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Topics - Shortwave_Listener

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No doubt super weird! All of these frequencies are occupied on the Novosibirsk, Russia KiwiSDR (and others) with a loop of Гимн России by Lube (the Russian anthem played by Putins favourite band). This includes the station on 8001 kHz, which has been at it for months. I was shocked to come across all the other frequencies. This receiver is way out in Asiatic Russia and each frequency has a different strength and transmitter signature (e.g. some have a bit of LSB, some have a weak carrier, some have wider audio, etc). I am not sure how this could be one person. They are not all synchronized with the music, but at 0449 UTC they all went silent or had only a buzz then all went back to music at the same time (still at different parts in the song). At 0500 UTC they all started buzzing again.

Really weird!

My recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxjqjHLpEN4

Looks like someone found all the same frequencies a few weeks ago as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_MFY7ljH4k

S7 with the K3FEF KiwiSDR. QRM from OHR.

0016 UTC-Unknown Music
0018 UTC-Next song, just hearing bass in the noise

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1685v AM 1542 UTC 2 DEC 2022
« on: December 02, 2022, 1545 UTC »
S7 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR.

1542 UTC-With Metal Sound by Studiya Danilenko "Koresh"
1545 UTC-Deers Run In The White Night by Studiya Danilenko "Koresh"
1604 UTC-OFF

European MW Pirate Radio / Introduction to European Mediumwave Pirates
« on: December 02, 2022, 0545 UTC »
This board is for loggings of European Mediumwave Pirates, so it makes sense to me to have a topic with relevant information about these stations.


European Mediumwave Pirates typically operate from 1611-1800 kHz, with 1600-1700 kHz most used. The upper end of the mediumwave band (about 1494-1602 kHz, especially 1512 kHz) is sometimes used, but these stations have to put up with severe interference from high powered legal stations. Stations operating in the mediumwave band are most often low power stations that operate during the day to reach a local audience. The benefit of operating inside the mediumwave band is regular listeners (people with standard broadcast receivers) can hear the broadcast. Because only hobbyists will have receivers that tune far above 1602 kHz (some regular radios can tune as high as 1620 or 1631 kHz), stations operating above the mediumwave range are mostly listened to by hobbyists (often people who have their own stations).


There are four main regions that mediumwave pirates broadcast from: Netherlands, Greece, Serbia, and Russia. Others, such as Croatia and Ukraine, are also occasionally heard. The programming of mediumwave pirates is very distinct from that of shortwave pirates. They mostly focus on the music of their own country (with some exceptions) and only broadcast in their country’s own language. They can be difficult to identify if you are not familiar with the language of the broadcast.


It is much more difficult to obtain QSLs/eQSLs from mediumwave pirates than shortwave pirates. Currently, only Dutch stations have known contact information (except Radio Augusta International from Belgium). The percentage of Dutch stations with email addresses is low but I have found about a dozen of them. No current contact information is known for Greek, Serbian, Russian, or Ukrainian stations.


Dutch pirates are usually found from 1611-1710 kHz, with the lower frequencies on 9 kHz spacing preferred. Power is usually 20-200 watts, more than 500 watts is rare. Coil antennas are often used. Many stations choose to use only one frequency because the efficiency of coil antennas can be effected by moving just a few kHz. Modulation and frequencies accuracy/stability is usually very good, comparable to legal stations. Polka music is most common, but German Schlager and other genres of Dutch music are also often heard. Station operators often greet listeners and give stations identifications in Dutch several times during broadcasts. English is used in the fairly uncommon case of greeting a listener outside of the Netherlands. The Dutch name for these stations is “middengolf piraten”.


Greek pirates can be found in the upper part of the mediumwave band and 1611-1700 kHz (frequencies around 1611-1700 kHz most used). The most used frequencies are 1660 kHz and 1700 kHz (especially for QSOs). They are usually found on standard channels in-band and 5 kHz spacing from 1611-1720 kHz. Power is rarely less than 1 kW, and up to 50 kW has been used. 5-15 kW is most common. Stations are primarily located in the industrial areas of Athens and Thessaloniki, where there is enough power to run the transmitting equipment. Modulation and frequency stability is usually excellent. Some stations even use C-QUAM AM Stereo! Stations primarily play Laïko and folk music, although some stations occasionally play music from the USA and techno. Many stations are frequently heard having what I call “Musical Conversations”. I say this because they will often mix in music with their conversations, often talking over music and playing it before they respond to other stations. Most stations use a lot of reverb/echo on their voice. English is never used by any stations, only Greek. Stations are very difficult to contact, there are currently no known email addresses for any stations. Some stations have websites, but they are difficult to find without knowing the names of stations. They occasionally post videos of their equipment on YouTube. The Greek name for these stations is “ραδιοπειρατεία”.


