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Messages - kandi

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7
22:41 sounds like some sort of communications transmission "to that area Dave" then silence
22:43 some sort of digital mode than off

maybe I was a bit late and heard some sort of utility instead...

03:05 ID (couldn't make it out) says previous song was Three Dog Night "This is the station with the BOUNCING SIGNAL!"
03:07 Stories - Brother Louie
03:10 dead air "all right... here we go.... or so I thought there"

just under S9 with intermittent fuzz from the bouncing  on N1NTE / ΣSDR3

01:02 hard to make out over the noise, something about guano? and potatoes?
also the voice doesn't sound synth to me

on the N1NTE / ΣSDR2 kiwiSDR

00:23 what I would call Weather Channel Jazz
a little noise and some digital interruptions but sounds nice
00:30 Sudden off the air mid-song
00:31 keeps coming back off and on the air, transmitter problems?
00:32 Seems to be fully back now
00:35 off air but came back seconds later with rock music and "the world is full people", is this a different broadcaster?
00:40 90s Southern Rock song (maybe I should make a separate entry for this)

S7 - S8 N1NTE / ΣSDR2

originally made this a seperate thread at this point as it's obviously a separate broadcast from the jazz music, from what I've heard of his broadcasts I can't imagine Zekey playing smooth jazz music but I guess everyone is just counting it as the same broadcast.  ::)

00:47 cover of Norwegian Wood
00:50 Irish folk song

S8 +- on N1NTE / ΣSDR2 kiwiSDR

Edit: listening to Sealord's recording of the second half now, and looks like I was proven wrong, sorry about that Zekey, thanks for the broadcast, always like listening to your stuff.

23:55 ID + GnR - Sweet Child O' Mine

S9 +- N1NTE Holland Mass kiwiSDR

QSLs Received / Re: WBOG eQSL 7.May 2021
« on: May 08, 2021, 2339 UTC »
Received the same cool eQSL card, thanks for the sound collage madness Lem.

I heard that as well, but I was knee deep in the side effects of the second covid shot so didn't feel like doing a report, lol

Is that what that was??? I heard it on 23:30UTC in LSB at a nice S+10/9 signal, but could figure out what the hell that creepy voice was announcing.

what you more likely heard was the earlier broadcast that was reported here

01:25 music over radar noise, sounding fine but the noise from the OTHR sharing the freq makes it rough to listen to.

S9 +- Vermont Mountaintop SDR

22:50 FDR speech

S4 - S5 on the Vermont Mountaintop SDR, competing with a lot of noise and some nearby peskies.
22:58 cleared up considerably and now is very clear with S4 - S8

constant stream of sound clips from various sources since I first noticed it at around 2220
there has been some clips from songs but no actual full songs, it's like a sound collage sort of thing
22:37 WBOG ID and then back to the sound collage stuff

around S7 on the Vermont Mountaintop SDR

22:49 ID
22:50 alt rock music
22:54 Radio Bunny ID - commander bunny talking about "sad times in the pirate radio listening community"
22:56 more 2000s style alt rock
22:59 another ID

S3 - S5 on the Mountaintop Vermont SDR

(one of these days I'll get the date right the first time....)

kandi, you are a "little bit" out of date.

sorry... it seems I'm not as immune to n00b mistakes as I thought I was as I've been screwing up a lot since I started posting here...  :-\

0255 SSTV
0256 instrumental blues
0300 male announcer and more blues

signal buried in noise

Vermont mountaintop kiwiSDR

0115 Soul Funk Music

Vermont Mountaintop KiwiSDR S8 - S9

0043 (when I tuned in, song was already playing) Jimi Hendrix - All along the watchtower
0044 ID then silence (it was hard to make out and I assumed to be sign off)

Vermont Mountaintop SDR

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