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Messages - ThaDood

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LPFM station WTSQ-LP 88.1FM Charleston, WV, USA, wtsq.org , is doing their annual fund drive and offering perks. But, check out this perk! A single FM FREQ radio set to RX only 88.1MHz. Is this a regenerative receiver? Scroll down from this link to check out this perk.   https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wtsq-88-1-fm-charleston-wv-annual-fundraiser-2019#/

The goods news? It looks like this non-DSP radio is a good MW AM performer. But, FM might be ehhh, while SW sucks. There's the spoilers, now here's the meat & potatoes,    https://radiojayallen.com/panasonic-rf-562d-retro-design-am-fm-sw-portable-radio/

https://radiojayallen.com/am-portables-mega-shootout-2019-update/     Yeah, no real specifications on these radio reviews, but I believe that this is written so that most non-techies can comprehend this. SW, FM, and some LW, (On portables that this applies too.), is covered on these portables as well. Still, a neat read on what's out there. Enjoy!!!!

Equipment / Re: mag loop inside garage or attic.
« on: February 11, 2019, 1824 UTC »
My $0.02 worth??? I'd choose the attic over the garage, since the garage is more likely to have reactive metallic items around it, a car, motorcycle, roll-around tool boxes, aluminum garage doors, more electrical wiring, florescent lights, etc. Things to consider in the attic??? Is the roof standard wood and shingles, or tin? How far are you away from CATV, or DSL, MODEM's and routers? Is the fibre glass insulation, (If any.), covered in aluminum foil? Some things to consider, but I've fully made use of an attic to mount CB antenna and HAM antennas, and FM / TV antennas, and with decent results. On possible mounting for a loop is to mount it hanging upside down from the apex of the rafters. Good luck, and HAPPY DX'ing!!!! 

If you are as sick of the NFL, like I am, then check out this weekend's AM Rally on the Amateur Radio Bands,  http://www.amrally.com/    Just runnin' a 20W carrier barefoot from a Kenwood TS-2000X last year, I had a QSL request from a SWL'er. COOL!!!!! So, ya never know whom, or what, might be DX'ing ya! And, they are more than welcome, fo' sure! HAPPY DX!!!!! (NFL, you don't need my attention, or $$$$$!!!)

Equipment / Re: Longwire SW antenna placement advice needed
« on: January 30, 2019, 2058 UTC »
     Do you have any trees anywhere from 30ft to 75ft from your house? I would run the long wire out to them. Why??? Better height, and get some distance from the house, which is usually the generator of various noises, electrical, computer, TV spurs, etc. If possible, try to run the long wire on the side of your house, away from where the power lines, phone, cable TV, come in. Try this also, if you have a portable shortwave radio, take it outside and walk the whole outer perimeter of your house to find the quietest, least noisy, spot, to run the long wire out. Hope that helps. 

General Radio Discussion / Re: A couple of newbie questions
« on: January 29, 2019, 1948 UTC »
Book-wise, one of my favorite ones was the Passport To World Band Radio that came out annually, until the early part of last decade. You may find .PDF downloads of these,    https://swling.com/blog/2015/06/passport-to-world-band-radio-now-available-for-download/    In print??? Maybe used via Amazon, ebay, QRZ.com, hamfest flea-markets, or possibly still in some libraries. A wealth of info for the newbie, or seasoned DX'er.

General Radio Discussion / Re: A couple of newbie questions
« on: January 22, 2019, 2114 UTC »
Well, here's a good Pirate Radio Archive resource from shortwave station WBCQ. Select the stations, and when the list comes from each one, right-click to download them, or just left-click to just listen.    http://radionewyorkinternational.com/archives/pirate/

I still hunt and peck through the various stations myself. Hope that helps.

I was this morning. 10M, 28.400MHz USB was busy with Mid-West stations around 16:00UTC.

Sure. And, I know stations that use a PC for part of that purpose. But, if you want a stand-alone unit, where you don't have to worry about software upgrades, hard drive crashes, or even dedicating a computer with yet another task, then this could be another alternative to go. Me??? I like computer aided, but totally computer dependent, on a station. Manual override is nice.

Looks like the polar flip has kicked into high gear,    https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/earths-magnetic-pole-is-on-the-move-fast-and-we-dont-know-why/news-story/341c92307a6b19d25b38836c6097be9d

Be aware, you will be inundated with climate change VID's. My $0.02 on the subject after hearing this for over 40 years? I believe in not polluting what we eat, drink, and breath, but to suggest that a saving grace is to pay a few billionaires the proverbial black hole called carbon taxes, when a single private jet trip spews more CO2 than you, or I, will in a month, is certainly not an answer. Want to add something that can both breath CO2 and clean the atmosphere? That thing is called a plant. So, as the late John Denver used to sing in that 1980's PSA, "Plant A Tree, For Your Tomorrow."  There's my vent.

Boomer told me about this AM processor,    https://www.schlockwood.com/products    At $430.00USD's, it would cost as much, or more than many Part #15 transmitters out there, so this would be an investment. But, to get that sound that can actually be better than most commercial stations out there, (And that's not hard to do today.), it may be well worth it.

Certainly not a bad thing to have. In the Fall of 1990, I was ground floor apartment complex bound and looking for an alternative that was flexible. I was told about the Realistic TRC-221, and bought all accessories with it.    https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/radioshack_cb_transceiver_trc_221.html     and       http://www.radioshackcatalogs.com/html/1991/h056.html      I still have it, since it's such a kick-ass CB portable, as well as being used as a mobile and a base. On the telescopic whip, out on a balcony, I have talked to base stations +10 miles away. Stock mic MAX's the MOD to about 75%, while an Astatic D-104-M6B mic pushes it to +90%. (Still haven't figured out where the fixed ALC is to bump that up.) Great RX Adjacent Channel Rejection (For a portable.). Takes 8 AA alkalines, or 10 NiCAD's, and came with two aluminum dummy batteries to use the alkalines. Internal adjustments include being able to crank AM carrier to 6W, and MOD doesn't sound affected with a good antenna match. That 2W Low Power setting kind of sucks, since I want lower, like 1/2W. Get this tweak! An adjustable RX AGC in this portable! Ever seen another CB with that feature? It's a first for me. So, you can actually adjust the RX sensitivity to better than .5uV, but be aware if you use it as a mobile afterwards, as close stations will sound too distorted. Like-wise, too much AGC the other way makes it pretty deaf, but it's definitely not an RF Gain control.  I also have a Cherokee AH-100 AM / SSB portable from 1998, but the RX / TX quality of the TRC-221 just blows the AH-100 out of the water in every way. Not knowing the actual manufacturer, but I would suspect that it's Uniden. But, if your Uniden PRO 401HH is anything like a TRC-221, then you indeed have a keeper. 

North American MW Pirate Radio / Re: UNID 1710 AM 2154 UTC 25 Dec 2018
« on: December 25, 2018, 2221 UTC »
Yeah, heard it Christmas Eve at 5PM EST, (22:00UTC? I need a dedicated UTC clock here, and Santa didn't bring me one.). Anyway, heard at work, on the truck stereo on 1710kHz, I heard Silver Bells fading in and out, then that Flight 93 TIS covered it.

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