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As a follow up to this - the band is open again today, and I'm hearing faint POCSAG signals on 31.7250, 31.7500 and 31.7750...fading up out of the noise a tiny bit right now (1530 UTC) on 20 December 2022.

The 11m band is wide open the Europe, the UK and Latin America right now so it makes sense. 


Awesome logs - and reference frequencies.  It's pretty cool how much use they make of the 54-88 MHz frequencies, especially the 60 MHz and 70 MHz region, which I imagine is pretty darn clear now.

Also, that antenna is kickass.  30-88 MHz.  Love it.  Reminds me of a discone design. 

There seems to be a lot more usage of 30-88 MHz (or even just 30-50 MHz) than you'd think.  I often read the RadioReference.com forums (there's a nice long VHF low band logs thread, one per year, keeps things nice and searchable) and there is a lot of VHF low band military activity, especially in the lower portions (below 35 MHz or 40 MHz or so..although the 40-42 MHz band is the biggest chunk of military/government frequency allocation within the 30-50 MHz low band).  Lots of 30 MHz, 31 MHz, 32 MHz, 34 MHz and random frequencies that are within the land mobile bands. 

10/11 meters / 11m Band Activity 20 DEC 2022
« on: December 20, 2022, 1234 UTC »
Checked the band this morning (0730 local [eastern US] time, 1230 UTC), noting activity on:

26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language
several in-band channels, including the usual suspects 27.015 AM, 27.025 AM, etc.

27510 LSB 27.510 MHz LSB
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Caribbean area calling frequency - The Knight Patrol
27520 USB 27.520 MHz USB
27575 AM 27.575 MHz AM

and numerous others

Lots of over the horizon radar signals popping up too

Checked the W3HFU KiwiSDR (130ft. T2FD antenna) at 1300 UTC:

25800 AM 25.800 MHz AM - European 11m broadcast band pirate AM carrier
26165 AM 26.165 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26200 FM 26.200 MHz FM - UK hospital paging frequency, European pagers, POCSAG bursts
26350 FM 26.350 MHz FM - UK hospital paging frequency, European pagers, POCSAG bursts
26525 LSB 26.525 MHz LSB - Spanish language chatter
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Latin American / Spanish speaking station calling frequency very busy
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language, this is another very popular Latin America frequency
26600 FM 26.600 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - sporadic signals
26635 AM 26.635 MHz AM - Spanish language
26635 FM 26.635 MHz FM - EU and UK paging frequency, seems like an unmodulated "idle" carrier
26685 AM 26.685 MHz AM - UNID Spanish speaking stations
26695 FM 26.695 MHz FM - UK hospital pager signals, constant signal - POCSAG (offset frequency from 26.700 MHz)
26705 AM 26.705 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, Caribbean
26705 FM 26.705 MHz FM - UK hospital pager signals, POCSAG bursts
26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM - Spanish language, big radios frequency
26745 FM 26.745 MHz FM - UK hospital Pager signals, constant signal - POCSAG (offset frequency from 26.750 MHz)
26765 AM 26.765 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26800 FM 26.800 MHz FM - Sporadic POCSAG paging signals, likely from Europe
26835 FM 26.835 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts, European / UK pager frequency
26850 FM 26.850 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts, European / UK pager frequency
26895 AM 26.895 MHz AM - Weak AM signal, sounds like a taxi dispatcher
26900 FM 26.900 MHz FM - POCSAG signal - nearly constant paging signal, strong at 1338 UTC
26945 FM 26.945 MHz FM - Nearly constant MFSK data signal
26950 FM 26.950 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts, European / UK pager frequency

