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Messages - Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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MW Loggings / SD In AK!
« on: August 26, 2023, 2325 UTC »
......And no, I’m not talking about San Diego.

I do primarily SW DX now and bought a TEF6686 radio to use with my 15 foot wellbrook loop.

It apparently does AM real well with the loop.

I was tuning across the AM dial, and suddenly heard the voice of a weatherology.com/weather eye meteorologist I recognized on 1060Khz … who ended the forecast with “from the South Dakota state lottery weather center” … followed by some generic national commercials and a KGFX liner!

1kw at 2500 miles.. and might I add fairly clear for a minute or two.

Tonight, it isnt RHC but its Rebelde's SW outlet, 5025 broadcasting TV audio.

At first, it appeared to be a British tv show, but have an interlude that included the little drummer boy, it's some german tv show or movie    0700UTC Aug 20

...I'm not sure what to call what I heard last night/this morning

They were broadcasting english language movie audio last night in the 0700UTC. Not just snippets, but an entire Robin Williams movie.

The slightly odd but not shocking thing was, RHC program audio was heard under the movie audio. The movie audio was quite well heard, clean, easy to understand.. the program audio was way way under that barely rising to barely detectable levels.

Even after 9700 should've signed off, it continued on.. but solely with audio from another movies audio.

Not sure what in the world was going on!

Shortwave Broadcast / Shortwave Australia 4835khz
« on: August 16, 2023, 1525 UTC »
Logged "Shortwave Australia" on  4835khz around 0840UTC or so Aug 16th here in McGrath, Alaska. (Dont have exact time, as my notes arent near me) But the station was playing older non rock n roll music and there was a mention by the male announcer of "weather".. was being chewed up by WWCR on 4840.

I use a TEF6686 radio, EMTech ZM2 tuner, Wellbrook 15 foot loop and DXEngineering preamp.  I'm 370 km nw of anchorage, in the west central Alaskan interior.

4835 uses Antennas a dipole about 60 feet off the ground, running approx. 100 watts, plate-modulated AM transmitters. ERP is maybe a few hundred watts, if that.. according to comments on the Amateer Radio Australia facebook page

Shortwave Broadcast / BBC Singapore Transmitter To Close
« on: July 05, 2023, 1717 UTC »
BBC Singapore to close down on July 16,2023, news from monitor Jose Jacob Via AWR Wavescan

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: MISSING: Radio Vanuatu
« on: June 14, 2023, 0132 UTC »

Yep - back on last night (6/12 UTC). Since Vanuatu's had semi-readable to fair audio here in recent nights, I've been checking it nearly every night between 0600-0700 UTC on 7260 kHz.

I might be able to detect it just after 0600, but its not really what *I* consider good till after 0700.  11835 was fantastic all night

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: MISSING: Radio Vanuatu
« on: June 12, 2023, 1431 UTC »
Checked slightly after 0700UTC June 12th and 7260 was noted on

Ifrijya FM isny owned by the algerienne government as i recall, either. I've heard them on 9470 too as wel las 13790

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: MISSING: Radio Vanuatu
« on: June 12, 2023, 0515 UTC »
Checked again UTC morning on the 11th and nothing from 7260/3945/11835/5040

Shortwave Broadcast / MISSING: Radio Vanuatu
« on: June 10, 2023, 0901 UTC »
I’ve checked the last two nights (6/10, 6/9) and Vanuatu hasn’t been heard anywhere ..5040, 7260, 3935, 9960 or 2485(the last two they’re actually registered but I’ve never heard and I haven’t heard 5040 in awhile.

They boom in here on and off over a few hours most nights

Never mind, I did some digging and found out it was Rabaul in 1994. A city of 50,000 built inside a sunken caldera, turned sheltered bay on New Britain. Largest city in the province, but luckily they'd been prepping for an eruption for years and casualties were low.

Never live in the volcano.

One of the NBC PNG shortwave outlets was an easy catch in alaska when i lived here earlier in 2016. Here's some audio:


I even got a nice qsl on letterhead by email since the postal system was so poor then. i contacted the director of the company .. directly. .and he graciously obliged me.

0515UTC the signal suddenly got clearer and stronger until 0522UTC sign off

0501UTC with real deep fades long noisey fades, but up on peaks it is very clear and understandable, between S6 and S9+10

Ats25 max, Dxe preamp, Emtech ZM2 tuner and 15 Ft wellbrook loop

Posted this while out DXing at the park in my crappier than you can imagine 2G cellular connection (it’s slower then dialup)

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: CFVP Calgary
« on: May 30, 2023, 0411 UTC »
Up here, i usually hear a combo of the cuban jammy jam jammer masheen and cuba.. but i have heard CFVP a few times

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