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Topics - Kilokat7

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With oldies and get this...announcements!  Weak copy with possible mentions of "West Rockingham", but not 100% clear.  Slogan heard was "Your station for great music and great memories, you'll always find them right here on the community radio network.." with mentions of an FM frequency and "AM 17-10".

Audio clip here, I would like to clear up the "West Rockingham" ID if someone has better ears than me:  https://youtu.be/GWM2snVbMmU

Hearing music here to my south, doesn't seem to match Radio Reten Lo Que Tienes, R&B music & oldies.  Anyone else?

0239z: Daft Punk - Get Lucky

I'm receiving a carrier right now in Michigan with perhaps a little imaginary audio on peaks.  When checking a remote in Italy, there's a pirate playing music on this frequency, perhaps from the Balkans?  You guys near the east coast might have a better shot at it.

Another confirmation that we are approaching the solar minimum: here's Greenland on 720 as heard from Michigan a few nights ago under co-channel blaster WGN:


MW Loggings / Michigan BCB logs Sept., 2018
« on: October 07, 2018, 1921 UTC »
Not very many new logs for September, but a few good ones here.  Time & dates in UTC.

Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus SDR

Antennas: 117 FT DKAZ remotely terminated and reversible aimed North/South, phased BOG array roughly NE/SE.

Location: Western Michigan


870  KFLD Pasco, WA.   Sep.28th,2018      0200 UTC

Weak copy of callsign during legal ID at TOH and then
into FOX News, during very good conditions towards the
NW. WWL & Cuba knocked down to nothing on the North DKAZ.
Thanks to Neil Kazaross for the tip.

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   1,620 miles      10kw

NEW LOG                  
890 CJDC Dawson Creek, BC.   Sep.29th,2018   0401 UTC

Weak under attenuated WLS with country songs matching
online receiver during good conditions towards the NW
and now my northwestern most MW log.

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   1,733 miles      10kw

NEW LOG                  
1210 CFYM Kindersley, SK.   Sep.9th,2018   1057 UTC

Parallel to 1330 CJYM but exactly 3 mins behind CJYM with
song by Air Supply and into local weather and CJYM calls
then into Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street, very poor under
KGYM & WJNL.  Only 1kw!

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   1,211 miles      1kw

NEW LOG                  
1230 KWNO Winona, MN.      Sep.9th,2018   1059 UTC

TOH ID with clear calls and city popping up over the
graveyard mix and soon lost again.

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   278 miles      990w

NEW LOG                  
1240 KDLR Devils Lake, ND.   Sep.9th,2018   1100 UTC

With legal ID bubbling up from the GY mix right at TOH
during very good conditions towards the Northwest.

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   699 miles      1kw

NEW LOG                  
1410 KLEM Le Mars, IA.      Sep.9th,2018   1101 UTC

Poor with TOH ID at 11:01 with calls and FM 96.9 mentions
and into CBS News.

ANTENNA: North DKAZ   505 miles      1kw/50w

NEW LOG                  


576 2RN Sydney, NSW, Australia   Sep.9th,2018   1119 UTC

Carrier noted rising to very faint audio, music heard
matching remote Brisbane SDR, soon lost to domestic slop.

ANTENNA: SW phased BOGs      9,345 miles   50kw

NEW LOG                  


837 COPE Spain (synchros)   Sep.23th,2018   0339 UTC

With Spanish talk matching online receiver, solid signal
with decent audio for several minutes, during enhanced
conditions towards Spain.  840 WHAS reduced to near
nothing on the North DKAZ.


ANTENNA: North DKAZ   4,073 miles      50kw

NEW LOG                  

I've been noticing a carrier the last few nights on 1709.83 so I started checking various remotes on the Kiwi network.  My search led me to Argentina where one of the receivers had a station label on 1710 for a "Radio Selva".  Looking closer, the station on the Kiwi remote is right on 1709.83, the same as the carrier I'm seeing here in Michigan on my DKAZ pointed due south.  Such DX from deep South America isn't exactly common here, unless conditions go very auroral, but there are no signs of such conditions elsewhere on the band right now.

Radio Selva's audio stream: https://amselva1710.wixsite.com/envivo

Buenos Aires remote that had the best copy on the station: http://kiwisdr.gastonet.com:8073/

The carrier was pretty strong tonight at local sunset, but fading in and out rapidly.  I was unable to dredge up any audio to confirm it was Selva.

Anyone else seeing or hearing this mystery carrier or know anything about this station?

Conditions have been picking up here for early morning "down under" reception.  Weak carriers have been turning into weak audio on some frequencies.  2RN was a new one for the log book this morning:

576 2RN Sydney peaking from 11:07 to 11:19 UTC with very faint music. Confirmed 2RN against an online receiver near Sydney.  Distance is 9,345 miles (15,048 km) from transmitter to my backyard BOG array.

