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Messages - Chanter

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Caught what I believe was the very end of the broadcast, just after 23Z with tinny audio and a song I could not ID, thus had an awful time zeroing in- darnit!  DJ Dick Weed with a Radio Free Whatever ID, much easier to catch than the song before.  Shoutout to Ray Lalleu of the HFU, then off, I think.  SIO 444 with one loud noise floor. 

Strong on the isthmus just after 23Z, "Along Comes Mary" into "Love Shack" pretty much seamlessly - that must have been intentional.  Someone's got DJ skills!  :) 
SIO 544. 

I initially thought this was Radio Free Whatever tuning back up after they signed off, but nope, hi Wolverine! 

I had the same details for this log as Mark, including a very clear WNBC ID and a news report that could have easily been current... until it mentioned Noriega.  Cold mini-DXpedition is right, brrrrr!  And it was my radio that took a spill, to my thorough dismay.  Argh! :(  I don't recommend balancing your PL-660 on its edge, even if you *do* need to warm up frozen fingers.  The random little metal foot that appears to be enough to keep the thing steady... is not.  It will end in disaster to the tune of a nonfunctional volume knob, or worse. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: CRI audio quality
« on: March 23, 2018, 0411 UTC »
I haven't noticed any wobbliness, but their audio output vs their signal strength sure does seem iffy lately.  It's not on every frequency they use, but 9580, 9570, and 9790 to NoAm have had fair or worse modulation for the last few weeks.  I wonder if that's the Cuban relay giving out on them? 

Tuned in near the end of the show, and unfortunately couldn't ID any of the songs, between the pesky pescador QRM and the awful noise floor.  Definitely heard some SSTV being sent near 2330Z, but nothing after that.  Rats. 

Weak/semi-audible in Madison, WI, barely above the noise with rock-sounding music, then back into the murk.  The noise floor is awful tonight. 

Spotted this via Monitoring Times.  I said, "Whoa!" out loud, then quite a few less printable things referencing old Brother Scaryteeth's character, parentage, and... anatomy, or lack thereof.  It is about flip sharding time!  And why do the charges not surprise me all that much?  Gag me with four or five spoons. 

Part of me hopes, given the kind of things he's said on air, that the arresting officer(s) were members of religious group(s) or race(s), or both, that old Missingteeth villifies.  I know that's wicked of me, but...  Justice, you know?  In two senses of the word, even. 

Maybe some of the commercial SW outlets will bounce the old hatemonger off the air now, especially given the charges.  I wish.  Then again, Radio Africa was still playing... what was the guy's name? Alamo? long after he was chucked in prison for similar things, and I've heard, and promptly fled from, at least one fairly recent rebroadcast of Peters.  But a girl can dream of less hate on the airwaves... 

General Radio Discussion / Russian time signal RWM?
« on: December 18, 2017, 1235 UTC »
Who was it who had a working e-mail for this particular station?  Somebody mentioned a contact at one time or another.  If whoever that was is still around, I'd love to take them up on their offer of that e-mail info.  I just logged RWM on 9996kHz during a mini-DXpedition this past weekend, and now I'm going QSL seeking!  :) 

Out on the same mini DXpedition as Mark over there, with pretty much the same reception of Pee Wee.  I thought there was an ID at one point, but the music+the static made it impossible to pick out.  Darn!  Thanks for the show, anyhow. 

General Radio Discussion / Re: "Preacher Teacher" Alert
« on: October 01, 2017, 0147 UTC »
You'd think, with all the money the Catholic-hating Brother Scare (I won't directly quote what he's called Catholics, because it's vile, but it involves the word whore and a reference to Mary) pours into getting his rants onto SW and MW stations - KAAY was airing his sandpaper-throated self the other night, eew, he'd be able to buy himself some new teeth!  Evidently not. 

I'd be willing to chip in to air something on a station like WBCQ, be it old radio shows or classical music or... something, if I could bump some of the fringe religious idiocy off the schedule by doing so.  I actually called that station after hearing a violent rant from a program called The Herald of Truth, which was naming no names, so was evidently not classed as hate speech worthy of pulling off the air (I asked outright) but advocating violent race-based revolution just the same.  WTF?  So much for peace, love, and understanding, or at least a few scruples, in the face of the almighty buck there, BCQ. 

