« on: August 31, 2022, 1928 UTC »
When I don't want to fall asleep to a dull C2C AM show, I have have a 1989 Sangean ATS-803A portable as my bedside radio. And, with an extra 10ft of quick hook-up RG-174 coax, I can plug-in that radio to my W.O.G., (Wire On Ground.), antenna and reduce the crashes of lightning on MW and lower HF. This morning, just before 7AM EST, 3885AM was hopping with AM HAM's. Some strong signals and calls that I didn't recognize. So, if you're up at the crack of dawn, and it's not T-storming, check-out the AM'ers from 3875 - 3885kHz. That reminds me, the Collins Net should be coming back soon, like early October, and I have signed into that several times. Happy DX'ing...