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Topics - R4002

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Peskies / Pescadores on 5000 kHz USB (with WWV!) 2155 UTC 18 Jan 2019
« on: January 18, 2019, 2158 UTC »
They're back on 5000 kHz USB 5.000 MHz USB mode with WWV clicking away underneath them.  Solid signals again this evening. 

12225 kHz 12.225 MHz LSB voice SS Spanish language, within the 11975 kHz to 12330 kHz fixed/mobile allocation, although most of us know that a lot of broadcast stations hang out in the lower part of that range.  12 MHz is also a marine allocation, but these guys aren't in the marine band just yet.

Net ended (stations said good bye to each other) around 1503 UTC and frequency is now clear.

Received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Lots of Spanish voices in the 10 MHz region this morning.  Hearing salty sailor talk on 10202 kHz USB, as well as 10222.2 kHz USB, 10250 kHz USB, 10205 kHz USB...probably others.

Received via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.  Presumed pescadores going by the operating style, frequency, mode and accent of Spanish language spoken.

9555.5 kHz USB 9.555.5 MHz USB Spanish Language SS OMs within the 31 meter shortwave broadcast band.  SIO 222 or so.  Heavy use of proper radio procedures, likely fishermen, discussing catch amounts and plans tomorrow.  Several numbers heard, two digits usually.  "its all good" and general chit-chat, presumed pescadores.

Via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border.

Hearing Spanish language chatter on 9225 kHz 9.225 MHz USB and 9198 kHz 9.198 MHz LSB mode (one of the stations sounds better on 9197.9 kHz) this morning via the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR.  This matches with the usage of the 8-10 MHz (and higher) frequencies during the day and the 4-6 MHz frequencies at night. 

Peskies / 9147 kHz USB Pescadores? 1430 UTC 18 Jan 2019
« on: January 18, 2019, 1434 UTC »
Via COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR, weak voice traffic heard on QRG 9147 kHz 9.147 MHz USB mode.  Presumed fishing fleet communications outside the legal HF marine bands.  Spanish language.  Several other frequencies in the 8-10 MHz region also active.  OM whistling into mic at 1434 UTC.

Peskies / 6777 kHz USB UNID Spanish Language 1415 UTC 18 Jan 2019
« on: January 18, 2019, 1418 UTC »
Diego and another unknown OM chatting away on 6777 kHz, the OM talking to Diego sounds better closer to 6777.1 kHz.  Not sure who's off frequency, given the randomness of the freebanders.  Diego is on 6777.0 kHz.  Stumbled upon this QSO while listening to Old Time Radio on 6770 kHz AM. 

6777.7 kHz has been logged previously. 

Receiver is the COMMSIGMA Sigma KiwiSDR on the CT/MA border. 

Peskies / 6925 LSB and 6900 LSB already active 2125 UTC 17 Jan 2019
« on: January 17, 2019, 2127 UTC »
Both the pescadore (Portuguese speaking) watering hole on 6925 kHz LSB and the freebanders on 43 meters watering hole (Spanish speaking) are busy as I turn the VFO and check the Westminster, MD KiwiSDR.  Good signals on 6925 LSB with Portuguese chatter, the usual suspects. 

Spanish language chatter noted on 8986 kHz USB, 9000 kHz USB, 9005 kHz USB and 9033 kHz USB - this is all with a cursory glance at the band on the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR located on the CT/MA border.  I'm assuming there's a lot more in the 8-9 MHz region and elsewhere. 

Tuned in at 2115 UTC

Peskies / Pescadores on 5000 kHz USB (with WWV!) 2252 UTC 16 Jan 2019
« on: January 16, 2019, 2253 UTC »
These guys are back again!  WWV is coming in very strong (S9) but these two stations are right up there with WWV and the QRM doesn't seem to be phasing them at all. 

Two-way HF SSB traffic on 5000 kHz USB 5.000 MHz USB co-channel QRM from WWV time frequency station.

Peskies / 6300 kHz USB - Two QSOs at once - 2220 UTC 16 Jan 2019
« on: January 16, 2019, 2221 UTC »
UNID language, sounds like an Afro-Caribbean type language, and Spanish (underneath it).  I've logged this weird language on 6300 USB a couple times before, and I think this might be a more or less regular thing.  Spanish speaking OM at 2219 UTC kept asking the stronger station "what is your name?" "who are you?" types of questions, maybe wondering what he's doing on his frequency.

6300 kHz is a legal HF-SSB marine frequency in the 6 MHz band IIRC.  Well, its within the legal band.  Now hearing two Spanish speaking OMs on 6300 USB and the stronger unknown language speaking OM has gone quiet, or changed frequencies....nope, he's back.  Maybe three QSOs going on at once at this point, the frequency is pretty busy.

Receiver is the Westminster, MD KiwiSDR

Via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR.  Very strong SSB signal at tune in, OM talking about conditions in the kitchen in rapid Spanish.  Then the expected "cambio" (sounds like "gambio" to the American ear) and nothing.  Not sure if he's talking about the kitchen or galley on his ship or at home.  SIO 444, best sounding audio at 6363.5 kHz USB (at first I thought he was using 6363.6 kHz, because that would be another easy-to-remember frequency).

UNID Spanish language marine QSO 6 MHz band 6.363.5 MHz 6363.5 kHz USB mode.  SS OMs maritime presumed pescadores

Hearing several stations working net control on 6765 kHz USB (SHARES Northern), net control on 6765 USB is NCS583 appears to be net control station at 1753 UTC.  Heard net control NNB4DW (possibly alternate?) at 1755 UTC NNE5PY then asks for additional stations (final rotation) AAR7DG and several other callsigns heard.  Multiple net control stations make calls, then ask for relays for unheard stations to all net control stations.  Very professional procedures heard on 6765 USB and 6845 USB.  FEMA SHARES network. 

6845 kHz USB even stronger signal than 6765 USB "did you copy the digital message, over?" "no I did not copy" "uh, roger, we will resend, out" AAR1JB net control for "SHARES Northeast" (6845 USB) at 1754 UTC. 

Not hearing anything on 6910 USB while 6765 USB and 6845 USB remain active.  Listening via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR.

5430 kHz 5.430 MHz USB SSB voice communications log UNID two-way traffic Spanish speaking OM and YL

Heard several mentions of la marihuana around tune in, OM and YL having a pleasant (compared to the other QSOs I've monitored) conversation.  Sounds like a husband and wife talking about domestic matters, how the kids are doing, etc.  Sounds like a fishing boat captain or sailor talking to his XYL or YL back at home?  Doesn't seem like a phone patch but I could be wrong, this is in the right frequency allocation for it. 

Received via KiwiSDR in Westminster, MD.  Still going strong at 2257 UTC....YL is talking about problems with the bathroom, which fits with the OM talking to his XYL/YL theory. 

Peskies / 5394 kHz LSB Portuguese Language UNID 2252 UTC 15 Jan 2019
« on: January 15, 2019, 2254 UTC »
5394 kHz LSB - 5.394 MHz - in between the 60 meter amateur channelized frequency plan / channels.  I believe this is Portuguese and I'm assuming its pescadores - reminds me of the 6925 kHz LSB crowd and the laundry list of other pescadore frequencies logged previously.

UNID radio net 5394 kHz received via Westminster, MD KiwiSDR

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns