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Messages - MDK2

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0057 Nothing out west, but getting a song from the Tommy LP by The Who at the Sigma kiwi SDR (MA/CT border), WDOG ID followed
0058 hmmmm, might be QRT already

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 March 2024
« on: March 26, 2024, 2318 UTC »
26 MAR 2024 ***Second post, new numbers sent on same UTC date***
2100 UTC, 13435 kHz and 2200 UTC, 14375 kHz

46261 - 30714626.txt
68134 - 50546813.f1c
86568 - only old number group
00774 - 41460077.txt
51071 - 02575107.txt
75441 - 05647544.txt

The one old number group shows a progression of +6 from those sent 0500-1000 UTC. I did not check out the 1600-1800 UTC transmissions because they were too weak to even hear the Cuban lady.

Shortwave Broadcast / UNID, 15325 kHz, 26 MAR 2024, 1900 UTC
« on: March 26, 2024, 1912 UTC »
Found this while scanning the bands. The only station scheduled for this frequency is RFI, and they're only on 0700-0730z. I took a chance and used Shazam, which identified the music as "Days of Emancipation" by a Chinese composer named Zhu Changyao. The audio quality is much like The Firedrake when I can copy that here, so I suspect this is also being broadcast from somewhere in China. As of 1912 as I type this, it's still only music airing uninterrupted.


Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 March 2024
« on: March 26, 2024, 1329 UTC »
26 MAR 2024 (Tue), 0600 UTC, 14375 kHz


This is an exact repeat of yesterday's numbers, which had been a two-day progression compared to the previous day. Let's hope that this is just a schedule correction and not the first of possibly hundreds of repeat days, as has plagued HM01 in recent years.

Hindi language broadcast beamed from NW Australia to India in Hindi, but coming into Denver SIO 544 to 555. Music as of 1334z. Station ID in English with email at 1337z (radio@reachbeyond.org.au).

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 March 2024
« on: March 25, 2024, 1302 UTC »
25 MAR 2024 (Mon), 0500 UTC, 10860 kHz


This is a two-day progression from yesterday.

Technical note: Because of the late (or early) hours of the 0500-1000 UTC transmission, I program my SDR to record each of them in order to ensure that all number sets and files can be copied over the time frame. This is often in doubt because of Cuba's well known technical issues regarding their shortwave transmissions, and in fact it was only a few days prior that I couldn't pull out a single file because the signal was poor. Obviously propagation is a factor, but so is the unreliability of Cuba in which scheduled broadcasts don't happen when they're supposed to, starting late, finishing early, not changing frequencies at expected times, etc. I've only been casually following HM01's scheduled daytime transmissions (1600-1800 and 2100-2200z) ever since they switched their "new day" from 1600z to 0500z, but there have been days were no broadcasts on any of their frequencies at those times.

However, today all six frequencies were very strong (the one on 9330 overwhelming WBCQ's flamethrower almost completely) and timely. It was as if everything*, whatever was wrong, is now fixed. It still starts a few minutes ahead of the hour (about 5 minutes) but otherwise they were about as reliable as you'd expect Russia's numbers stations to be. I'm going to see if that holds for their daytime broadcasts.

*almost everything. As noted, today's number sets advanced by two rather than one.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: USA jamming Cuba now?
« on: March 25, 2024, 1300 UTC »
Do you have a recording? I ask because knowing Cuba, they're likely broadcasting their own jamming signal by accident, and we'd be able to tell if we could hear it because theirs is a unique sound. The USA doesn't jam anyone's transmissions so if it is jamming, we can safely assume it's not American in origin.

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 March 2024
« on: March 24, 2024, 1347 UTC »
24 MAR 2024 (Sun), 0500 UTC, 10860 kHz

This is a three day progression from Friday 22 MAR, so either yesterday saw a two day leap (which I don't know since I copied nothing at all that day) or today did.

55462 - 50085546.f1c
86561 - 03008656.txt

About SIO 222 here. Thanks for the show.

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: Why yes, I like chicken wings
« on: March 24, 2024, 0103 UTC »
I've never heard of brown sugar in traditional wing sauce. Sounds like something a chain restaurant would do.

Could be. I seem to have heard that somewhere but can't recall the source exactly.

0059 about SIO 222 here. Thanks for the show!

0058 about SIO 333 here. Thanks for the show!

0056 about SIO 222. Thanks for the show!

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: Why yes, I like chicken wings
« on: March 23, 2024, 1308 UTC »
The traditional sauce recipe also includes brown sugar, or so I thought?

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 March 2024
« on: March 23, 2024, 1235 UTC »
23 MAR 2024 (Sat)

There were no transmissions 0500-1000 UTC on any of the expected frequencies.

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