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Messages - Pigmeat

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Ah, David Lee Roth, the poster boy for self-inflicted brain damage.

E-QSL??? Just send them "The Field Guide To American Cow's" and give them something they can use for life.

Punk Rock Girl. Times change, she's always the same.

I was talking to the Widder Fansome about the Milkmen just the other day. One of You Know Who's favorite bands. Steve Miller with "Space Cowboy". He's from Texas, he knows cows.

No "Milk Cow Blues" yet? Bob Wills And His Texas Playboy's did a great version of it. Mooo!

You guy's can tell the Brecker boy's songs apart? They all sound the same to me. "Bread and Butter", "Under The Milky Way"? I'm guessing this one has a theme? Not up there with my "Mad Cow Radio", but related.

Fearless Leader. It looks like Boris is in trouble again.

Poor fluffy the cat too!

LOL! I forgot about Fluffy.

I had a copy of this show and used to run it when I was bored. "Oh, Bob!"

2330 - Sounds like The Voice Of Laryngitis with a classic skit. Pirate Masters?

It might be the old "Pirate Busters" show. A story of a young man who goes mad over pirate radio and becomes addicted to tubes. Poor Bob.

I haven't heard anything up there since the Swedes were active up there in the early part of the century.

Equipment / Re: Can an antenna work while laying on the ground?
« on: March 31, 2023, 0032 UTC »
One thing that needs to be said about LOG's and BOG's is they're quiet. You normally have to turn up the gain on your radio up a bit to get the best out of them.

Once you get used to the little tricks of using them, I think you'll really enjoy them. You can literally take them anywhere. I take one about 50 meters long to the beach with a portable and lay it out LOG style. I stay out until the wee hours of the morning waiting for the Cuban MW blasters to go long and the Caribbean and S. American MW's to pop up.

When I was a mere lad, I thought that song was "Judy In The Sky....With Glasses!". I figured she got lost looking for that bathroom on the right?

Or a Col. Mustard. You've got to watch out for him.

Wild turkeys make clucking noises, especially the hens. I should know, I spent part of my life in a place known as Turkey Creek. You ought to run up on tom turkey in a sunken road bed. They're big birds with legs like stilts. Wild turkey is much tastier than that farm raised stuff.

Professor Plum wouldn't be related to P.G. Wodehouse would he? Wodehouse was a man who made a living on stories about fools. He wasn't a professor but his friends called him "Plum". If you can find it, read his short story, "The Great Hat Mystery". It explains a lot about  the British upper class.

QSLs Received / Re: WJAN eQSL March 30, 2023
« on: March 30, 2023, 2227 UTC »
Mom! Put on your house coat! Not even wearing drawers!

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