Looks like Reciva, the company that has been the data base for Net and wi-fi radios for over 15 years, will be calling it quits.
https://radios.reciva.com/ That will really suck for those of us that use these radios. the C-Crane co., had this to say about that:
"Yes, Reciva is closing. Grace Digital offers a WiFi Radio that uses another database if you'd like to take a look at the Grace Mondo Eilite Radio. I'm including the link below to the radio on our site as well as the link to Grace if you'd like to check them out. We do expect to come out with another WiFi Radio in the future, that could take 6-12 months as an estimate. At this time that is all the information we have available regarding Reciva.
https://ccrane.com/gracedigital-mondo-elite-wifi-internet-radio-alarm-clock-with-bluetooth-iheartradio-npr-and-radio-com/https://gracedigital.com/ "
So, we'll see. I love my Net Only Radios, since they free up computers for streams and automatically reset the stream connection when the stream breaks. That, and the D/A converters just sound better in them.
UPDATE: The bad news is that Net Only Radios that use Reciva as the data base will be pretty much paperweights after 1/31/2021. (Yeah... I'm pretty pissed about that too.) So, some saving grace is Grace Digital,
https://gracedigital.com/ Hit the CHAT icon and ask if you can get a 20% discount on a new Grace Digital based Net Only Radio. Well, that's something, anyway. At least, as far as customer COMM's go, they've already been X1,000 % better than Reciva.