North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID on 6925USB at 0006 on 30 January
« on: January 30, 2015, 0024 UTC »
Fair signal amidst heavy noise and very loud peskie on LSB bleeding over into USB here at 0018 UTC tune in. UNID music, man announcer at 0020 UTC with ID sounding like Radio Molotov into another UNID song.
0024 UTC Signal picked up above the noise with another UNID song-S5 here now
0028 UTC Interval Signal?
Followed by UNID rock tune
0035 UTC UNID song sounding like a punk/thrash tune
(Are these songs all from the same group? I googled Molotov and they're a Mexican group)
0037 UTC Hmmm...now men are chanting something like "DA DA Da"
(Some eclectic tuneage I'm hearing tonight)
0039 UTC Man talk intro ending with a "Yee Ha", into a rock tune with a heavy bass line
0043 UTC Rap tune en espanol
0047 UTC Man said something in Spanish, into a Heavy Rock tune
0052 UTC Man announcer with ID "XLR8-Accelerate"
Hmmm...is this the same station?
0057 UTC The music playing now would go well with a good Carlos Castenenda book!
0059 UTC "Sunshine of Your Love"-Cream (Now I'm in safe territory!)
0104 UTC Reggae tune Man singer
0107 UTC ID by man announcer "X-L-R-8....accelerate", then OFF
This came up on a google search... www.radiomolotov.blogspot.com
Maybe related somehow? Anyway, thanks for the show XLR8 op! Had us guessing on this one tonight
EDIT: The clip posted by S. McArdle clearly says..."and now for some real Molotov". The ID at 0020 UTC has a 6 or 7 note IS with man announcer saying "Radio Molotov".
0024 UTC Signal picked up above the noise with another UNID song-S5 here now
0028 UTC Interval Signal?

0035 UTC UNID song sounding like a punk/thrash tune
(Are these songs all from the same group? I googled Molotov and they're a Mexican group)
0037 UTC Hmmm...now men are chanting something like "DA DA Da"
(Some eclectic tuneage I'm hearing tonight)
0039 UTC Man talk intro ending with a "Yee Ha", into a rock tune with a heavy bass line
0043 UTC Rap tune en espanol
0047 UTC Man said something in Spanish, into a Heavy Rock tune
0052 UTC Man announcer with ID "XLR8-Accelerate"
Hmmm...is this the same station?

0057 UTC The music playing now would go well with a good Carlos Castenenda book!
0059 UTC "Sunshine of Your Love"-Cream (Now I'm in safe territory!)
0104 UTC Reggae tune Man singer
0107 UTC ID by man announcer "X-L-R-8....accelerate", then OFF
This came up on a google search... www.radiomolotov.blogspot.com
Maybe related somehow? Anyway, thanks for the show XLR8 op! Had us guessing on this one tonight

EDIT: The clip posted by S. McArdle clearly says..."and now for some real Molotov". The ID at 0020 UTC has a 6 or 7 note IS with man announcer saying "Radio Molotov".