy), etc
some SSB voice and OHR at times, 1715
1722 fading up, talking, ...welkom ... radio station ..., music
1743 hard to hear

(1850 gone)

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