27415 AM 27.415 MHz AM - Taxi dispatcher? or other land mobile type user with end of transmission beep (Spanish)
27450 FM 27.450 MHz FM - FM carrier signal, this is a "signature" from a 27 MHz paging system in northern Europe
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language, DX calling frequency, similar to 27.555 USB and 26.555 LSB
27485 LSB 27.485 MHz LSB - US freebanders
27505 LSB 27.505 MHz LSB - Caribbean stations, busy
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Caribbean calling frequency - Knight Patrol DX Club frequency
27535 FM 27.535 MHz FM - Narrowband FSK data bursts, not POCSAG
27540 USB 27.540 MHz USB - Freeband 11m DXers
27552 FM 27.552 MHz FM - Narrowband FSK data bursts
27555 USB 27.555 MHz USB - Freeband 11m DXers - calling frequency 27.555 USB
27565 USB 27.565 MHz USB - Spanish language
27650 USB 27.650 MHz USB - Spanish language
27651 FM 27.651 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 6 - 27.65125 MHz FM UK CB chatter
27655 USB 27.655 MHz USB - Spanish language, well-known out of band frequency
27665 USB 27.665 MHz USB - Spanish language
27691 FM 27.691 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 10 - 27.69125 MHz FM UK CB chatter
27765 USB 27.765 MHz USB - Spanish language
27775 USB 27.775 MHz USB - German language chatter
27781 FM 27.781 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 19 - 27.78125 MHz FM UK CB very busy
27815 AM 27.815 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27831 FM 27.831 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 24 - 27.83125 MHz FM UK CB
27855 USB 27.855 MHz USB - Spanish language, freeband CB
27961 FM 27.961 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 37 - 27.96125 MHz FM UK CB chatter
27965 USB 27.965 MHz USB - French language, previously logged on/around this frequency
27971 FM 27.971 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 38 - 27.97125 MHz FM UK CB chatter
27980 FM 27.980 MHz FM - Narrow FSK data bursts
27991 FM 27.991 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 40 - 27.99125 MHz FM UK CB chatter

Checked the W3HFU KiwiSDR (130ft. T2FD antenna) at 1400 UTC:

25655 AM 25.655 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25685 AM 25.685 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
25695 AM 25.695 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26025 AM 26.025 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26035 AM 26.035 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26150 FM 26.150 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - fading in and out
26200 FM 26.200 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts - UK and EU 26MHz POCSAG 26.2 MHz
26225 USB 26.225 MHz USB - Spanish language chatter, well-known 26 MHz Latin American frequency
26240 LSB 26.240 MHz LSB - Spanish language chatter
26250 FM 26.250 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts - UK and EU 26MHz POCSAG 26.25 MHz
26300 FM 26.300 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts - UK and EU 26MHz POCSAG 26.3 MHz
26350 FM 26.350 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, basically constant POCSAG signal
26420 USB 26.420 MHz USB - "the other station coming in, who is that other station?" "575" "Unit 989" "Kenwood"
26435 USB 26.435 MHz USB - UNID language, probably Italian
26450 FM 26.450 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts - UK and EU 26MHz POCSAG 26.45 MHz
26475 AM 26.475 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26475 LSB 26.475 MHz LSB - Very strong Spanish language chatter
26550 FM 26.550 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts - UK and EU 26MHz POCSAG 26.55 MHz
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language, busy
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Mexican accented Spanish chatter
26595 AM 26.595 MHz AM - Spanish language
26605 FM 26.605 MHz FM - German language
26635 FM 26.635 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, UK hospital, constant signal (like 26.695, 26.745, 26.900 and 26.950)
26650 FM 26.650 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts
26655 AM 26.655 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26695 FM 26.695 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal UK and Euro 26MHz paging freq
26705 FM 26.705 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, sporadic bursts
26745 FM 26.745 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal UK and Euro 26MHz paging freq
26750 FM 26.750 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal UK and Euro 26MHz paging freq
26755 FM 26.755 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal UK and Euro 26MHz paging freq
26765 AM 26.765 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
26800 FM 26.800 MHz FM - POCSAG pager - bursts, 26.8 MHz European pager frequency
26805 FM 26.805 MHz FM - European stations calling CQ DX US 11m FM frequency 26.805 FM club
26815 FM 26.815 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, bursts
26815 FM 26.815 MHz FM - German language
26835 FM 26.835 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal UK and Euro 26MHz paging freq
26850 FM 26.850 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 26.85 MHz
26855 FM 26.855 MHz FM - German language
26900 FM 26.900 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging, nearly constant signal(s)
26915 AM 26.915 MHz AM - US stations, very strong signals
26935 FM 26.935 MHz FM - Data bursts, very quick, also hearing POCSAG mixing in
26935 FM 26.935 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts
26945 FM 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data signal - MFSK data
26950 FM 26.950 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 26.95 MHz

27045 FM 27.045 MHz FM - RCRS data telemetry frequency - strong MFSK data signal roughly 6 kHz wide
27195 FM 27.195 MHz FM - RCRS data telemetry frequency - the usual ~5.5 kHz or 6 kHz wide MFSK data bursts on top of what look like (and sound like) the long range data radio link network signals usually heard on 27.255 during band openings (I'm pretty sure the signals on 27195 are either out of Latin America, or are from a specific location within the USA or elsewhere that has a data link system on 27.195 instead of 27.255.  Either way, 27.195 is actually busier than 27.255 right now

27415 AM 27.415 MHz AM - Weak AM signals, likely taxi cab dispatcher - Spanish language
27420 USB 27.420 MHz LSB - numerous English language signals at once
27425 LSB 27.425 MHz LSB - US stations, freebanders, also hearing UK stations
27445 LSB 27.445 MHz LSB - US stations, freebanders
27445 AM 27.445 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27450 FM 27.450 MHz FM - Pager system, POCSAG bursts, carrier when idle, known European paging network
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language DX frequency, very busy
27465 AM 27.465 MHz AM - Italy Canal 45 "Channel 45" - Italian AM big radios channel 27,465 AM
27485 LSB 27.485 MHz LSB - "121 Station" - heavy Caribbean accented English chatter
27500 LSB 27.500 MHz LSB - Caribbean stations, busy
27500 USB 27.500 MHz USB - Caribbean station chatter
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Caribbean activity, very active
27520 USB 27.520 MHz USB - Freeband 11 meter DXers
27525 USB 27.525 MHz USB - Freeband 11 meter DXers - Scottish station talking about antennas
27530 USB 27.530 MHz USB - Freeband 11 meter DXers
27545 USB 27.545 MHz USB - Freeband 11 meter DXers
27550 FM - 27.550 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 27.55 MHz
27555 USB 27.555 MHz USB - Very busy
27580 USB 27.580 MHz USB - French language
27605 USB 27.605 MHz USB - Heard "Echo Tango" "101" "bye-bye" in English
27611 FM 27.611 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 2 - 27.61125 MHz FM - UK FM CB chatter
27625 USB 27.625 MHz USB - French language, very strong signals
27630 USB 27.630 MHz USB - French language, mixing with what sounds like Spanish
27651 FM 27.651 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 6 - 27.65125 MHz carrier (previously monitored carrier, right on 27.651 FM)
27660 USB 27.660 MHz USB - Spanish language
27665 USB 27.665 MHz USB - Spanish language
27671 FM 27.671 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 8 - 27.67125 MHz UK FM CB radio chatter
27675 USB 27.675 MHz USB - Spanish language freebander chatter
27700 USB 27.700 MHz USB - SSTV signals in progress
27701 FM 27.701 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 11 - 27.70125 MHz UK FM CB mixing with 27.700 USB SSTV
27731 FM 27.731 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 14 - 27.73125 MHz UK FM CB radio chatter
27741 FM 27.741 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 15 - 27.74125 MHz UK FM CB radio chatter
27750 FM 27.750 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 27.75 MHz
27751 FM 27.751 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 16 - 27.75125 MHz UK FM CB mixing with POCSAG pager
27755 AM 27.755 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27781 FM 27.781 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 19 - 27.78125 MHz UK FM CB calling/road channel 27.781 FM
27785 AM 27.785 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27800 FM 27.800 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 27.8 MHz
27801 FM 27.801 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 21 - 27.80125 MHz UK FM CB chatter - heavy QRM
27805 LSB 27.805 MHz LSB - Portuguese language
27811 FM 27.811 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 22 - 27.81125 MHz UK FM CB chatter
27825 AM 27.825 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27831 FM 27.831 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 24 - 27.83125 MHz UK FM CB chatter
27835 AM 27.835 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language
27841 FM 27.841 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 25 - 27.84125 MHz UK FM CB chatter
27850 FM 27.850 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 27.85 MHz
27851 FM 27.851 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 26 - 27.85125 MHz UK FM CB chatter
27855 USB 27.855 MHz USB - UNID language freebander chatter (weak, heavy QRM)
27875 LSB 27.875 MHz LSB - Portuguese language 
27895 LSB 27.895 MHz LSB - French language
27941 FM 27.941 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 35 - 27.94125 MHz UK FM CB - dead carrier
27950 FM 27.950 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts - European paging frequency 27.95 MHz
27965 USB 27.965 MHz USB - French language, heavy fading
27971 FM 27.971 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 38 - 27.97125 MHz UK FM CB chatter
27975 AM 27.975 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch - YL dispatcher Spanish language

29705 AM 29.705 MHz AM - French language, out of band CB radio chatter (freebanders 29 MHz)
29725 AM 29.725 MHz AM - French language
29800 FM 29.800 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging bursts, nearly constant signal at 1429 UTC
29825 AM 29.825 MHz AM - French language
29840 FM 29.840 MHz FM - Narrow band FSK bursts
29900 FM 29.900 MHz FM - POCSAG pager bursts, sporadic signal
29915 AM 29.915 MHz AM - French language

10/11 meters / Re: 11m Band Activity 19 DEC 2022
« on: December 19, 2022, 1514 UTC »
Sounds like another excellent opening.

I heard a fair amount of UK FM CB chatter (especially on channels 6, 19, 38, 39 and 40 - so 27.651 FM, 27.781 FM, 27.981 FM and 27.991 FM).  Noted POCSAG activity on 27.450 MHz, 27.650 MHz, 27.700 MHz, 27.750 MHz and multiple data/pager signals around 27.85 MHz (offset frequency, 27.846 MHz or 27.847 MHz). 

The usual UK 26 MHz band paging frequencies were also alive - 26.695 MHz, 26.700 MHz, 26.705 MHz, 26.745 MHz, 26.750 MHz MHz, 26.755 MHz...with Spanish language taxi dispatchers mixing in (26.765 MHz AM had a very good signal over the weekend, YL taxi dispatcher).  Taxis active on 27.785 AM while UK FM came in on 27.781.25 FM.  European pagers booming in on 26.800 MHz, 26.850 MHz, 26.900 MHz, 26.950 MHz and 27.300 MHz.  UNID data signals on 26.940 MHz, 26.945 MHz, 26.950 MHz, 26.955 MHz, 26.960 MHz...

UK hospital paging active on 31.725 MHz, 31.750 MHz and 31.775 MHz as well.  Strangely, the 29 MHz frequencies seemed quiet.   27.975 AM with Spanish language OM chatter.   Fair amount of AM signals in the lower portions of 10 meters (CBers in 10 meters), namely 28.005 AM, 28.035 AM, 28.055 and many other frequencies, up to 28.235 MHz.

Lots of interesting UNID signals in this band, CB is not dead!

An interesting note regarding French language chatter, I've noticed that French chatter seems to pop up in the upper reaches of the 25.615 MHz to 30.105 MHz coverage of most export rigs, especially in the 27.9 MHz to 28.0 MHz region, including 27.995 MHz USB, 27.997 MHz LSB, and 29 MHz band frequencies, namely 29.775 MHz AM, 29.815 MHz AM, 29.825 MHz AM, 29.875 MHz AM, 29.905 MHz AM, 29.915 MHz AM, 29.925 MHz AM and 29.975 MHz AM.  The 29 MHz AM signals all sounded like freeband CBers - but the language was only French. That, or its a land mobile user (legit, licensed user).  Probably not though, considering use of AM mode.  Another interesting indicator are the 29 MHz pagers - 29.750 MHz, 29.800 MHz, 29.850 MHz, 29.900 MHz, 29.950 MHz.  Canadian hospitals are still found on 30.020 MHz (and others). 

10/11 meters / Re: 11m Band Activity 16 DEC 2022
« on: December 16, 2022, 1857 UTC »
It's been going nuts.

I'm currently listening to what sound like truck drivers (Spanish speaking) on 28005 AM. 

I'm sure these land mobile users are operating in 10 meters all the time, but now they're actually coming through.  Lots of taxi cab comms on 25 MHz, 26 MHz and 27 MHz as the propagation shifts from the UK and Europe to Latin America

Recent logs:

28.235 MHz AM - taxi dispatcher (Spanish language)
28.205 MHz AM - taxi dispatcher (Spanish language)
28.085 MHz AM - truckers - English language
28.055 MHz AM - taxi dispatcher (Spanish language)
28.035 MHz AM - taxi dispatcher (Spanish language)
28.025 MHz AM - taxi dispatcher (Spanish language)
28.005 MHz AM - multiple stations at once, hearing OMs and a YL taxi dispatcher

Some other oddities:

27.975 MHz AM - group of US truck drivers using export radios, most of which are in serious need of an alignment - carrier frequencies noted below:

27.974.1 MHz
27.976.0 MHz
27.977.9 MHz
27.975.3 MHz
27.975.8 MHz

27.385 MHz LSB - as to be expected, then somebody playing music (in FM mode) on top of the SSB traffic - CB Channel 38
27.255 MHz dozens of different data signals, with AM and FM voice (mostly AM) mixing in
27.207 MHz - Another odd FSK signal, center frequency might be closer to 27.208 MHz
27.205 MHz FM - Lots of FM signals on top of each other - CB Channel 20
27.205 MHz AM - AM and FM and SSB, the area around 27.2 MHz / CB Channel 20 is really messy
27.201 MHz USB - Spanish language, very good signals
27.198 MHz USB - center frequency 27.199 MHz - narrow band FSK data signal, 2.5 kHz wide
27.195 MHz MFSK - constant multiple-carrier frequency shift keying data signal, about 6.5 kHz wide
27.195 MHz MFSK - the constant signal faded away, now a rapid burst signal is on the frequency (with AM voice traffic)
27.195 MHz AM - taxi dispatch lady (Spanish language)
27.195 MHz AM - "Can you copy the radio?" (English, very good signal)
27.095 MHz - Yet another unique data signal, bursts every few seconds, FSK, about 5 kHz wide
27.095 MHz AM - another taxi dispatcher - YL speaking Spanish
27.000 MHz USB - Weak voice traffic noted
26.995 MHz MFSK - Very similar signal to the one noted on 27.195.  The 27.195 MHz MFSK data signal is a good indicator of the band being open to Latin America
26.995 MHz AM - Hearing OMs talking, does not sound like a taxi or other business or land mobile user
26.995 MHz AM carrier, 26994.5 kHz zero beat


Thank you very much for the insight regarding these operators.   I figured they were either outbanders (bootleggers, freebanders) and/or were guys using old AM mode marine or military equipment with analog frequency displays in the 2-3 MHz region. 

It makes sense given that a large number of World War II transmitters or combined transmitter-receiver sets operated in that (roughly) 2-4 MHz range (lots of equipment only covered the higher bands, like 3.8 MHz to 6.5 MHz or so).  The older-generation marine radiotelephone equipment also worked in that similar range (1.6 to 4 MHz or 2-4 MHz), with some transitional-generation gear having the capability to run in "AM equivalent" or "AME" mode (SSB with a carrier so an AM only receiver could demodulate their signal, but somebody with their radio set to USB mode could also talk to them). 

These transmissions are very easily heard using internet SDR receivers located in Poland and other locations in Europe, but, understandably so, they are very strong on receivers in Poland, Ukraine and Russia (this was pre February 2022 in the case of the Russian and Ukrainian KiwiSDRs). 

100 meter band.  I like the sound of that.  100m is 3 MHz or 3000 kHz.

Hearing US stations working DX on 26.805 MHz FM - 26.805 FM group

The 10m and 11m bands are both waking up.  Noting activity on:

29.750 MHz - POCSAG pager signals
29.800 MHz - POCSAG pager signals
29.905 MHz - 29.905 AM voice traffic, French language, presumably freebanders operating in the 29.7 to 30.0 MHz "sliver"
29.950 MHz - POCSAG pager signals (weak)
30.000 MHz - POCSAG pager signals - yep, right on 30.000 MHz 30000 kHz
30.020 MHz - POCSAG pager signals (sporadic signals)
30.450 MHz - Fort Hood, Texas Range Control - fading in and out
30.450 MHz - POCSAG pager signal
30.5125 MHz - POCSAG pager signals - another 12.5 kHz offset frequency
30.575 MHz - POCSAG pager signals
30.640 MHz - 30.640 FM voice chatter, Spanish language (probably a US land mobile system)
30.9375 MHz - FM voice, UNID language, very weak (not 30.940 MHz)
31.000 MHz - 31.000 FM voice - "don't let the lines..." - sounds like heavy construction, US stations land mobile system
31.000 MHz - POCSAG pager signal (weak, but readable)
31.0375 MHz - POCSAG pager signal - note use of 12.5 kHz channel step
31.120 MHz - 31.120 FM voice, Van Pool Transportation dispatch - very good signals
31.1875 MHz - POCSAG pager signal - note use of 12.5 kHz channel step 31,1875 POCSAG
31.2125 MHz - POCSAG pager signal - note use of 12.5 kHz channel step 31,2125 POCSAG
31.250 MHz - POCSAG pager signals
31.725 MHz - POCSAG pager signal - UK on site hospital paging frequency 31.725 31,725 POCSAG
31.750 MHz - POCSAG pager - UK on site hospital paging 31 MHz band 31.75 MHz POCSAG
31.775 MHz - POCSAG pager signal - UK on site hospital paging frequency 31.775 POCSAG 31,775 POCSAG

10/11 meters / 11 meter activity 17 Nov 2022
« on: November 17, 2022, 1512 UTC »
Band appears to be waking up this morning (eastern time).  Noting activity on the European and UK paging frequencies - including 26695, 26745, 26900, 26950 and the other usual suspects.

POCSAG signals also starting to fade in on the 29 MHz frequencies (29.750 MHz, 29.800 MHz, 29.850 MHz, 29.900 MHz and 29.950 MHz). 
At the moment there's weak POCSAG on 29750 and 29800.  Nothing on 30.000 MHz, 30.020 MHz or 30.025 MHz (yet).  Checked the UK 31 MHz paging frequencies 31.725 MHz, 31.750 MHz and 31.775 MHz and heard a faint pager signal on 31.75 MHz

UK FM signals also starting to come in, including activity on UK FM CB Channel 40 - 27991.25 FM, mixing with French language chatter on 27995 USB

26955 AM - 26.955 MHz AM - Spanish language, YL dispatcher - likely taxi cab dispatch radio
26955 FM - 26.955 MHz FM - German language CB chatter - German FM CB Channel 80
26950 FM - 26.950 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - data bursts, various signal strengths
26945 FM - 26.945 MHz FM - Wider band data signal (bursts) also on this frequency
26945 FM - 26.945 MHz FM - Very strong FSK data signal, see signal noted on 26.915 MHz
26925 AM - 26.925 MHz AM - Spanish language
26925 FM - 26.925 MHz FM - Very strong FSK data signal, see signal noted on 26.915 MHz
26915 FM - 26.915 MHz FM - Very strong FSK data signal, roughly 2 kHz wide - MFSK mode looks like
26900 FM - 26.900 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - very busy pager frequency (European pagers on 26 MHz)
26895 FM - 26.895 MHz FM - Narrowband FSK data signal, possibly a telemetry signal or 11 meter datamode DXers
26882 LSB - 26.882 MHz LSB - Spanish language?  Odd offset frequency
26875 FM - 26.875 MHz FM - Narrowband FSK data signal, identical mode to the 26.895 MHz signal
26815 FM - 26.815 MHz FM - German CB radio chatter - German FM CB
26805 FM - 26.805 MHz FM - Weak FM signals - this is a US FM 11m freebander frequency as well
26765 AM - 26.765 MHz AM - Spanish speaking taxi dispatcher - heard almost every time the band is open
26755 FM - 26.755 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals
26750 FM - 26.750 MHz FM - POCSAG pager paging signals
26745 FM - 26.745 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - multiple signals on top of each other
26715 AM - 26.715 MHz AM - Spanish speaking stations - popular freebander frequency
26695 FM - 26.695 MHz FM - POCSAG pager signals - very busy
26650 FM - 26.650 MHz FM - POCSAG pager - regular pager signal bursts
26585 AM - 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish speaking stations - popular freebander frequency
26555 LSB - 26.555 MHz LSB Spanish speaking stations - popular freebander frequency

10/11 meters / 11 meter activity 15 Nov 2022
« on: November 15, 2022, 1641 UTC »
Via W3HFU KiwiSDR - tuned in at 1640 UTC (1140 local time)

27991 FM - 27.99125 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 40
27990 USB - 27.990 MHz USB - French language, stronger than the UK FM signals on 27.991 FM
27950 FM - 27.950 MHz FM - POCSAG paging signal - pager signals 27.95 MHz 27,950 POCSAG 27MHz band
27941 FM - 27.94125 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 35 - Seems to be a continuous signal in the background
27911 FM - 27.91125 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 32 - "I'll cut your..." - heavy fading, UK FM CB chatter
27901 FM - 27.90125 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 31
27850 FM - 27.850 MHz FM - POCSAG paging signal - pager signals 27.95 MHz 27,950 POCSAG 27MHz band
27781 FM - 27.78125 MHz FM - UK FM CB Channel 19 - numerous signals on top of each other
27755 AM - 27.755 MHz AM - Spanish speaking taxi cab dispatcher lady - good signal
27745 LSB - 27.745 MHz LSB - Spanish language chatter, freebanders
27735 LSB - 27.735 MHz LSB - Spanish language, heard "Fernando" and "listen to the frequency" clearly
27700 USB - 27.700 MHz USB - SSTV signals
27690 FM - 27.690 MHz FM - Unmodulated carrier, might be UK FM CB off-frequency - 27.69125 MHz?  or something else

26785 AM - 26.785 MHz AM - Spanish speaking stations
26775 LSB - 26.775 MHz LSB - Italian language
26745 FM - 26.745 MHz FM - POCSAG paging signal - 26 MHz pager frequency 26.745 MHz offset for 26.750 MHz
26730 FM - 26.730 MHz FM - Data signal - sounds like POCSAG or another pager (odd frequency)
26695 FM - 26.695 MHz FM - POCSAG paging signal - weak, but there (usually this is one of the strongest ones)
26585 AM - 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language signals - popular 26 MHz "low channel" trucker and freebander frequency
26565 LSB - 26.565 MHz LSB - Spanish speaking DXers - Mexican accents
26555 LSB - 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language DX calling frequency - very busy
26525 LSB - 26.525 MHz LSB - Spanish language, also hearing what sounds like Italian mixing in
26445 LSB - 26.445 MHz LSB - Spanish language
26375 AM - 26.375 MHz AM - Spanish language, freebanders - very busy
26035 AM - 26.035 MHz AM - Spanish language

With the recent band openings, I've done some research and in addition to the dozens upon dozens of pagers in the 26-28 MHz band and 29.7-30 MHz band, the UK use

31.725 MHz
31.750 MHz
31.775 MHz

and I've noted POCSAG signals on 31.75 MHz with just a handheld scanner and a telescopic antenna (CB/11m/10m base loaded antenna, roughly 50" long fully extended). 

Looking forward to more band openings on 11 meters, 10 meters, the VHF low band and 6 meters.  Lots of interesting signals in the 26-28 MHz, 29.7 MHz to 30 MHz and 30-50 MHz low band coming out of the UK, Europe, Latin America...


Yes! 40 channels 26.965 to 27.405 MHz (listed one by one) plus a continuous allocation 27.415 MHz to 27.855 MHz, which usually are stepped every 5 kHz by the freebanders.

I'm glad to hear they've opened that spectrum up for regular AM and FM use as well as 5 kHz step SSB freebander use. 

The 25.615 MHz to 27.995 MHz band is de facto CB here in the USA, especially the "lowers and uppers" or "120 channels" (26.515 MHz to 27.855 MHz).  The lower frequencies (Band A and Band B - that is, 25615 to 26055 and 26065 to 26505, are still very popular with hunt clubs, trucking companies, logging companies, farmers, etc.  A basic AM/FM 360 channel mobile radio (like a Connex 3300 or similar rig) and now the Chinese rigs - are very popular. 

In Greece, since December 31, 2021, freebanding is legal !

Accrding to the current frequency allocation tables, CB radio uses the regular 40 US channels: 26965 - 27405. In addition, CB is allocated on a secondary basis 27415 - 27885 kHz without channelization !

Awesome.  So Greece currently has...80 channels?  26.965 MHz to 27.855 MHz?  Or Band D + Band E?  Or is it just 26.965 MHz to 27.405 MHz (40 channels) + 27.415 MHz to 27.855 MHz (or 27.885 MHz?) in de facto 5 kHz steps? 

Pretty cool either way.    Seems like this is the direction many countries are taking:

UK has 80 channels - 40 standard EU or CEPT "mid band" or US CB channels 26.965 MHz - 27.405 MHz (AM/FM/SSB permitted) + the 40 UK FM "27/81" channels (FM only) 27.60125 MHz - 27.99125 MHz

Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic have 80 channels - 40 standard EU or CEPT "mid band" or US CB channels 26.965 MHz - 27.405 MHz (AM/FM/SSB permitted) + 40 additional channels 26.565 MHz to 26.955 MHz (straight 10 kHz channel steps, no skips, with 26.565 MHz being Channel 41, 26.575 MHz being Channel 42, up to 26.945 MHz being Channel 79 and 26.955 MHz being Channel 80).  Channels 41-80 are FM mode only (or FM like data modes, FSK, AX.25 packet radio, etc.) 

Russia has two sets of 120 channels

The European band plan or "raster" - the "fives" with the channel frequencies ending in 5

26.515 MHz to 26.955 MHz - Band B
26.965 MHz to 27.405 MHz - Band C - standard CB band
27.415 MHz to 27.855 MHz - Band D

And the Polish band plan/original Russian band plan or "raster" - the "zeros", identical to the standard CB radio channel plan but -5 kHz so

26.510 MHz to 26.950 MHz - Band B
26.960 MHz to 27.400 MHz - Band C - standard Polish zero raster CB band
27.410 MHz to 27.850 MHz - Band D

It's easy to see "Band A" - 26.055 MHz to 26.505 MHz and 26.050 MHz to 26.500 MHz

The band identifiers are sometimes moved "up one" (to match the standard A-B-C-D-E-F band 25.615 MHz - 28.305 MHz export radio band plan).

Russia effectively has 5 kHz steps.  Channels are given an alphanumeric designation to indicate

Band (B, C, D)
Channel (1-40)
Band Plan (Zeros or Fives) or Channel Raster - European (standard) is "E" and the Polish CB channel plan is "P"
Mode - A for AM mode or F for FM mode (some radios show AM for AM mode and FM for FM mode)


27.185 MHz AM would be Channel C19EA or Channel C19EAM or Channel C19E AM

27.180 MHz FM would be Channel C19PF or Channel C19PFM or Channel C19P FM

27.635 MHz FM would be Channel D19EF or Channel D19EFM or Channel D19E FM

The skipped "A" channels (RC and data channels) are also heavily used.  Radios sold for that market will have a +10 kHz switch and a -5 kHz switch.  This means that the top frequency 27.855 MHz actually is 27.865 MHz (or 27.860 MHz) because you could go to Channel 40 on the high band and then flick the +10kHz switch.
Confusingly, these have an "A" added to them (3A, 7A, 11A, 15A, 19A) for the three bands:

European channel plan

Channel B03A - 26.545 MHz - Channel 3A "down one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band C, Channel 3A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.540 MHz
Channel B07A - 26.595 MHz - Channel 7A "down one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band C, Channel 7A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.590 MHz
Channel B11A - 26.645 MHz - Channel 11A "down one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band C, Channel 11A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.640 MHz
Channel B15A - 26.695 MHz - Channel 15A "down one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band C, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.690 MHz
Channel B19A - 26.745 MHz - Channel 19A "down one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band C, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.740 MHz

Channel C03A - 26.995 MHz - Channel 3A (on regular export radios, this would be Band D, Channel 3A) - on the "zero" raster - 26.990 MHz
Channel C07A - 27.045 MHz - Channel 7A (on regular export radios, this would be Band D, Channel 7A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.040 MHz
Channel C11A - 27.095 MHz - Channel 11A (on regular export radios, this would be Band D, Channel 11A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.090 MHz
Channel C15A - 27.145 MHz - Channel 15A (on regular export radios, this would be Band D, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.140 MHz
Channel C19A - 27.195 MHz - Channel 19A (on regular export radios, this would be Band D, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.190 MHz

Channel D03A - 27.445 MHz - Channel 3A "up one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band E, Channel 3A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.440 MHz
Channel D07A - 27.495 MHz - Channel 7A "up one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band E, Channel 7A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.490 MHz
Channel D11A - 27.545 MHz - Channel 11A "up one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band E, Channel 11A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.540 MHz
Channel D15A - 27.595 MHz - Channel 15A "up one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band E, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.590 MHz
Channel D19A - 27.645 MHz - Channel 19A "up one band" (on regular export radios, this would be Band E, Channel 15A) - on the "zero" raster - 27.640 MHz

11m and 10m are both extremely busy.  Checking VHF low band now...noted Fort Hood Range Control on 30.450 MHz FM 30.450 FM.  Good signals.

Heard locally (using a handheld scanner!) and via the N1NTE KiwiSDR.

POCSAG bursts on 31.75 MHz 31,750 FM 31.750 MHz FM.  Fading in and out.  Known use in Europe.  12.5 kHz steps...but right now 31.75 MHz seems to be the active one (or the strongest one).

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