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Too many active frequencies to even begin listing them all

2200 UTC to 2215 UTC - receiver is the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border

7500 kHz USB - Spanish language, presumed freebander out of bander net, sporadic signals
7585.5 kHz USB - Spanish language, OMs using rather obscene language, possibly pescadores or freebanders, good signals
7589 kHz USB - Portuguese language, I think
7600 kHz USB - Spanish language, OMs
7603 kHz LSB - Spanish language, causing severe QRM to 7600 USB
7607 kHz LSB - Unknown language, very busy
7633 kHz USB - OM and YL chatting - almost sounds like Italian
7664 kHz USB - Spanish language chatter
7743.7 kHz LSB - Spanish language chatter, good signal, talking about Donald Trump's lawyer lol
7766 kHz USB - Spanish language, weak with splashover from WRMI's blowtorch signal on 7780 kHz
7931 kHz LSB - more of the same, Spanish speaking outbanders, gambio!
7947 kHz USB - Spanish language chatter
7964 kHz USB - Spanish language chatter with OTHR QRM bursts
7970.7 kHz LSB - Spanish speaking chatter
7977.7 kHz LSB - Spanish language chatter, similar to all the other logs

The 6 MHz band is almost wall-to-wall with a half dozen different languages heard in a simple band scan over the past 10-15 minutes...so I decided to check above 40 meter amateur and 41 meter broadcast.  Several active SSB QSOs noted around 2200 UTC, mostly in USB mode. 

Spanish language chatter, two OMs on 7822 kHz, with minor QRM from data on 7820 kHz
Spanish language chatter, weaker but there on 7826 kHz (also USB mode)

6880 kHz LSB - Portuguese chatter on frequency, with some QRM from Spanish speakers on 6875 kHz USB.  OMs whistling into mics on top of each other, laughing, typical freebander activity.  Maybe two QSOs going on at once on 6880 LSB.

Received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border

Old Time Radio OTR coming in on 6770 kHz AM 6.770 MHz AM on the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  SIO 222 or so.  Hearing YL talking about "comic background" - then OM singing and laughing heard in background.  Some fading.  OM and YL continue talking at 2129 UTC.  Signal went from S4 at 2125 UTC tune-in time to S9 at 2129 UTC.  Now SIO 333 with nice modulation. 

12788 kHz USB 12.788 MHz USB 12MHz marine band weather broadcast from New Orleans, LA station NMG heard via Tecsun PL-660 portable receiver connected to 50 foot random wire antenna.  Very readable signal.  Not as insanely strong as the 6501 kHz USB broadcast. 

Peskies / 6744.4 kHz USB - French Language ??? 0106 UTC 22 Feb 2019
« on: February 22, 2019, 0108 UTC »
UNID traffic 6744.4 kHz 6.744.4 MHz USB voice

Originally tuned in at 6744.5 kHz USB, but sounds better on 6744.4 kHz USB.  French language, I believe.  "oh, the blame, okayyyy" heard in English.  Fast-talking OM with good signal on frequency at 0107 UTC.  Received via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR

Spanish language freebander 45 meters 45 metros on 6666.6 USB vs. English language traffic on 6667 kHz, IDed as Santa Maria at 0103, SELCAL check at 0103 UTC.  0104 UTC Santa Maria (??) continuing, secondary frequency 2962 kHz USB with another SELCAL check. 

The Latin American freebanders have faded away rapidly at this point, 6667 kHz is now clear.  This is the first time I've heard actual legit aeronautical traffic on this frequency.

Received via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR

Peskies / 6988 kHz USB Spanish Langauge Chatter 0055 UTC 22 Feb 2019
« on: February 22, 2019, 0056 UTC »
6988 kHz USB 6.988 MHz USB

Two stations having a QSO, one of them has an annoying hum in his signal, possibly a bad power supply?  Lots of short transmissions but readable.  Received via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR. 

6900 kHz LSB and 6910 kHz LSB going strong with Spanish speaking freebanders or outbanders, stations heard checking into the "net" on 6900 LSB at 0054 UTC and similar procedures heard on 6910 kHz LSB 0055 UTC.

Received via the Westminster, MD KiwiSDR. 

4935 kHz 4.935 MHz USB voice, SS Spanish speakers, lots of proper radio pro-words heard.  Possibly pescadores or outbanders.  Hiding within the 60 meter shortwave broadcast band.  Not nearly as busy as the other frequencies logged recently.  Lots of "copyando" heard. 

