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Topics - atrainradio

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FM Free Radio / An NYC roundup (May 2024)
« on: May 25, 2024, 1749 UTC »
Two things before I go on...I recently realized I've celebrated my ELEVENTH year on this website. What a time.

When I joined here in 2013, believe it or not, I was a sophomore in high school...so do the math (cause I can't, I failed algebra the same year I joined HFU, coincidence???)

Anyway, been living in Queens for two years now. Figured I'd give a roundup of the FM Free stations I can hear on a combo of my trusty Tecsun and my RTL-SDR.

88.9: Two stations, one is Haitian, one is Spanish
89.3: Spanish
90.5: Spanish, very quiet audio
90.9: French African, Haitian or some sort of creole
91.3: Haitian/Creole
91.7: Distinctly religious sounding creole
94.1: Almost impossible without my SDR to filter out NYC’s sideband, there is a station here, spanish music
94.3: Sometimes a spanish station, sometimes rap (not the station from Asbury Park/Tom's River)
94.5: Spanish
98.5: Nearly 24/7 mainly in english, rap, dance, Sundays they play classic soul (I actually love this station too, great music)
99.3: Reggaeton/African
105.5: Reggae
106.3: Soul/r&b, quiet audio

Having grown up in sleepy south jersey, it's such a treat to have so many eclectic and groovy pirates to choose from. I, personally, love it. Raise the jolly roger!

Shortwave Broadcast / SOH Taiwan 11715kHz 2341z 10/22/23
« on: October 22, 2023, 2344 UTC »
Hearing a rare station for my QTH. 25 meters is alive tonight! Bringing this 1kW SOH station to Haddon Heights, NJ on my Tecsun PL990 using the telescope antenna.

Huh? / Radio Havana Cuba airing adult film audio?
« on: September 19, 2023, 1800 UTC »
Okay, this is a head scratcher. There seems to be a rumor floating around that apparently at some time last week, during an RHC broadcast, there was audio from an...adult film...airing alongside the RHC audio. As if the engineer behind the board was surfing for skinflicks while the same computer was playing the RHC programs (sharing one audio card).

I was alerted to this from this YT video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uuFRt0O1ro&pp=ygUScmluZ3dheSBtYW5jaGVzdGVy (mentioned at 7:10)

Some commenters have mentioned that RHC and R. Rebelde have been airing the audio of movies and TV for a while now, one commenter mentioned " I haven't heard any "adult film" but the movie Misconduct (2016) played on radio rebelde the other weekend and I did hear what sounded like it was supposed to be a sex scene." I have to imagine this is likely what the person in the YT video may be referring to.

I share this here because if anyone has an off-air recording of this, it'd be one of you, and lord knows I must hear it.


Always adding new recordings to my Archive.org page and would love for you to give it a visit! I'm sure you'll find something interesting to listen to.


Barely audible here in Haddon Heights, NJ on the Tecsun 990.

Hearing brief portions of music. Anyone else able to get a better signal than I?

0449 Hearing voice but unable to make out the words. Hardly above the noise floor

Huh? / For your consideration: my personal radio recordings archive
« on: January 17, 2022, 0413 UTC »

Building the Philly Radio Archive as well as various other recordings, also likely the only recording of local C-Quam WEMG 1310kHz. Take a scroll through!

A new amount they can rob from you, if you ask me...


"As of April 26, the Federal Communications Commission can start hitting pirate radio operators with beefy new fines.

The Federal Register has now published rules that the FCC recently adopted at the direction of Congress in the “Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement (PIRATE) Act.” The rules take effect April 26.

The act, signed by President Trump early last year, gives the FCC authority to levy fines of up to $100,000 per violation and $2 million in total."

Let's be honest. Except for a few rare exceptions, most pirates (those using more power than Part 15 allows) are harming literally no one. The ONLY reason anyone besides radio folks like us care about them is because they're most likely not paying music licensing fees.

Let's put that in perspective, however. There's far, FAR, less pirates than legal music stations. So, while I can't produce exact numbers, the exact amount they're "stealing" is astronomically low compared with how much ASCAP BMI and others are getting from iHeart and others. But considering just how greedy those companies are, and how little the artists even actually get from the fees anyway, paying the music licensing only really fattens the pockets of rich execs and not the artists.

I say if you really want to pay the artists, your best bet is buying their LPs or (when covid goes away) going to their live shows and buying their merch. A pirate is harming absolutely no one, and certainly not hurting the bank accounts of the artists their playing on air.

Besides, the pirates who don't get caught are likely doing the smart thing and constantly measuring SWR, protecting against harmonics and picking the most clear and safe frequencies. And aren't airing songs riddled with curse words. And using audio processing to blend in even better.

Check it out! I keep adding recordings weekly so comment and share the page to other people who'd enjoy these recordings.


The Vinyl Frontier returns to SW. Tune in.

QSL ionradioshortwave@gmail.com and wharradio@gmail.com

Via KiwiSDR in Central UK, hearing very very strong classic. Wild Horses by Stones into Midas Shadow by Al Stewart.

Checked here in Haddon Heights, NJ on my Tecsun 880, very VERY faintly heard here. Mostly ham interference.

Heard an ID for Zenith Classic Rock at 0302z

edit by Ray : so editing the subject (in place of UNID), and UTC date is 3

A C-QUAM special! Is that at all likely this year?

My new-fangled SDR decodes AM Stereo and would love to hear you work that magic on shortwave. Since we're on this topic, were there any other SW stations that broadcasted in stereo at some point?

A-Train, who's been on the HFU for far too long to count.

KD2VEG, got my tech class license today. I barely passed the test but hey I passed so who cares! Math is my worst subject but when you really want something, you stick to it.

Catch me 10m when the damn sun cooperates.

Huh? / The Pirate Radio Experience
« on: May 07, 2020, 1509 UTC »
I am extremely proud to present my final project for my TV production course. This is the last thing I ever made for a class.

I want to give huge props to Jasmine Cabrera for editing this. If it wasn't for her, this would not exist.

I also want to thank Allan Weiner of WBCQ for the interview.



Huh? / A Bud in the Park
« on: May 04, 2020, 0551 UTC »

Who here has ran (or currently runs) a pirate radio station (no matter what band) and would like to do a short (1-3 minutes) interview about what it was like, why you did it, and what inspired you to do so?

It can also be a part 15 station, because the ideas of microbroadcasting are the same no matter the wattage.

You have to have a good webcam and or good audio and internet to be considered for this. If only audio, we can work with that, as the interview content is that crucial to the project. But a webcam is a huge plus.

I am using it for a video production project for my TV production course. Mind you this is my last semester so I want to make it good.

Your names & locations WILL NOT be needed nor used in the project at all (for legalities sake).

Please comment below if you want to, and message me directly so we can set up a time during this week to film it. I will screen record the interview.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns