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Messages - zackers

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Free Euphoria, 6925am
« on: September 10, 2010, 1753 UTC »
I heard Radio Free Euphoria around 0100Z on 9-9-2010. Somewhere along the line it transitioned into Sycko Radio. Seemed to disappear at 0205Z.

Both stations had the same signal strength in Illinois, SINPO 43344. Signal was distorted on USB for both. Are these the same station?

How would I get QSL(s)?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID Station 6940 kHz
« on: July 01, 2009, 0402 UTC »
Thanks. Will do!


Spy Numbers / Re: 11545 Lincolnshire Poacher
« on: June 29, 2009, 1744 UTC »
LP hasn't been reported since about a year ago (~June 2008). I guess it's gone for now ... never know if and when it might resurface though!

HF Beacons / Re: Russian Beacon
« on: June 29, 2009, 1737 UTC »
Has anyone heard the "V V V" beacon on 7002 kHz for a while? I don't believe I've heard it in a few years now.

HF Beacons / Re: TR on during field day weekend
« on: June 29, 2009, 1735 UTC »
Wish I'd looked at this in advance. I would've listened for it.

Storms put a halt in our FD operations from about 9:30 pm CDT to 2 am, when it finally stopped raining, but everyone who was still there had been napping and we didn't feel like firing the generator up again!

HF Beacons / Re: Beacons Heard here in NUT
« on: June 29, 2009, 1732 UTC »
OK on 3449 has been loud here in east central Illinois most of the time (S4 or better). I haven't listened for a while but over the winter the TMP beacon was pretty consistent copy in and out of the noise. Sometimes getting up to S4 or S5.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID Station 6940 kHz
« on: June 29, 2009, 1252 UTC »
I don't think it was Dead Cat Radio.  I did hear "This is Radio <huge static crash>".


North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID Station 6940 kHz
« on: June 28, 2009, 2341 UTC »
I took a break from ham radio Field Day operations last night just before the thunderstorm hit us and heard a station on 6940 AM. This was at 0214Z on June 28.

The station was playing old Shirley Temple songs - Animal Crackers In My Soup, When I Grow Up, etc. I couldn't get an ID.

Statis crashes were horrific. Had to pull the plug at 0220Z before the lightning took out the rig.

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