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**EDIT**      I modified the title to show just July 2019 VHF / NOAA Weather Radio ducting discussion





From this morning, roughly 0645 to 0655 local time (US east coast), I was able to hear activity on all 7 NOAA Weather Radio NOAA WX frequencies, with all except the local station having multiple signals at once.  162.400 and 162.550 seemed to have three stations going at various points.   The band does appear to be open to one degree or another every morning, but this morning was an extreme example. 

With the tell-tale insanely awesome big bandwidth and audio.

Mix Radio International on 49 meters!  6019 kHz USB 6.019 MHz USB

6930.2 kHz AM

Carrier came on shortly after WREC signed off

Dead carrier for about 10 minutes, then SSTV at 2152 UTC, another SSTV at 2154 UTC

Off at 2201?

6545.4 kHz sounds too high, 6545.3 sounds too low, but 6545.4 makes more sense.  Portuguese chatter heard this afternoon via the Westminster, MD KiwiSDR. 

10/11 meters / 11 meters is active 1715 UTC 12 July 2019
« on: July 12, 2019, 1756 UTC »
Posting this a little late but during my lunch break I heard some skip activity on the legal 40 CB channels, of course channel 6 (27.025 MHz) was busy, as well as several others.  Channel 38 LSB - 27.385 MHz LSB was also active.  Likely more sporadic-E propagation enhancement.  According to DXMaps.com, both 10 meters and 6 meters are active on the US East Coast with E-skip activity, so it would make sense for 11 meters to be open too.

10/11 meters / 27.300 MHz LSB 27300 LSB 2101 UTC 10 July 2019
« on: July 10, 2019, 2103 UTC »
Two OMs chatting in between channels 29 and 30 (27.295 MHz and 27.305 MHz respectively).  One of those secret channels, 27.300 MHz.

"you've done well, my friend" heard at 2101 UTC.  Weak signals, but they're definitely there.  LSB mode.  Heard on COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border. 

10/11 meters / 11 meters is active 2045 UTC 10 July 2019
« on: July 10, 2019, 2058 UTC »
Via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR, from 2045 UTC to 2055 UTC (1645 to 1655 local time)

26.065 MHz AM - two OMs talking, "nearing 100 mile there" "closer to the city" - sound like truckers, southern accents
26.105 MHz AM - similar traffic to traffic heard the other day, truckers or similar traffic
26.405 MHz AM - weak AM carriers fading in and out
26.565 MHz AM - OM doing radio checks
26.775 MHz AM - southern-accented OMs
26.885 MHz AM - similar to 26.915 MHz AM, heard the frequency referred to as "885"
26.905 MHz AM - central US stations heard, Illinois mentioned
26.915 MHz AM - very busy, several stations talking at once, heard a station ID'ed as "Jailbird"

not all 40 legal CB channels were active, the usual AM and SSB activity centers were busy, including 27.385 LSB

27.465 MHz LSB - active with DXing stations, general rag-chewing
27.575 MHz AM - "you going down to where? 700?" "you must have lots of spray"

Not as busy as it was yesterday, but still a considerable amount of DX rolling in this afternoon

Hearing two truckers chatting on 26.405 MHz AM / 26405 kHz AM, both with good signals.  Talking about trucking related topics (company drama, weigh scales, several mentions of "Toledo" and "75" - presuming that's a reference to I-75 or route 75).  At one point it became clear the two operators were within eyesight of each other, likely a "company channel" or "side channel" used by truckers from a particular location or company...several other 26 MHz frequencies are waking up early this afternoon.  Hearing two OMs chatting on 25.925 MHz AM / 25925 kHz AM, both of them seem to be local to each other as well. 

10/11 meters / 11 meters is active 1645 UTC 9 July 2019
« on: July 09, 2019, 1654 UTC »
On my lunch break - activity on every single one of the 40 legal CB channels at 1645 UTC.  Channel 6 (27.025 MHz AM) is a total mess. 

Some out of band / freeband 11 meter activity:

27.885 MHz AM - weak AM voice heard
27.865 MHz AM - weak, sounds like truckers or similar
27.775 MHz AM - English
27.715 MHz AM - English, possibly truckers
27.695 MHz LSB - Spanish
27.665 MHz USB - Spanish
27.565 MHz AM - English, talking about "number 5"
27.535 MHz AM - English, weak
27.520 MHz USB - English, sounds like ham operators talking on 11m
27.505 MHz LSB - English, midwestern accents
27.475 MHz AM - carrier noted, no modulation? weak
27.465 MHz LSB - sounds like two QSOs at once
27.460 MHz LSB - English
27.455 MHz LSB - English language
27.430 MHz LSB - English, stations working DX
27.425 MHz LSB - English, stations working DX
26.915 MHz AM - Busy, several stations faded up at once (English language), heard mention of Wiscosin
26.905 MHz AM - English, some fading
26.895 MHz AM - English, similar to 26.905 MHz AM
26.885 MHz AM - Weak
26.835 MHz AM - English, mention of Iowa and several other states
26.735 MHz AM - English, probably truckers
26.715 MHz AM - Spanish
26.705 MHz AM - Spanish
26.685 MHz AM - English
26.625 MHz AM - English
26.525 MHz AM - English, sounds like freebanders, mention of "10-7" and other CB lingo
26.405 MHz AM - English, mention of "standing up there at the wheel"
26.375 MHz AM - English
26.105 MHz AM - English, weak

Peskies / 9161.3 kHz USB - Spanish Speaking 2140 UTC 8 July 2019
« on: July 08, 2019, 2143 UTC »
Foul-mouthed Spanish speaking fishermen (or freebanders, both, I suppose) on oddball frequency 9161.3 kHz 9.161.3 MHz USB 9161.3 USB.  At least two different stations involved, all the usual Spanish language curse words heard. 

Peskies / 6925 kHz LSB - The Usual Suspects 2112 UTC 8 July 2019
« on: July 08, 2019, 2113 UTC »
6.925 MHz LSB 6925 kHz LSB 6925 LSB Portuguese chatter - several stations going nearly non-stop.  SIO 222 or so.  Lots of thunderstorm crashes and static this afternoon. 

Radio Free USA pirate station 6931 kHz USB 6.931 MHz USB July 5th, 2019

Audio clips about impeachment - Radio Free USA ID at 1607 UTC

1608 UTC - "Keep America Great"
1611 UTC - Radio Free USA ID

"Keeping my SWRs down" at 1415 UTC.  "I'd say everything looks fine" 

Two OMs chatting about radio-related topics with some minor QRM from 27.125 MHz (channel 14) and 27.135 MHz (channel 15).  Very weak data bursts noted underneath one of the stations.  AM voice on 27.145 MHz - R/C frequency A channel +10 kHz channel.  27145 AM.

"Star Spangled Banner" by Jimi Hendrix coming in nice and loud on the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border this morning.  CB CH 32 music on CB radio channel 32 27.325 MHz 27325 kHz AM mode.

10/11 meters / 11 meters is active 1400 UTC 5 July 2019
« on: July 05, 2019, 1403 UTC »
July 5th, 2019.  Lots of 11m activity, both within, above and below the legal 40 CB channels.  Lots of AM activity on the usual AM DX channels, but activity noted below channel 1 and lots of SSB activity above channel 40. 

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