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Messages - Rizla

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Coming in stronger by the minute at 0253z, s6 here in AZ. Great signal for this time of day!

Good signal here into AZ, heard Dylan clearly, thanks for the show!

I heard pileup here in AZ at 0400, but not T31LP... will keep trying. This should be interesting to watch.

Other / Re: Nonsense on 14313 USB
« on: January 21, 2015, 2309 UTC »
Non-stop self-described "fillibuster" going on right now... all these guys trying to out-talk each other, with rambling nonsensical discourses going on at the same time... this is beyond self parody. It doesn't seem the fines changed a damn thing!

Plus ça change!

Utility / Re: USS Theodore Roosevelt COMPTUEX
« on: January 21, 2015, 0118 UTC »
"Kilo, this is Oscar Whiskey, Over?" Heard a few seconds ago at 0117 on 8974 USB.

Here in AZ, we have to have something to start our breakfasts or hangovers with something other than VOK, which seems to have switched frequencies and let us (humorists) out in the cold, so to speak. So, what to show off to to your Significant Other Babe who needs to know this isn't just a ludicrous hobby? Well, today (1/4/2015) Radyoya Denge Kurdistane is coming in loud and clear in the Jimson Weedy part of AZ on 9400kHz, and the music is lovely and we're making breakfast and the scene is... happy.  Anyone else copying this? I hope its a repeat catch, the music is quite good. Also curious on any info on the station, i.e. is some spook society paying for it, etc. Anyhow, enjoying the hell out of it this morning after a very happy new year, sending same to all hfundergrouders. Skol! Riz.

Spy Numbers / Re: Cuban Babbler
« on: December 25, 2014, 0115 UTC »
Never heard this one, thanks for the recordings, Tony!

Spy Numbers / Re: HM01 Loud and clear on 9065 0831 UTC
« on: November 17, 2014, 0804 UTC »
And here she is again, not a great signal, but on right now, 0805z.

Equipment / Re: Shortwave radio / What to buy, What I am looking for
« on: November 17, 2014, 0718 UTC »
Token, great post. It hasn't been said any better than that.

Skeezix: I agree with you on the ICF 2010, and of course I'm biased. This radio was a peculiar jewel that will never happen again. The weirdest thing is, the 2010's are somewhat "robust", as they say. As in "fixable". I've had the same one for 20 odd years. The Tecsun PL-660 looks very good for the price, and I'm always curious about older Grundigs, like the 700. Curious about the Grundig 700 SSB reception. Skol, R.

All India Radio, whenever I can get it! It's regional music, it's not something easily spread over one internet site. Great thread!

General Radio Discussion / Re: 6925 vs 6935 (or elsewhere)
« on: November 17, 2014, 0624 UTC »
I think all this speculation about other frequencies is healthy (thanks, Chris!). Many of us have been turning the dial around the frequency spectrum since the 7415 days, not to mention before that, no? I always scan from 6800-7000 when there's nothing on 6925.  As a listener, I like the idea of trying frequencies with less noise and clearer reception (hopefully).

Chanter, RF and Chris: Interesting observations all. I'm getting the same thing as some of you are, the signal is there during the day but not legible, but starts to be legible around 0000-0100 UTC. Last night's programming was interesting and unique on the SW bands in this part of the world. I hope they succeed.

I'm enjoying this station too. So great to hear a an interesting (so to speak) and old fashioned shortwave station.

Right now 0000 UTC, program discussing the demise of big sw broadcasters,  before that, "Song of India", with great Indian music.

Signal coming in really well to the SW this winter.

Good signal coming into SW USA today 0130z. A little fading here and there, but getting better by the minute. Looking forward to hearing the programming.

Yeah, propagation's been horrible out here as well, as well as the nastiest QRN during an otherwise excellent Halloween...
They're playing "Born to Be Wild" now, SIO 423.... Ever onward!

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