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Messages - ka1iic

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North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6954.8 AM 2303 UTC 26 Feb 2019
« on: February 26, 2019, 2303 UTC »
I am also hear a signal at 6954.8 playing blues music with harmonica...  rolling tape...

Here's my recording of Mix Radio International...  best I have heard them or any of the stations of this type... totally impressed by the audio... nuff said:


Hope you all enjoy this


The audio clip is located here:



This clip started at 2213 utc Jan. 7 2019

length;  appox  28m  with 3 mins of my noise level for reference at the end.

At appox. 21 mins in the word (phonitic) 'che-ca-ta'  was repeated several times.

I will not post the SDR video because this was seemingly the only signal I could hear at this time on the 43 meter band... In other words extremely strong.

Remember I am using a 20 meter VERTICAL and an SDRPlay II at this location.

Please comment on your reception ay your QTH and if you are using KiwiSDR for location spotting

73  VW

Peskies / Re: Chanting Pesky 6990 LSB 2100 UTC 2 Jan 2018
« on: January 02, 2019, 2152 UTC »
Thanks to Chris S. I got a 10 minute sound recording of the above.  Listen to it and enjoy this new one for Chris and myself :-)


6950 AM !!! xmas tunage !!!

Here's what I found:


Thing is... there seem to be a number of different types of units using the same Model number i.e. SBT1100...
Single document for all kinds of transmitters... the only 'Blue Tooth' that happens with this one I've got is via the Cell phone not the FM thing...  but some with the same number have antenna outputs and Blue Tooth in the unit... Good grief what the heck ????

Now I have to do some real searching...  <sigh>

Is it this device?


This is just an STD Fm radio transmitter...  88 - 108 MHZ

No ! this is NOT the device same number tho... WEIRD!  FRAUD! Well maybe... there is no documentation of PT 15 that came with the unit except it does claim FCC pt. 15 in extremely small letters on the bottom of the box only!  Not on the manual or the device itself...  Toss the box and you have no evidence ...

It also says 'range up to 5 meters'... errrr I would say a bit more then that but not too loudly... who knows who might be listening ehhh ?  :-)
It's good for what it is and won't see the light of day after the season...

have a happy too all  !

Spy Numbers / M08a Cuba Dec 16 2018 8135khz 1400-1455utc
« on: December 16, 2018, 1507 UTC »
8135khz M08a Cuba 1400-1455 utc Sunday Dec. 16 2018 NOTE: Not on my matrix sheet to operate at this time but perhaps my info needs up-dating ?

I'm tempted but.. hey wait a minute... I could connect an antenna via inductive coupling and.... errrrr... I'll be back in a few <heh>

Hi Folks !!!! :-)

This is about the above "Part 15" FM car/truck hands free Calling... whatever...  Model SBT1100 by "Sylvania' (really Osram of China)

Got this from Wally-world at around $ 15 bucks so don't expect much :-)

Well... it is FM and it is stereo and it does what it says but...

First off <heh>  I looked for the FCC logo... not there... No mention to Part 15 in the 'instruction book' such as it is...  The only mention to Part 15 is in micro-print on the bottom of the box... hmmmm... no FCC logo tho... but who cares right ?

It states it will broadcast 'up to 5 meters'... ok, it does that with a very strong signal... hmmm... no antenna... how be thou ?  5 meters is equal to, kinda sorta,   16.4042 feet... hmmm... this gadget must be coupling to the house wiring...  It's more than that from the corner of the kitchen to this room... but never mind.  It has a very strong signal so it must be coupling to the house wiring... right ????

Anyway <heh>,  It's made for car/truck use and not in-house use so that might be my problem.  It is being powered by the 'boost battery' that I use for the truck to get that beast working.  But remember my battery charger makes a ton of noise and I have placed a bunch of ferrite 'beads' in/out everything to keep the noise down to the SDR and the Yaesu rig...  the noise is suppressed quite a bit now for the SDR & Yaesu... but maybe the beads don't stop the out going stuff...  What do I know... right ???

To be honest it's too damned cold for this old buzzard to go outside to check the field strength of this little beastie so I will take the 'Sylvania' aka   Osram of China, at their word that this ((POS)) is within the legal parts of Part 15... And understand, I use this only to make my Honey Angel happy so she can hear Xmas music free and clear of the Ads and other BS that commercial radio seem to find the need to dump on us during this wonderful time of PEACE and whatever...

Yes I could run speaker wires and such all over the place in the apartment but messy is not my thing out-side of the 'radio room' and she might look at me 'funny' if I were to do so...  but she is very understanding... if it doesn't involve wires hanging here or there !!!!...

Oh yeah!!! This Part 15 thingie, if Bluetooth'ed to your 'smart' (read that as 'stupid') phone will broadcast your phone conversations on the standard FM radio band...  Not something I would want and if I know you folks... not your place to be in reality...  Some of us are paranoid enough without broadcasting our caca doodee poo poo on the 'public' airways...  Think about it !!!

And if people crab about the signal being weak... hell, I'll power up the CZE-07 (China POS) so the whole damned County can hear it !!!!  I would if I had one that is... because I don't... never did... thought about it tho...  not for Xmas music...  I wanted to turn the area on-to DEVO...  But that is another situation :-)

Have a happy to all you folks on this... whatever it is...  And great DX to all !!!!!

73 to all from somebody else not me :-)

Spy Numbers / HM01 cuba dec 09 2018
« on: December 09, 2018, 1011 UTC »
9240 khz 0935 utc dec 09
9155 khz 0955 utc dec 09

both signals S9 with hum.

WBCQ is one of my favorite stations but good grief BRo. Stair (aka BS) broadcast material (audio quality) leaves some thing to be desired ... No I will NOT comment on the content.... just the audio quality.

I posted on the chat about the bad audio on 9330 khz on the 1847 utc broadcast Nov. 2 2018 before I remembered what station it was, No I wasn't giving the boot to BCQ only the crappy audio.

Well here is a recording of the audio... check it for yourself.  If you were the program director would you have let this pass?  I hope not but still we are in the days of much lower expectations. :-)

Listen for yourself;


I know BCQ needs the bucks but still.... What I think this was ... was a replay of an old show (from a telephone) played via a cassette player into a telephone...  In other words BS's 24/7 telephone broadcast...

But you be the judge.... BTW the audio did get a bit better in the next hour where it was only a single telephone involved.

BCQ has a better than average audio system and double telephone audio from a cheap cassette player tosses out spurs and garbage like all get out...

Not bee-itching BCQ just sayin'  OK?

add this to my large rip and rage pile :-)

I actually hope this technology is not brought to usability over long distances. I don't suppose that's really possible but IF it were...

It would almost certainly be used by repressive governments to restrict radio listening, in addition to the routine signal jamming.

Basic principle: If they CAN do it, assume that they WILL do it. It's Murphy's Law for governments (note: and any other organizations, but governments are the most potentially dangerous because they have the power of the law)
Jamming is easy and many Countries has used it...
One form of jamming that comes to mind that is seldom mentioned is jamming the standard IF frequencies of Super Hetrodyne radios.   Worked well for the former USSR etal...

I agree totally with Chris... China is the one to worry about and they have "units" all over Russia.  Hell Russia is so paranoid they complained about imported Tea Pots from China saying they have a 'strange chip' inside of them...  Pure propaganda BS from the midget.

Can anyone say Neutron bomb ?  Illegal?  Not during war my friend. :-)

Like Hitler said; 'if you tell a lie big enough and often enough, it will be believed'.

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