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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 15070 AM Radio True North
« on: August 11, 2012, 2101 UTC »
Complete fade outs, coming up only occasionally. I believe I heard a couple of male-voiced computer IDs around 2101. 15080 kHz.

Thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / ? 6930U, 8/10, 0300 UTC
« on: August 10, 2012, 1601 UTC »
Someone here with a weak signal between passing t-storms (so lots of noise). I listened for a couple of min, hit the recorder, & went to bed. Possibly BOR?
Thanks for the show!

Just tuned in at 1310. VG S8 sig with some fading. "Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye," sign off announcement, then QRT.
Thanks for the show, RRS!

PS: A guy came on after the show, asking if the frequency is clear and calling "CQ 41." It's clear here & his signal was copyable

North American Shortwave Pirate / Unid: 6925U, 7/20, 0300 UTC
« on: July 20, 2012, 0302 UTC »
Weak signal in high static crashes. Pretty similar in quality to my receptions of The Machine & Stone Circles Radio over the past two days. I have my doubts that I'll be able to pull an ID out of it, although I can tell that it's music and not talk.

Just tuned in at 0121. Something is there, but just had yet another big t-storm go through (can still hear the thunder) and the noise is massive
Thanks for the show!

Severe t-storm noise here, but I recorded traces of music during this timeframe. I assume it was The Machine. Also, earlier in the evening I received very poor copy on an SSTV that looks the one from The Machine. For comparison, mine was a little worse in quality than Joe's.

Thanks for the broadcast!

Also heard here & I'm listening to my recording of it. I tuned in around 0142. I think I heard a Bob Dylan song and either a blues or early rock'n'roll song. Last song was an instrumental and featured train sounds or bagpipes? Hard to tell with weak signal in USB below the noise level. The song before sounded like a slow anthemic ballad.

Have a recording if the op is interested. Thanks for the show!

Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS PA 17214

Weak signal here with fading & ethereal music. No ID heard, but ID per the station op.
Thanks for the show!

Too bad I didn't have the recorder running on 7/14, but thanks for the audio, Sealord. I didn't have much luck with the songs, but one was "Government Love Affair" by The Screamers.

Fair/good sig, but a lot of t-storm crashes. On with about 3 min or so of the "Lincolnshire" numbers station IS, then a real male announcer trying to sound like a computer voice. Announcement seemed to be primarily to correct logs about the station that was reported as this one at 0630 UTC on 6930 kHz AM last night--that was not this station. Instead, the announcer mentioned that 4 logs of this were of his station. Not sure if I caught all of the dates correctly, but I think they were 7/7, 7/9, 7/12, & 7/14. He also mentioned those who logged him: "Far-ley, Sea-Lord, Yo-der, Smo-lin-ski," etc. Then, a few minutes of the "Lincolnshire" numbers station IS. I heard part of a rock song after this, but I'm not sure if it was the same station & it faded out.

Thanks for the show & please QSL, if you do that sort of thing.
Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS, PA 17214

Saw the log, ran to the radio room from the Cards/Reds game, & only caught the computer voice "hello radio" repeating, then off. Afterward, station tuning up with carrier, but I guess this is a different station. Have brief recording of Bunker R, if op is interested.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio True North 6940 AM
« on: July 14, 2012, 0420 UTC »
Thought I had finally heard Blue Ocean Radio, but it's RTN. Sounded kinda like instrumental music from '80s movie soundtracks. Heard an announcement, but hard to copy. Lots of jamming from someone who sounded like PPVR.

Thanks for the show!

BTW, I checked my recording and the sig was really pretty good here. Unfortunately, I had the receiver in USB and I was mistuned by about 200 Hz or so. In all, the recording was unusable, but I could tell that the signal was at least fair here. Too bad I didn't do a little better job with the radio! :O)

Pretty weak here with lots of t-storm noise, but I have decent audio making it here.
Thanks for the show, RTN!

Presumably the same here, too. Tuned in about 0139. Pretty weak, but I recorded it. Just checked in here to see if anyone was reported in this time frame. I need to listen closely to the recording tomorrow.
Thanks for the broadcast!

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