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Messages - Pigmeat

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Not the greatest signal here, but much better now that the offending signal on 6955 went away.

SIO 333

Nice to hear 10 kHz AM, sans idiots in the pass band!

Spoken like a true AM man, JB!

Huh? / Re: Watching the board fill up this morning....
« on: August 12, 2017, 0508 UTC »
It's a must be like women and their periods, our prostates must start to cycle in sync after awhile.

Huh? / Re: Tosh.0 Boomer on next week?
« on: August 12, 2017, 0502 UTC »
I got an email from Boomer the other day giving me a heads up on it. Our favorite Dog has gone Hollywood. He belongs to the world now.

FM Free Radio / Re: FM Pirates in Seattle, WA
« on: August 11, 2017, 1209 UTC »
I'd still keep the chatter about them down for their sake. A lot of folks on the FM side are young and idealistic. What seemed like a good thing to do in talking to the press when you're 18 or 19 can turn into a huge regret a few years later.

That's why I never report the few local one's I've heard from time to time on the internet bb's and groups. FM stations of all kinds are dead easy to df day or night.

Huh? / Re: Oh, Brother Stair. (Ugh I just want to rant)
« on: August 11, 2017, 1151 UTC »
Ralph is like pro wrestling. He's for entertainment purposes only. Any semblance to reality in his broadcasts is purely coincidental.

Where's the late, lecherous, Dr. Gene Scott and his Pony Girls when they're needed? There was a religious broadcaster who gave you your ten dollar's worth. Rolling in from the bars at 3 a.m. and watching Gene fill up three white boards with total nonsense in four dead languages in mere minutes was a sight to behold. Then he'd come back from a fundraising break and do it all again. Gene you died much too young, but that's what happens when you marry a porn starlet in her prime when you're well into your 70's. Way to go, Geno!

At least Ernest Angley lives on. Hollywood couldn't create better characters than Ernest and Gene. Everyone say "Bay-bee!".

Huh? / Watching the board fill up this morning....
« on: August 11, 2017, 1131 UTC »
It seems all of us old farts get up about the same time. Is that a good or bad thing?

Utility / Re: CW Numbers Station 6956 CW 0715 UTC 11 August 2017
« on: August 11, 2017, 1126 UTC »
The "Lincolnshire Poacher" used to operate in that range but it was in English via AM mode and signed on and off with the tune "Barnacle Bill The Sailor" played on what sounded like a recorder. I haven't heard it in well over a decade.

I've heard CW up there for years. The Canadian Air Force used to operate in and around 6955 in SSB, but rarely, and I never remember them using CW for air comms there.

Hard to tell. Maybe a couple of hams screwing around with some tweaks and didn't want to do it in band on 40 meters until they had the bugs worked out?

Back in the 70's and 80's when weed growing here was on a huge scale, the growers would head out to set on their patches around this time of year until harvest in late Sept./early Oct. They all communicated via CB. There weren't that many people living out that way then, and nearly all the growers were locals. You might not know where they were, but everyone knew who they were by their voices, it was comical to listen to.

Local sheriffs and judges are elected, and the economy had turned to crap in the late 70's. The law wasn't about to go out and track ol' Bub down, who was simply trying to provide for his family, and risk pissing off the couple of hundred people he was related to or friends with. Those votes could swing a tight election in a lightly populated county where those growers were one of the main yearly infusions of hard cash. The only growers that got nabbed regularly were what was left of the commune types who'd arrived from out of state in the late 60's and 70's.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Very sad news
« on: August 10, 2017, 0241 UTC »
A very nice guy. He was a lot of fun on the boards.

Was it a sudden thing, Joe, or had he been sick for awhile?

Huh? / Re: Papilio Polyxenes
« on: August 08, 2017, 2238 UTC »
According to the wikipedia article, they were 12 miles from shore. Strong swimmer or no, that's a marathon distance for someone who was probably a sprinter. People have a way of grossly underestimating distances like that. When I lived in Seattle, every now and then some swimmers would have to be rescued from their usually spontaneous decision to swim across Puget Sound. Sure, the other side looks close but the ferry to Bainbridge Island still takes 30 minutes to cross while motoring at an average speed of 16 knots.

They were off the delta of a large regional tidal river when the engine conked out. He was likely swept out to sea when the tide went out. However, the idea of a Rockefeller heir being eaten by a bunch of guys with stone age technology after he'd inadvertently launched massive nearby tribal wars by introducing steel axes in his lust to outdo his father's collection of "primitive" art is just too good for me to let go.

Now back to butterflies.

I was listening up there a couple nights after you reported this and heard something up there that didn't sound like a TIS. A lot of storm noise here that night, but it sounded like a music format when it occasionally got above the static. No luck in fishing it out on either sideband either than affirming there was someone tx'ing there. The time was roughly 3:30 UTC.

The upside is in couple of months static season will be over and it might be possible to figure out what they are.

Huh? / Re: Papilio Polyxenes
« on: August 08, 2017, 0326 UTC »
Is Mike the one who died humping a hooker?

Nah, that was Mike's Dad. Mike went off to collect tribal art in New Guinea on the Asmat Coast in the very early '60's after college. One of the trade items he brought with him on his trips were steel axes, the Asmat tribes were still using stone for tools and weapon. The people of the Asmat he traded with and observed, were involved in frequent conflicts neighbors, and longtime headhunters for centuries. They quickly put them to work in full scale tribal warfare against their neighbors, destabilizing the entire coast.

On his last trip to the coast, he and a friend built a makeshift motorized double outrigger from oil drums, mounting a motor on it. They ran into engine trouble on their way to their destination and started drifting away from the coast. Rockefeller decided to swim for the shore as he was strong swimmer. His friend stay aboard, feeling they had their best chance sticking with the boat. The friend was found the next day by fishermen, Rockefeller was never seen again, despite an extensive search by both the Dutch govt. who held that part of New Guinea, and another financed by the family.

As near as anyone can tell, he either drowned, or was killed, according to several local men who year's later gave an account of finding him on the coast. There was a misunderstanding between Rockefeller and the men, neither being able to communicate with one another. When Rockefeller made a sudden unexpected move, one of the men ran him through with a spear. It didn't kill him, cooler heads prevailed, and they decided to take him back to their camp. He died on the way, according to this account.

When the men got to the camp with the body, they caught word of a massive search going on for a White guy along the coast, and knew they were in for it when if it was found they had killed the fellow. They had to get rid of the body and decided the best way would be to get rid of him in a traditional way. So they ate him.

However, there are nearly as many theories about the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller as their are about the assassination of JFK. Read about them, a Google search will get you started, and pick your poison. I just like the latter of the above two because there was sensationalist article making the rounds in my teens titled, "Is This The Man Who Ate Michael Rockefeller?", with a picture of the supposed diner with a spear in a traditional headdress. Seeing that pic was a real, "Screw with a Melanesian, become long-pig." moment. lol.

This theme seems to be an obsession with a lot of "The End Times" types in the past couple of months. There's a guy on a sports board I check out from time to time that is constantly going on about the same things on the "Other" section there. It looks as if a like minded individual has taken up residence on 5200 kHz.

Either that, or it's and damned clever parody of these types.

Token, you're probably right. I haven't seen it since HS. That was roughly the same time as the First Battle of The Marne.

Look's like Kracker is back on the air. Sawed off racists are such class acts.

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