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Topics - Ray Lalleu

on 6265.1+
0854 music, weak, noisy, 0856 yodl,
0858 (slow)'On SW you're listening to (fast) Radio - - - ', more yodl,
0900 same ID no copy, 0901 lost under Stanag (Diesel engine noise)

edit : ID received by e-mail

on 5140.0
1920 good signal, jazz, 1921 funny singer in E, 1924 maybe Tyrol in a movie ?,
1927 ID, bits, 1929 "Valencia", 1931 singer in E, 1934 singer in regional? G ,
1937 IDs, 1939 lo-oh-le-di-di...

on 3920.0
1821 pops  1825 rock (1827 gone)

edit : ID thanks to dandan22 (reply below)

on 3935.0
1818 D songs, 1829
1905 very noisy, polka, 1909 song in D version, 1912 next
more songs in D, very very noisy channel !, 1918
Unid here

edit : ID thanks to ukdxer (go to his reply below!)

on 6285.0-
1715 disco, 1717 "Sound of silence", non stop oldies, 1725 "It's now or never",
1727 S.Blue "Venus", part of "Pretty woman", 1731 some rap? in Ru ?,
1735 pop girls (in ?), 1740 jingle:Radio No...??, singer,
then only songs sounding like from E or N Europe, 1756 again 
1800 songs with guitar, 1807 maybe el.guitar from USSR
1812 "My way", that's the final signature !
1816 OFF
Good night JT !

on 9289.5
1700 extra weak, very noisy, some music, 1706 some talking: Radio? testing?

lost by 1710

edit : ID not well heard here, but see all the replies below

on 6275.00,
1623 pop, 1628 live ID, 1629 canned ID, instrum. music,
1631 D song, 1633

(1641 gone)

on 6272.0-
1500 very weak, "Blueberry hill", more pop oldies, 1507 live ID,
1509 Mungo Jerry "Alright alright alright", 1512 live ID, Dion "The wanderer",
1518 greets, ID, 1523 D song.

(1623 gone)

on 5780.0
0752 music     0802 crooner
1254 F. & N. Sinatra "Somethin' stupid", etc,   crooners, jazz
1345 full ID : Radio Harmony, harmonyqrz@...    1351 ID, W jazz singer, 1355

on 6230.0
0753 music   0800 news, 0802 jingle ID, long ID, music
1246 adverts, ID, 'in DAB' etc...

on 6284.95
1241 good-strong, pops, 1245
1304 talking, ID, 'from the Ross Revenge'..., "Walk of life"
1309 talking 'from the bunker', 1313 Fats Domino (acc.to DJ)
1317 "Psycho killer", fading down, often weak now
1418 Abba "Gimme gimme gimme", etc,music till 1437, then carrier
later back with music (at 1500, 1524, 1621), 1622 blank again

(1629 gone)

on 6280.0
1157 very weak, music and talking

(1241 gone)

on 6305.05
1153 "Dancing queen", known DJ voice, 1156 ID, next pop
1319 Peter Sarstedt's hit, 1320 DJ, pop    1324 "House of the rising sun"
1359 "On the road again", 1400 P.Sarstedt again! only a part, next pop, 1403
1441 "Freedom come freedom go", ID by DJ, rock, etc...
1650 music, but signal fading down and down now, 1655

on 6390.0-
0755 ID at once, pop, weak, noisy
0805 "In the desert"

(1152 gone)

on 6289.95
1659 carrier, 1700 music, 1703 'You are tuned to.....', more pop-rock
1707 coucou!, next, 1711 ID, @yahoo.com, 'bloody' song (Irish ?),
1716 ID, rock

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