585 UNID carrier peaking to trace audio at 11:21 UTC with OM talking in heavy domestic slop, too poor to discern any words.

702 2BL Sydney peaking at 11:07 UTC with DU accented talk // to local remote SDR.

Plus a slew of weaker carriers noted on most 9 kHz channels across the whole band.

Perseus SDR + phased BOG array oriented towards the southwest, from Western Michigan

North American Shortwave Pirate / YHWH 7470 AM 0345 UTC 9 Sept. 2018
« on: September 09, 2018, 0345 UTC »
Usual recorded content, S6-S7, fair copy here.

S9 with jazzy tune and very wide audio, sounding great here!

0311: "Thank you for tuning into Mix"

MW Loggings / 630 XEPBGJ Guadalajara 1100 UTC 31 Aug 2018
« on: September 03, 2018, 1051 UTC »
Jalisco Radio, a new one for me.  Their 6-note doorbell chime after the Mexican National Anthem gives this one away and really jumps out of the noise:


Heard on the Southwest phased BOGs at sunrise, 1,844 miles.

MW Loggings / Michigan auroral logs: Aug.26th, 2018
« on: August 27, 2018, 2336 UTC »
Instead of chasing Pacific carriers Sunday morning on the western BOGs, I found myself scrambling in the dark to get temporary feedlines setup from the shack to the South DKAZ to take advantage of the auroral conditions.  With just a few minutes to spare, I managed to kickoff a spectrum recording covering the 7am / 11:00 UTC TOH.  Later review exposed a pipeline into Texas including several new TX logs.

Receiver: Microtelecom Perseus SDR

Antenna: 117 FT D-KAZ remotely terminated and reversible aimed North/South

Location: Western Michigan

1280 KSLI Abilene, TX.      Aug.26th,2018   1101 UTC

Very poor with weak mix of stations playing oldies and
standards, then faint but clear OM w/ calls rising above
the mix with "K-S-L-I......" and lost again immediately,
during au cx.

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   1,045 miles   500w/226w

NEW LOG                  
1290 KIVY Crockett, TX.      Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

With adult standards and alone as captured in this
audio recording: https://tinyurl.com/y8sjze2z

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   965 miles   2.5kw/175w

1310 KTCK Dallas, TX.      Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

With ad for local collision shop in Dallas area, TOH
AM/FM ID with calls, strong during au cx.

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   917 miles   25kw/5kw

NEW LOG                  
1470 KLCL Lake Charles, LA.   Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

"Magic 1470" with a big signal battling against KYYW as
heard in this audio clip: https://tinyurl.com/y6wqkzfm

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   974 miles   5kw

1500 KJIM Sherman, TX.      Aug.26th,2018   1059 UTC

Poor and mixing with XEDF with adult standards and OM
call letter ID at TOH and into CBS News, during au cx.

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   863 miles   1kw daytimer

NEW LOG                  
1510 KMND Midland, TX.      Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

Slightly dominant over other weak signals during au cx
with AARP ad and OM ID: "You're listening to
AM 1510....and K258AO.....You're listening to FOX
Sports Radio".

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   1,163 miles   2.4kw daytimer

NEW LOG                     
1540 KZMP University Park, TX.   Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

Dominant with ESPN Deportes Radio and calls at TOH, very
strong during au cx.

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   927 miles   32kw/750w

NEW LOG                     
1580 KGAF Gainesville, TX.   Aug.26th,2018   1058 UTC

With Tesla's "Love Song" & ending with OM: "This is your
hometown radio, K-G-A-F", over/under KHGG during au cx.

ANTENNA: South DKAZ   886 miles   1.2kw/275w

NEW LOG                     
1600 KLEB Golden Meadow, LA.   Aug.26th,2018   1100 UTC

"The Rajun Cajun" with big signal, audio recording here:


ANTENNA: South DKAZ   979 miles   5kw/250w


0230 UTC: 1089 Talksport, UK fair at times with sports talk and slight echo heard on signal peaks (they run multiple transmitters on the channel).  Relog but interesting to hear Trans-Atlantic stuff during the summer months.

0924 UTC: 1550 KRPI Ferndale, WA. over/under CBEF with South Asian chanting.  This one really stands out and easy to parallel against their webstream.  Relog but nice to hear again, especially in early August!

Both heard while testing the remote terminated D-KAZ loop which I just rebuilt.  Looks like things are working!

North American MW Pirate Radio / UNID 1710 AM 0155 UTC 06 Mar 2018
« on: March 06, 2018, 0157 UTC »
Beach Boys "409" at 0155z.  Weaker signal tonight, S4-S5.  Seems to be same station that I've logged here before airing the same oldies playlist w/o announcements.

Someone with music causing interference to X-FM up on 4070.

AM carrier with some weak music under X-FM's upper sideband.  Guitar solo, but just barely there.

EDIT: disappeared seconds after I posted this.

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