Serbian pirates are usually found from 1611-1800 kHz, with frequencies around 1660 kHz on 5 kHz spacing preferred. There are two main types of Serbian pirates I distinguish: high power stations and low power stations. High power stations behave similarly to Greek stations. They use preferred frequencies (because they have the ability to squash any other signals there) and often QSO along with playing music. Low power stations are often found from 1710-1800 kHz and mostly only broadcast music (some broadcasts contain no talking or identifications at all), they do not focus on QSOs. They use these frequencies to try to avoid QRM from the massive amount of Dutch and Greek stations with higher power in the lower part of the band. They often still suffer QRM from Russian/Ukrainian QSO stations in this part of the band. Up to 10 KW stations have been documented but most stations are in the “low power” category and use less than 100 watts. Most stations (all the high power ones and most low power stations) have very good modulation and frequency stability, although a few low power stations have drifty or FMing modulation. Music is always Serbian folk music, I have never heard any exceptions to this. Some high power stations have the “Musical Conversations” the Greek stations do. Some stations like to use reverb/echo boxes for voice. English is never used by any stations, only Serbian. Stations are very difficult to contact, there are currently no known email addresses for any stations. They occasionally post videos of their equipment on YouTube. I do not know what they refer to themselves as.


Russian pirates are usually found from 1611-1750 kHz, with random frequency spacing. These stations use very primitive equipment, mostly designs from the 1960’s and 1970’s (that were already poor designs then). Modulation and frequency stability is very poor. I am not sure how many were built then and are still in use or how many are built recently using old designs. It is difficult to estimate the power used, but it is probably about 10 watts (based on the TX designs). They broadcast mainly to a very local audience, and certainly have no interest in foreign listeners. They are difficult to hear outside of Russia, the only other countries they can be heard in are Finland and Ukraine (a small amount of stations are from Ukraine as well). Music is often modern Russian pop music, but others including music by VIA bands and home recordings are also played. Operators often speak only at the end of broadcasts to identify (usually using a one word “handle”, such as Magnet, Compressor, East, etc.) or occasionally comment between songs. They sound very unprofessional, using a poor microphone with no processing and significant feedback at first when the microphone is turned on. They speak only in Russian, English is never used. No contact information for any stations is known. They were completely unknown to western listeners until Harri Kujala in Finland began logging them in 2006. I suppose Russian mediumwave DXers must know about them too, but I have not found anything written about them by Russian listeners. They often post videos of their equipment on YouTube. The Russian names for these stations is mainly “шарманщиков” (organ grinders), and “радиохулиганы” is sometimes used by the authorities and some of the station operators (I have seen them write using that term but I have never heard it on air). “радиохулиганы” is mainly used for the QSO stations and “шарманщиков” is only used for music stations.

There are many pirates from the former USSR that have no music programs, they only have conversations (QSOs). The operators of these stations are not the same as those that play music (although the music stations occasionally have short QSOs after a music program and QSO stations occasionally play Russian pop music or electronic music). They run much higher power, and their ranges are 1700-1800 kHz and 2900-3200 kHz, plus 10460 kHz for long distance (often used in Siberia). They use similar homemade transmitters, but they are much higher power versions. 2910, 2920, and 10460 kHz are used for Upper Side Band (USB), all other frequencies are for AM. Occasionally relays of Russian government stations are heard. Stations having conversations are to be logged in the “Other” board, not this one (although they are rarely worth logging. They are of no interest unless you speak Russian and there are many active every day and have been since the 1960’s).

Any corrections, additional information, or comments are welcome.

See Also (google translate needed for some of these):

Website by a Finnish DXer for all MW pirates

MW Free Radio (about Dutch pirates)

Discussion on Russian Mediumwave Pirates (HFU)

European Mediumwave Pirate email addresses (HFU Wiki)

Russian “Amateur radio site” with a section for the pirate stations (focuses on stations that QSO, not the music stations)

Anodos (Greek MW Pirate Forum)

Example of a Greek stations website

ukdxer’s Log

Irish Paul’s Radioblog

BetaJBK dxing

Terry’s Radio Blog

Greek Pirate Radio Website

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1720v AM 0510 UTC 2 DEC 2022
« on: December 02, 2022, 0511 UTC »
S7 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR. QRM from other stations.

0510 UTC-Unknown Russian Music
0528 UTC-Man talking in Russian
0529 UTC-OFF

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1634v AM 0420 UTC 2 DEC 2022
« on: December 02, 2022, 0422 UTC »
S5 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR.

0410 UTC-Russian songs (guitar and vocals, maybe home recordings?)
0437 UTC-Man talking in Russian
0437 UTC-OFF

European MW Pirate Radio / Various (GR) 1660 AM 0003 UTC 2 DEC 2022
« on: December 02, 2022, 0009 UTC »
Various stations S9+10 to S9+20 with the OE6ADD KiwiSDR in Austria. All stations using at least 12 kHz wide signals.

