Certainly not a bad thing to have. In the Fall of 1990, I was ground floor apartment complex bound and looking for an alternative that was flexible. I was told about the Realistic TRC-221, and bought all accessories with it.
https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/radioshack_cb_transceiver_trc_221.html and
http://www.radioshackcatalogs.com/html/1991/h056.html I still have it, since it's such a kick-ass CB portable, as well as being used as a mobile and a base. On the telescopic whip, out on a balcony, I have talked to base stations +10 miles away. Stock mic MAX's the MOD to about 75%, while an Astatic D-104-M6B mic pushes it to +90%. (Still haven't figured out where the fixed ALC is to bump that up.) Great RX Adjacent Channel Rejection (For a portable.). Takes 8 AA alkalines, or 10 NiCAD's, and came with two aluminum dummy batteries to use the alkalines. Internal adjustments include being able to crank AM carrier to 6W, and MOD doesn't sound affected with a good antenna match. That 2W Low Power setting kind of sucks, since I want lower, like 1/2W. Get this tweak! An adjustable RX AGC in this portable! Ever seen another CB with that feature? It's a first for me. So, you can actually adjust the RX sensitivity to better than .5uV, but be aware if you use it as a mobile afterwards, as close stations will sound too distorted. Like-wise, too much AGC the other way makes it pretty deaf, but it's definitely not an RF Gain control. I also have a Cherokee AH-100 AM / SSB portable from 1998, but the RX / TX quality of the TRC-221 just blows the AH-100 out of the water in every way. Not knowing the actual manufacturer, but I would suspect that it's Uniden. But, if your Uniden PRO 401HH is anything like a TRC-221, then you indeed have a keeper.