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Messages - ThaDood

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Propagation / Re: ANOTHER BIG SUNSPOT?
« on: November 13, 2020, 1939 UTC »

Looks like Reciva, the company that has been the data base for Net and wi-fi radios for over 15 years, will be calling it quits. https://radios.reciva.com/   That will really suck for those of us that use these radios. the C-Crane co., had this to say about that:

"Yes, Reciva is closing. Grace Digital offers a WiFi Radio that uses another database if you'd like to take a look at the Grace Mondo Eilite Radio. I'm including the link below to the radio on our site as well as the link to Grace if you'd like to check them out. We do expect to come out with another WiFi Radio in the future, that could take 6-12 months as an estimate. At this time that is all the information we have available regarding Reciva.


https://gracedigital.com/    "

So, we'll see. I love my Net Only Radios, since they free up computers for streams and automatically reset the stream connection when the stream breaks. That, and the D/A converters just sound better in them.

UPDATE: The bad news is that Net Only Radios that use Reciva as the data base will be pretty much paperweights after 1/31/2021. (Yeah... I'm pretty pissed about that too.) So, some saving grace is Grace Digital,  https://gracedigital.com/      Hit the CHAT icon and ask if you can get a 20% discount on a new Grace Digital based Net Only Radio. Well, that's something, anyway. At least, as far as customer COMM's go, they've already been X1,000 % better than Reciva.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Ethernet As Unintended VHF Radiator
« on: November 11, 2020, 2004 UTC »
That's a battle with Ethernet cable here on the FM BC band, aviation, and even 2M band. I have ferrite chokes on every one here, as to not wipe-out the VHF Mid and High bands. With DSL internet here, there's no way that I get speeds close to 100MHz here. 10MHz, sometimes. BTW, that's the way Cold War espionage worked by RX'ing leaky data cables from various gov facilities. can still happen today.

« on: November 03, 2020, 1846 UTC »
Here comes another one. Is Cycle 25 ramping up?     https://www.spaceweather.com/?s=03

Equipment / Re: flex 3000 for a transmitter?
« on: November 01, 2020, 1916 UTC »
Well, I've heard a Flex 5000 on AM 3885kHz last night, talking to the amateur radio AM big guns. And, thought that the Flex Op sounded near broadcast quality. Question is, what's the duty cycle of those Flex rigs for long time SSB, and especially AM, even at low power?

I'd forgotten about this being a neat read,   http://johnbrashear.tripod.com/wlcr.html

Huh... I was wondering if we were going to start hearing pirates again on 1710kHz and 1720kHz. And, looks like the answer is, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssss.

MW Loggings / DX Test This Sat Night/Sun Morn WNJC 1360?
« on: October 23, 2020, 1910 UTC »
Ripped from The FRN:

Just got an email with the following info:

DX Test This Saturday Night/Sunday Morning-- WNJC 1360, Washington Township, NJ

Heard from several active and retired engineers who are interested in DX Tests. Thought you professionals might enjoy hearing about a DX Test coming up tomorrow night. Here are the details from WNJC 1360 in Washington Township, NJ. They will be conducting a DX Test tomorrow night into Sunday morning for our clubs:


"04:00 UTC-Midnight Eastern- WNJC will conduct the DX audio test using Morse Code and sweep tones continuing on our nighttime pattern.

At 0500 UTC- 1 AM Eastern I will be switching to our daytime pattern at 5kw using 4 towers directional to SSE with the DX audio test concluding at 0600 UTC. From 0600 - 1000 UTC I will be leaving the transmitter in daytime mode
but be playing a mix of 80s - 2010 pop, rock, dance, country and whatever else I grew up listening to and feel like playing.

Listen for the sweepers between songs of movie & tv show clips along with our voice-over guy."

WNJC has tested previously and been heard as far away as the West Coast of the United States and Canada. Their test signals have also been received in the UK, Norway, and Spain. Listen for their signal if you get the chance.

Les Rayburn, N1LF

Also another person added:

From what I found on the web, WNJC has been running DX tests quite often during September and October. They have even sent some FT-8.

I can remember when DX tests were quite common and well publicized by the radio clubs. It was quite common on a Sunday morning when a high power station would go off the air for transmitter maintenance and then the lower power stations on the same frequency could be heard and would have special dx tests.

Don't see this happening much anymore.


Amateur Radio / CQ World Wide DX Contest this weekend!
« on: October 22, 2020, 1849 UTC »
With that cold snap coming through this weekend in the northern states, this might be worth checking out,     https://www.cqww.com/rules.htm

General Radio Discussion / Re: Radio Summer
« on: October 21, 2020, 1802 UTC »
Being from Poland, do you have a presence on   https://vk.com/    ?

Part 15 AM and FM Station Operation / Re: You can roll your own
« on: October 17, 2020, 1818 UTC »
I have, for the 22M 13MHz band in AM,    http://boomerthedog.net/13560.html      That 2mW, (Ooooooooo, what a flame thrower!), actually covers a few miles to anyone RX'ing with the decent 20M antenna set-up. It was all trashed and recycled parts, except for the 13.560MHz crystal, that was provided by Fearless Fred. (A very nice donation, indeed!) However, I'm not using that anytime soon. Why??? The 22M Beacon freaks went apeschytt on me. Even Glenn Hauser e-mailed to me that it was a bad idea for me to use this mW AM TX. So, O.F.W... However, it was a neat and fun experiment, for a while. So, what's next? An old idea, coming of new, again. A Layman's, Plug & Play, AM Carrier-Current, Medium Wave, Transmitter. And, we have several existing choice ideas to build prototypes from. Stay tuned!!!!!! (Literally.) 

Amateur Radio / Re: 2M SSB
« on: October 17, 2020, 1800 UTC »
What I wished gained more traction is 222MHz SSB. Nothing around to desense you, except maybe if you are next to the VHF TV CH13 transmitter tower. 222MHz is more sensitive to Tropo as well. Unfortunately, I'm in a terrible location for 432MHz SSB, bottom of a river valley and lots of foliage. 2M SSB is planned for a make-over where I am, with only a 3 ele beam, (To start.), and extra RX preamps. I do have a 2M 140W Mirage amp as well, so I can certainly play on 2M SSB in my decent directions.

Yeah... I heard that last night on the drive to work. It does make for a neat propagational beacon, though. (Hi-hi...)

Amateur Radio / Re: ISS with Crossband repeater! Is it down?
« on: October 15, 2020, 1820 UTC »
From KE8ODG:     "I can’t remember who spoke about not being able to hear the ISS. So, I’ll post here.
If you click the link below it will show all the available satellites. The ISS has been reported offline for the past few days. You can also click on the numbers in each column and see the reports. Below that, you can also report on them.


Hope this helps, KE8ODG"
Yeah... Come to think of it, I haven't heard ISS for a while on 437.800MHz FM, either.

Wow... Somethin' ain't right there. Well, open that up and look for, either an adjustment POT, or for cold solder joints by a Zener Diode, or an LM78##-like Voltage Regulator. Just for the heck of it, have you put it to a load, like a 12VDC light bulb, and measured the voltage under load? Not having that power supply myself, I'm just speculating, but hopefully enough to help.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns