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Messages - Bowman1

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 USB 2220 UTC 4 Nov
« on: November 05, 2012, 0406 UTC »
Recorder catch. Heard Lennon's Starting over, plus some other unidentified music. Sounds like it ended with someone saying 'They call me Radio Canada, over.'

Decent signal, but poor audio. SIO 333

I have them here in Iowa at about an S6 with deep fades. Music as listed above with comedy skits intermixed. SIO 232

Pop music peaking at S9 +10 (!!!), followed by Undercover Radio ID and AC/DC's Highway to Hell. SIO 545

Off abruptly mid song around 0450 UTC.

Spy Numbers / Numbers station 15721 usb, ~410 utc 11-01-12
« on: November 01, 2012, 0419 UTC »
Just caught the tale end of this transmission while trying to hear Radio New Zealand. Numbers in sets of five ending with "null null null null null".

North American Shortwave Pirate / Gay Boy Radio, 0230 utc, 6925 USB
« on: November 01, 2012, 0240 UTC »
"Gay Boy Radio, roger roger!"

Oh good, the nonsense of 14.313 is spilling over onto the pirate bands. This cannot be good. Personal names, phone numbers, and callsigns are being given out. Ugh...

Wolverine and his usual blowtorch of a signal.  :) Open up the filters and enjoy!

I've got them here, but very faint, just above the noise level. SIO 232 Off around 0130.

Thanks Toynbee!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Weird camping story
« on: November 01, 2012, 0120 UTC »
Enjoyed the story. About an S6 here into Iowa. SIO 343

I got them here in Iowa at about an S5 to S6. Comedy skits from the Church of the Blind, Deef, and Dumb, as well as music from the Butthole Surfers. SIO 333.

P.O. Box address given as a contact address, but I didn't catch it.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID SSTV 6925U 10/31/12 02:19Z
« on: October 31, 2012, 1828 UTC »
I got this same image on my decoder as well, but the quality wasn't as good as this none from a few nights earlier.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID, 6925 USB, 0140 UTC, 10-30-12
« on: October 30, 2012, 0148 UTC »
Someone just signed on, played KT Tunstall's Under the Weather, and signed off. Signal faded down to an S4 but peaked at about an S8. No ID given.

QSLs Received / Re: Satan Radio QSL
« on: October 30, 2012, 0140 UTC »
Very nice! I got mine in my email today too.

I found this on the decoder this morning. Thanks Grizzly Bear!

I have them here peaking at a blistering 10 over 9. Amazing signal, even by Wolverine Radio's high standards. SIO 555. If he was any louder he'd be my local clear channel AM flamethrower.

Great show Wolverine!

Have them here in Iowa with about an S5 on the RadioJet. SIO 433.

Thanks for the show!

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