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Messages - JimIO

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 [23] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ... 33
Huh? / Re: Elon Musk. Is he on the road to going...
« on: October 03, 2018, 2300 UTC »
"He's the leader of the local Socialist club."

We don't have any Socialist clubs around here, but we do have some socialist parks and libraries.

Huh? / Re: Elon Musk. Is he on the road to going...
« on: October 02, 2018, 1929 UTC »
I can picture this at a trump rally


Huh? / Re: Elon Musk. Is he on the road to going...
« on: October 01, 2018, 1926 UTC »
And Chile was a socialist democracy then.

Propagation / Re: solar minimum thermosphere...
« on: October 01, 2018, 0223 UTC »
Global climate change? Don't be Daffy!



The temperature of the thermosphere gradually increases with height. Unlike the stratosphere beneath it, wherein a temperature inversion is due to the absorption of radiation by ozone, the inversion in the thermosphere occurs due to the extremely low density of its molecules. The temperature of this layer can rise as high as 1500 °C (2700 °F)

This stuff keep yous awake at night?

The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 29, 2018, 0120 UTC »


"the legacy of pirate radio broadcasting hip-hop music"

Hip-hop is legacy? Look it up on wikipedia, then look up rock and roll.



The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 28, 2018, 1713 UTC »
I prefer bad words from a girl with a guitar.


Huh? / Re: Al, Britney needs you!
« on: September 27, 2018, 1553 UTC »
Hush up about B.S. or some op who has no clue might play her "music".

The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 25, 2018, 0332 UTC »
"i would tend to believe using highly shielded coax as feedline to the dipole is akin to bringing the TX right at the center fed part of the dipole."

I've seen things that should work not work and things that should not work work before.

The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 25, 2018, 0317 UTC »
6780 is in one of the ISM bands, same (or similar) as 13560.


The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 24, 2018, 1815 UTC »
I must be missing something. Please describe your antenna and feedline for me.

This website:


Says this:


The following are the disadvantages of full-wave dipole antenna.

Heat dissipation

Wastage of power

No radiation pattern

No directivity and no gain

Due to these drawbacks, the full-wave dipole is seldom used.

The RF Workbench / Re: New here, and my journey building a SW xmtr
« on: September 23, 2018, 2146 UTC »
I should have said "music collection of ...". Do you mean one of these?


That reminded me, couple months ago I was hearing fighter jets one weekend. Latter that week on the news I heard that there had been an air show and they were wondering why attendance was down 75% from the last one. Well DUH! You didn't advertise it!

Look at the list of things they said were good.

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