0003 UTC-Station 1, Man talking in Greek with reverb over music
0004 UTC-Unusual Greek Music
0004 UTC-Station 1 OFF
0004 UTC-Station 2 ON, Peftoun Tis Vrohis Oi Stales by Sotiria Bellou
0007 UTC-Man talking with no reverb or music, “Carlos” said twice then more talk
0008 UTC-Unknown Music, another unusual style (but different from the first)
0010 UTC-Talking again
0010 UTC-De Thelo Ta Matakia Sou by Giorgos Margaritis
0013 UTC-Talking again, mention of “stereo”
0013 UTC-Station 2 OFF
0013 UTC-Station 3 ON
0014 UTC-Ola Rimaxane by Mihalis Menidiatis
0016 UTC-Talking in Greek over music, no reverb (but some other weird effect)
0017 UTC-Unknown Greek Music
0019 UTC-Talking over music

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1698v AM 0529 UTC 1 DEC 2022
« on: December 01, 2022, 0530 UTC »
S7 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR.

0529 UTC-Сорок пять by Valentina Tolkunova
0531 UTC-I Knew It by Leysya Pesnya
0533 UTC-Белые лилии by Yaroslav Evdokimov
0537 UTC-Будьте счастливы by Anne Veski
0539 UTC-Незабудка by Ion Suruchanu & Инструментальный ансамбль п/у Вячеслава Добрынина
0540 UTC-Ты Мне Не Снишься by Добры молодцы

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1688v AM 0502 UTC 1 DEC 2022
« on: December 01, 2022, 0505 UTC »
S5 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR.

0502 UTC-Unknown Russian Music, old (low quality) recordings

S7 with the OE6ADD KiwiSDR in Austria.

1618 UTC-Serbian Folk Music

I often hear this station on this frequency, but it only plays folk music with no identifications. Today, I happened to look at the “users” menu on the KiwiSDR I was using, and someone listed as “ČIČAK RADIO” (Serbia) was listening on 1777.42 kHz! I know operators of mediumwave pirate stations often use SDR’s to check their own signal. I assume that’s what this is, although I could be wrong.

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (SB) 1725 AM 1608 UTC 29 NOV 2022
« on: November 29, 2022, 1609 UTC »
S9+10 with the OE6ADD KiwiSDR in Austria.

1608 UTC-Zaljubljeno Srce by Mirko Kodic
1611 UTC-Long silence
1613 UTC-Dao Sam Ti Sve by Angel Dimov

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1690v AM 0522 UTC 28 NOV 2022
« on: November 28, 2022, 0526 UTC »
S7 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR. QRM from other stations.

0522 UTC-Man singing and playing guitar, sounds like a home recording or the station operator
0523 UTC-Long talk in Russian by a man (not the operator?)
0524 UTC-Next song in the same style
0528 UTC-Talking in Russian (not the operator?)
0529 UTC-Next song in the same style
0531 UTC-A professionally recorded song
0532 UTC-Talking in Russian (not the operator?)
0534 UTC-Back to the original style of music
0536 UTC-Talking in Russian (not the operator?)
0537 UTC-Next song in the same style
0540 UTC-Signal getting very weak, it is daylight in Tambov now
0541 UTC-Signal back up (of course, right after I stop the recorder), continuing with the same format

I always like hearing these stations playing this kind of music, the amateur recordings. I know many of the Russian “Organ Grinder” pirates in the past (USSR) would play their own guitar and sing on their station. It seems sometimes they still do! After listening to a few songs from this station, it seems it is not the operator playing the songs himself (although I have heard that before). Maybe Magnitizdat recordings?

“Organ Grinder” playing music for his radio station.

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (GR) 1670 AM 0421 UTC 28 NOV 2022
« on: November 28, 2022, 0423 UTC »
S9+10 with the OE6ADD KiwiSDR in Austria.

0421 UTC-Ah paston (feat. Panagiotis Aslanidis) by Christos Papadopoulos
0424 UTC-Ar ela me temenan by Giorgos Amarantidis
0428 UTC-I mana en Theos by Thodoros Pavlidis
0432 UTC-Trigona (feat. Thodoros Kotidis) [Live] by Giorgos Siamlidis
0434 UTC-Unknown Greek Music
0439 UTC-Κι Ανασπάλω Σε Πατρίδα Μ' by ODYSSEYA GR
0444 UTC-Ο Κούμπαρομ' by ODYSSEYA GR
0447 UTC-Τ' Οματιά Σ' Παρλαέυνε by ODYSSEYA GR

Latin American Pirate / UNID (Brazil) 6222v AM 1814 UTC 27 NOV 2022
« on: November 27, 2022, 1816 UTC »
S5 with the PY2-81502 KiwiSDR in Brazil. Not the same station as yesterday (there are two Brazilian pirates that use 6222, one with clean modulation and one with drifty FMing modulation. This is the FMing one).

1814 UTC-Man talking in Portuguese, relay of a legal station

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HFUnderground Mug
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