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Messages - Dick Weed

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Okay thanks for the low audio alert! I added a big boost so let me know if it's too much. Thanks comrades!

Audio is poor? I haven't changed anything since my test runs. Let me know what to fix.

A little confused as to if it's just bad conditions or something screwed up on my end.

It's ME comrades! TESTING TESTING TESTING. Trying to set up audio for this thing. Any feedback appreciated. More bass? cut the mids? Not enough highs? Pointers please!

Thanks wanker...perhaps i'll leave it alone then.

Proud to announce RFW has doubled our bandwidth for better audio! Hope to do an actual new RFW soon.

Glad you like the show. "Safe Harbor Hours" is something I made a while ago but never had a chance to air. Perhaps in the future there will be a safe harbor hours episode 2 if I find enough good content.

Trouble with  reception? Listen to the the studio stream: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3460429

The shows are also archived there if you miss anything. About 10 mins after every show ends it is available in the MIXLR archive.

Love what we do? Help us out at www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever

Thanks for being great fans!

Storms? Noise? Radio unplugged? Listen here: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3444247

We appreciate all the support you've given!


Greetings radio comrades! Great to be back!

Stream us live or after the show on Mixlr at  https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3393382

I'm still looking for job and could always use help to keep the station going while I try to find income! Please help us at www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever and thank you so much for your ongoing support and kind encouragment!

It's RFW back with the latest lineup of spring indie music!

Listen live here on our studio feed: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3354936

We always appreciate your help to keep our station...uh stationing! Please help us out at
www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever and thank you so much!

i'm on 6955 comrade

Live stream of the show is available for you here: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3323158

RFW is brought to you by the fantastic wonderful fans and supporters that make this possible! Without you we wouldn't be above the static. Thanks for helping at www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever

Thanks everyone for all the great encouragement and compliments along the way. It's a joy to bring you entertainment.


Something very cool about listening to this type of chill show with the atmospherics of SW over top the music...but you know what's also over top the music? Jammers. With their own SSTV B.S. and music snippets. They are sporadic. I'm going to ask them to please stop. Chillout and enjoy the vibe guys. Let DW relax a little after that big stack of delicious flapjacks, bacon, sausage and eggs I just had.

....and just as I wrote that the show ended. Damn. Okay thanks for the show Skippy.

Live studio feed is here for you: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3302473

Your help in keeping us able to pay our bills and bring you shows is monumental! Thanks so much helping me at
www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever   :)

Hey hope everyone likes my new intro for RFW!

Our studio stream is available for you here: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3282210

Please help us stay able to broadcast by making a donation here: www.gofundme.com/f/radiofreewhatever

Live stream is available for you here: https://radiofreewhatever.mixlr.com/events/3261771

If you enjoy what my station brings you please show support here, and thank you so much!


Wow looks like i tuned in just in time for some rowdy tunage! S9 here with the expletives! lol

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by MitchellTimeDesigns