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Messages - MDK2

Pages: 1 ... 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 [417]
QSLs Received / Radio New Zealand International eQSL
« on: March 08, 2016, 1752 UTC »
I'm sure this is of little interest to the experienced DX'ers here, but this is my first QSL and so it's cool to me.


HF Beacons / Re: UNID 4214 kHz SSB, 7 March 2016, 0749 UTC
« on: March 08, 2016, 0202 UTC »
Sweet! Thank you!

I think this is the right place... Found this signal which appears to be morse code to my very untrained ear, a pattern that seems to be the letters U L O (dot dot dash dot dash dot dot dash dash dash) [EDIT: first letter is W, dot dash dash] followed by four long shrill pulses, in a pattern that takes about 15 seconds. I apologize that the audio wasn't great on my video. I searched a bit online and here but couldn't come up with anything describing this transmission at this frequency.


EDIT: Thanks to Josh for the information.

Longwave Loggings / Re: Korean language station at 242 kHz, 2212z
« on: March 07, 2016, 0216 UTC »
That definitely occurred to me. Just a couple of evenings before I found some jazz broadcast (I think at or around 180 kHz) which ended up being a local AM (MW) station, KGNU, which transmits at 1390 kHz and also at 88.5 MHz FM. But it's strange that this broadcast seemed to be so oriented toward a Korean audience based in Australia. I'm certain we have no station broadcasting anything like that locally. (You're correct, I'm in the USA.)

One possibility I found from looking around is that it's SBS (sbs.com.au). It appears their radio broadcasts are mostly digital, though.

If I ever hear this again I'll be sure to take a video and upload it. I guess it will remain a mystery until then.

10/11 meters / Re: 11 meter DX Logs 4 March 2016 1900 UTC +
« on: March 07, 2016, 0202 UTC »
Very cool! Thank you!

I could hear speech but not well enough to make out at 0236z.

Longwave Loggings / Re: Korean language station at 242 kHz, 2212z
« on: March 06, 2016, 0235 UTC »
I don't think signals were crossing because the transition between languages was seemless, and that web address was given by the Korean announcer, not an English speaker. Later on there was some crossing and eventually I was hearing Spanish (c. 2315z) but I had gone away from the radio for a while and don't know what happened when, or if I had missed a signoff or station ID in the interim.

10/11 meters / Re: 11 meter DX Logs 4 March 2016 1900 UTC +
« on: March 05, 2016, 2357 UTC »
Interesting. I'm new to this DXing thing, and I found some of this stuff earlier today. The following is a copying of my notes taken at time of listening. I was scrolling around, wondering if I was hearing the same conversation jumping frequencies, but it looks as if they were all just different ones. Any idea where they're originating? (All frequencies in kHz and all heard in AM mode, all times UTC except where noted.)

3/5 2144 (2:44pm MST) 26525 - strong clear signal of man speaking Spanish. Seems to be a ham. Signal went dead for a few seconds, came back on. Very distant signal now at 2146 - presumably a respondent. Louder respondent at 2148, still weak.
Scrolled up to 26605 at 2150, sounds like same conversation. At 26585 at 2151, strong signal there.
26625 at 2153.
26565 at 2154.
26545 at 2155 with music.
26525 at 2156.
26605 at 2157.
26625 at 2157.
26525 at 2158.
26585 at 2158.
26545 at 2159.
26605 at 2159.
26588 at 2200.

Found this station, audible from 239-243, apparently a news program Korean (I'm not fluent in any Asian language so can't confirm), with occasional English speakers with Australian accents and mention of Koreans in Australian. I listened for nearly an hour, until about 2255z. At one point one of the Korean announcers gave a website but I only caught it because it ended .com.au. So apparently it's an Australian station, however I can't find one single online listing for any Korean stations broadcasting in Australian on the longwave, nor any listings for any LW station broadcasting at this frequency. If anyone knows more about this I'd appreciate the info. Thanks!

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