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Messages - Chanter

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General Radio Discussion / Re: Guess who's back???
« on: March 30, 2015, 0909 UTC »
I know!  Isn't it brilliant?  I'll take a split-up schedule over a vanishing act any day of the week.  :) 

10/11 meters / Re: 10 meters burning up again! 03/07/15 afternoon
« on: March 30, 2015, 0906 UTC »
Strangely enough, I wasn't getting much on 10 meters during 03/27's evening, local time.  I *did* get Radio Itatiaia on 5970kHz, though, which is a first for me.  :) 

*shudders*  No offense at all to the project or the operators, but I'm not touching that one.  Fellow ham (squeak! I can say that now) though he may be, I... just can't bring myself to do it. 

Mind you I won't QSL Voice of Korea either, though that's a different situation. 

10/11 meters / 10 meters burning up again! 03/07/15 afternoon
« on: March 08, 2015, 0253 UTC »
I still cannot believe my luck here.  Today didn't seem like much at first - 10M was full of SSB contesters and I'm still getting a rig, so couldn't join in - but then... 

28171, XE1FAS - Pueblo, Mexico beacon, 2026-2028.  Transmissions ran VVV de XE1FAS/B, EK09VB.  Long pause and a long dash between cycles.  Signal fair to good on a variable band with a loud noise floor.  RST 349, SINPO 43343. 

And *then*...

28298, V73TEN - Roi-Namur, Marshall Islands beacon, 2030-2034.  Transmissions ran V73TEN/B, RJ39.  long pause between cycles, no other information given.  Signal good at peaks but subject to deep fades on a variable band.  RST 339, SINPO 43343. 

Here I pause to goggle at my radio.  I only wish that station QSL'd; they don't, I checked. 

And then...

28200, KH6WO - Laie, Oahu, Hawaii beacon, 2119.  Rapid ID - KH6WO - followed by long dashes, though these were very hard to discern even at the start.  Signal fair, heard just after a booming W6WX in California.  RST 339, SINPO 43343. 

Definitely QSLing the two that will verify!  I am just plain stunned at the latter pair, frankly, especially the V73.  Wow! 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Global 24
« on: March 07, 2015, 0328 UTC »
I sharding miss Global 24 already.  I really do.  True News, what rubbish. 

Longwave Loggings / Re: Spring NDB Logs
« on: March 05, 2015, 2022 UTC »
How the heck did you catch that Bahamas NDB?  I am impressed!  Nice one.  :) 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Anybody else have this problem?
« on: March 03, 2015, 0408 UTC »
I wondered why the heck passing cars would cause QRM!  That explains the intermittent issues I have when going portable with the PL-660.  I was afraid it had something to do with electric cars gaining popularity; I was really hoping not, as I quite like the idea.  Aha, buggy alternators.  Bleh, but a fixable bleh. 

As for hairdryers, usually I'm the one using the thing!  Comes of having a mane (hey Mark, you can verify that one, hm?)  :)  Unless we're all at my parents' place (I'm not the only long-haired gal in my family) I don't have to worry about that problem! 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Sudan Radio on 7205 again
« on: February 26, 2015, 0156 UTC »
For what it's worth, there was recently a note on the Monitoring Times blog about Sudan officially shifting to 7205 from 7200.  I'm not sure how consistent Sudan has been in sticking to 7205, though... 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: UNID 15215 kHz Feb 21, 2015 1600 UTC
« on: February 22, 2015, 0228 UTC »
A giant open carrier signal was all I had here too.  Darnitall, I tuned in specifically for this broadcast, then sat waiting for thexpected sign-on... which never came.  :( 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Radio Öömrang 2015
« on: February 12, 2015, 0705 UTC »
I'm actually going to be home to hear this one!  I'll be carting the PL-660 out of the house and tuning in, that's for sure.  Finally, this broadcast falls on a day I'm not at work. :) 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: 5066.3 Radio Candip 0237 UTC 1/29/2015
« on: January 29, 2015, 1227 UTC »
That is an amazing catch!  :) 

Longwave Loggings / Re: Recent NDB Logs
« on: December 19, 2014, 0057 UTC »
Whoa, thanks!  :)  What I really need is somebody with a) working eyes and b) knowledge of 398's to take a look at the thing. 

Longwave Loggings / Re: Recent NDB Logs
« on: December 18, 2014, 0112 UTC »
Those are some seriously nice logs!  I haven't been able to get much of anything on longwave since my DX-398 quit on me (I really do need to get that fixed...) 

I do wonder where a lot of NDBs get their names.  Mally, Raize, or my own local Monah, just to name a few.  GR 'Famis' up in Green Bay makes sense though, at least to us Packer fans.  :) 

General Radio Discussion / Re: SoCal for the holidays
« on: December 17, 2014, 0151 UTC »
Shining 10 meter beacons, are you?  Do you QSL?  *giggling* 

Seriously, I'd be chasing transpacific, Mexican and Latin American DX up a storm if I were in California during the winter.  Keep us posted, eh?  I for one will be freezing up here in the windy north. 

No joy.  I had a just barely audible, faintest thread of sound carrier here at 0127, but nothing more. 

Goshdarnit, I've been wanting to hear this one for years, ever since I heard mention of Happy Hanukkah Radio as a commonly-heard December pirate courtesy a DX program in autumn 2002.  Glad to know they're still around, even if I didn't hear them tonight.  Cheers, whoever you are! 

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