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Messages - ThaDood

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I agree!!! That follows the KISS idea right to a "T". Good deal. THANKS!!!!!

NICE!!! Heard the test on the drive home from work, then recorded the last 49min, and uploaded to archive.org.  https://archive.org/details/wcga-1100-am-woodbine-ga-dx-test-5-1-2022-0111-am-211-am-heard-under-wtam-1100-am    I may add more. Enjoy!!!!!

Huh? / Re: Why is there so little interest in MW pirates?
« on: April 29, 2022, 1729 UTC »
The other thing is that not that many people today have the real estate to string up a +100ft antenna. And, for gorilla tactics of pirating, loading up a portable station to take out in the middle of nowhere, build, test, broadcast for a couple hours on around 20W on 3, 4, 5, 6, 7MHz, can get the job done of getting you out there. Then, tear down and get out. With MW, not as easy. And as Chris mentioned, winter, when the noise levels are lower, and holidays are around, are pretty much going to be the norm for MW pirates in North America. With that said, there still may be some neat catches to get over here. 20 years ago, it was reported that there was a station on 1710kHz from an Indian Reservation that I even caught on a car stereo, then logged in to The ACE. So, you just never know.

Huh? / DX Test of WCGA 1100, 5/1/2022!
« on: April 29, 2022, 1717 UTC »

https://swling.com/blog/2022/04/matts-2022-rooftop-receiver-shootout/       I'd still take either Drakes and that Panasonic. Electronics class in college had the Panasonic to try out, and it was used to listen to the oscillators that we've built in labs.

In a bit of irony, we've actually gained a station in this FREQ region, if you want to include WBCQ's 4790kHz.

I've experimented with IR and white light LED's. Even thought of this as a station STL. However, this is Line-Of-Sight, so snow fall, heavy rain, even birds, will block this.   http://www.modulatedlight.org/optical_comms/optical_index.html     and    https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/optical      All neat, and legal to do.

https://www.amazon.com/Software-Defined-Radio-Transceiver-Construction/dp/B09WYP1ST8/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Software+Defined+Radio+Transceiver&amp&qid=1649851795&amp&s=books&amp&sr=1-3&amp&tag=swlcom01-20         Well, sounds intriguing. I've bought books like this before, and they are a nice resource to keep around.
 Yeah... Another SWL'ing rip.

Huh? / Anyone ever check-out this magazine, The Spectrum Monitor?
« on: April 09, 2022, 1948 UTC »
https://www.thespectrummonitor.com/     and      https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=14036   Apparently, most columnists are ex-Monitoring Times.  For $25.00, I might give that a go.

Weather / Well, Space weather. Cycle 25, where are we?
« on: April 06, 2022, 1740 UTC »
A friend of mine linked me to this,    https://spaceweather.com/

Huh? / Wanna' see where Jeff White works? WRMI tour.
« on: April 06, 2022, 0643 UTC »

Yeah... Another SWL'ing rip, but a neat radio history read, nonetheless.     https://swling.com/blog/2022/04/the-cooling-radio-station-musa-the-ultimate-ssb-receiving-site/

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