Alex Jones sounds like a constipated Satan.  Markokpik has heard me say this RL! 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Getting SWBC Station QSLs
« on: September 24, 2017, 0142 UTC »
Auckland's volmet QSLs, I know that much.  The gentleman who handles their e-mail reception reports is delightful to correspond with; got a paper QSL letter on request, offered to pay postage and was told don't worry about it, the airway would take care of it.  Wow!  :)  I'll have to try both Shannon and Gander when next I hear them. 

I wonder.  Could the similarity in serial numbers have to do with the 25mHz frequency?  that *was* only recently reactivated, as opposed to 10, 15 or 5.  Maybe they divide things up by freq? 

WWVH is another reliable one, of course, in addition to WWV.  Hmm.  BPM in China *was*, but I've tried for an answer more recently and no joy.  How the heck did someone get RWM in Moscow to answer?  I am super impressed with that one and green with envy! 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Getting SWBC Station QSLs
« on: September 23, 2017, 2212 UTC »
Re: RNZI: Well, that is a bummer and a gosh darn drag!  I'm deliberately keeping it radio friendly here, because otherwise I'd be cursing up a storm!  :( 

Re: Romania: I'm actually waiting on a Romania QSL... maybe time to tune in (never a hardship, that station's excellent) and write them again. 

Re: KBC: Aha!  I forgot, shame on me!  Eric at KBC will always answer an e-mail, and do it personally; no form letters for him, ever.  He'll send an actual card as well, if you ask for one.  So will the folks at both WBCQ and WRMI, now I think of it, and Radio Free Asia makes a point of not only QSLing, but announcing their new card designs every so often. 

Anyone ever have any luck getting Shannon or Gander volmets to answer back via post, or through the post after an e-mail?  I ask because those two would be treasures for yours truly! 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Getting SWBC Station QSLs
« on: September 23, 2017, 0344 UTC »
Adding my voice to those who know stations still send out paper QSLS, and thank goodness for it!  If I can get a physical QSL rather than just an e-mail, I will.  I'm old-fashioned that way, despite having just turned 33--eek! 

India, Turkey, Vietnam, CRI, RHC out of Cuba, Radio Prague, KBS, AWR, South Africa's Sonder Grense, Radio Itatiaia, Radio Central Goiania, Observatorio Nacional (the time station), and Radio Nove de Julho from Brazil, Radio Austria, CHU from Canada, Auckland's volmet, and Taiwan all QSL.  What's more, at one point, RTI sent the dollar I'd included in my letter *back* with my QSL, along with a polite post-it note saying please keep your money.  Wow! 

DW also physically QSLs if you e-mail and ask, but their English e-mail - the info (at) dw (dot) de address - has bounced back twice over the past two weeks or so, siting network issues.  Anybody know what the flip to do in this situation?  They have not been nearly as reliable with responses when I've written to their physical address, as in nothing at all came back. 

New Zealand only sends e-mails now?  Darn, boogers, and darn!  I'll treasure the delightful pair of QSL cards I have from them all the more, now. 

I also have it on reliable authority that Iran VOIRI QSLs, but I have yet to dare test that one.  One of these years, I will!  I'm probably on a watchlist already.  I won't touch North Korea, even though they've been known to reply to other DXers who've written them...  Some things transcend radio nerdery and besides, that's terrifying. 

MW Loggings / Re: CIAO 530 Toronto 1847 UTC 29 Aug 2017
« on: September 23, 2017, 0317 UTC »
Are you sure the instrumentals are CIAO?  That sort of programming sounds more like a Cuban also known to be on that frequency, Radio Enciclopedia. 

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950 USB 0000 UTC 5 Sep 2017
« on: September 05, 2017, 0126 UTC »
Switched on around 0050Z, instrumental music into--ooooh, The Shadow!  Well, no question of me tuning away until this is over, is there?  :)  Off after the episode.  SIO 333 onto the isthmus.  Thanks for the show! 

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