European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: UNID 5955 AM 0930 UTC 24 Oct 2021
« on: October 24, 2021, 1311 UTC »
This station definitely was NOT SUNLITE today on 5955kHz and recently also.
These appearances came from another certain frequency hopper. The location is known.
According to an information that I received from the license holder of 5955 kHz - SUNLITE -
their TX is still in the building up mode. You will be informed in good time about the start of the program.
These appearances came from another certain frequency hopper. The location is known.
According to an information that I received from the license holder of 5955 kHz - SUNLITE -
their TX is still in the building up mode. You will be informed in good time about the start of the program.