SIO 222 or so, received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  As of 0052 UTC, the frequency seems to be clear, stations possibly QRT at this time.

6203.3 kHz USB 6.203.3 MHz USB SS OMs with lots of chatter on frequency.  6203 kHz is a valid 6 MHz marine frequency, going by the time of night, this is likely coming out of South American or Caribbean waters. 

Receiver is the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Dodah Net - Dolittle Net - Cruiseheimers Net - Yachtmen's Net - EE English language marine HF maritime mobile HF-SSB

8 MHz band frequency 8152 kHz 8.152 MHz USB voice SSB

Yachtmen talking about maritime stuff, "how many days did they give you for immigration" - "its right there on the dock" good signals with various OMs and YLs talking about conditions in the Caribbean, sailing conditions and then discussion to which frequencies (HF) and channels (VHF) good weather forecast broadcasts can be heard on at/near which islands in the Caribbean.  Discussion of VHF marine radio ranges and the "sunrise effect" on VHF channels.  "He monitors 72, but they do the initial call on 16 and then switch to another channel so I assume its 72" - mention of 4 MHz marine frequencies as well.

"Cuban Key" (?) possible location mention.  Looking at the KiwiSDR waterfall, I see over a dozen SSB QSOs in the 7900 kHz to 8500 kHz range, 8000-8815 kHz is all marine stuff and looks like the 8 MHz band is performing well.  Receiver is the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  Same frequency as the Cruiseheimers Net 8152 kHz USB.  Stations IDing with the name of their boats.  English language.  Lots and lots of other marine SSB traffic on the band right now...8 MHz is busier than 6 MHz.

Lots of QSOs nearby, including a weaker one in Spanish on 8150 kHz USB and another, much stronger one in Spanish on 8146 kHz USB.  Weak SSB voice traffic on 8149 kHz USB as well. Minor QRM from the USB voice traffic on 8150 kHz. 


8152 kHz is a simplex only or cross-band duplex only frequency in the marine mobile service.  Either ship-to-ship comms on frequency 8152 kHz or cross-band with 4051 kHz (channel 18).  Shared with fixed service in the 4000 kHz to 4063 kHz band and the 8000 kHz to 8195 kHz band.  For this net it appears that all users were using simplex mode only for ship-to-ship comms, which seems to be the primary mode of operation for most marine users, especially the yacht and sailing nets I've heard on the 4 MHz, 6 MHz, 8 MHz and 12 MHz.

From the USCG MF/HF SSB frequency information pages:

The following channels in the band 4000-4063 kHz and 8100-8195 kHz may be used:

for supplementing ship-to-shore channels for duplex operation;
for Intership simplex (single-frequency) and cross-band operation;
for cross-band working with coast stations;
for duplex operation with coast stations working in the band 4438-4650 kHz or with Channels 834, 835, 836 and 837;
for ship-to-shore or shore-to-ship simplex operations (8100-8195 kHz only).

4000 kHz - 8101 kHz  - channel 1
4003 kHz - 8104 kHz  - channel 2
4051 kHz - 8152 kHz - channel 18

More of the same in the 6-9 MHz region this late afternoon/early evening.  Lots of Spanish and Portuguese voices on various frequencies in the fixed/mobile bands.  Presumed land-based comms although they could be maritime HF SSB operating out of band.  Considering how busy the 6 MHz and 8 MHz marine bands are right now it would make sense.

7865.5 kHz USB (the OM seems closer to 7865.6 kHz USB), OM and YL having a QSO
7900 kHz USB - weak QSO in Spanish, very difficult to make much out at the moment

7790 kHz USB 7.790 MHz USB - OM and YL talking, some distortion, weak
7793.5 kHz USB 7.793.5 MHz USB - OM and YL talking, YL reading several series of numbers, then "wooo!" and the OM replied with "awww yeah!" - OM talking about issues with the car and cost of repairs at 2207 UTC.  Sounds like a husband and wife having a QSO?  Possibly land-based "radiotelephone" networks - there are several other frequencies nearby that are also active. 

Both 7790 USB and 7793.5 USB are just outside the splash from the WRMI blowtorch shortwave broadcast signal on 7780 kHz.

Received via the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border

Peskies / 6282 kHz USB OM and YL QSO 2202 UTC 19 Feb 2019
« on: February 19, 2019, 2202 UTC »
6282 kHz USB 6.282 MHz USB - HF marine SSB frequency active with an OM and a YL having a QSO.  Weak, but there.  Possibly fisherman talking to his wife back home.  Received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border. 

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