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Messages - SW-J

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Here as well! TNX RRS!

Other / Re: RF Noise Identification
« on: July 19, 2010, 1505 UTC »
Here are several tests I apply mentally to determine a signal source as local or remote (distant):

Does it sound regular, a repeating pattern or random?
 o Switching power supplies or
 o Conventional TV Horz sweep rates (occurring every 15,734 Hz color, 15,750 Hz B&W) or
   - have a 60 Hz or 59.94 (and harmonics thereof) Hz buzz (more due to conventional TV video)
 o Does have what might be conluded to have a complex waveform based on the sound? (manmade/data)

Does it fade and peak - indicates ionospheric propagation (or, on the much higher frequencies, tropospheric or E-layer skip)

Does it exhibit selective fading - a sure indication of ionospheric propagation (it's like multipath @ VHF/UHF, only involving hundreds of miles instead of just miles)

Does the frequency slowly drift or is it fixed?
 o For instance, switching Power supplies will drift with time, something a 'rock' (crystal) or reference-controlled (e.g. GPS ref'd gear) will usually not ...
   - 28.635 MHz for instance will usually show several carriers, never drift, never fade, from computers/monitors and this rate is xtal controlled (vid card?) ... in fact, a few years back operating 10 Meter mobile while driving I would notice different neighborhoods exhibited various different signals on/about this frequency ...

On your signal (in the mp3 file), I detect some selective fading, so, I would conclude the source is experiencing ionospheric propagation and 'hundreds of miles' distant (could be less, could be more, but it's not just down the street!).
I also detect a very regular rhythm or beat, almost like a Motorola Trunking channel; it sounds like a man-made 'data stream' of some sort ...

I presently have a 'whine', no fade or change in strength, coming from one of the neighbors (I've walked the street and determined a possible soruce) ... sometimes it slightly dips in frequency, a smooth dip, not a hard switch in frequency, causing me to think it's due more to an LC or RC network determined appliance of some sort as a load or loads on the AC circuit (in the house) changes ...

Nice to see this starting to be used regularly at something other than the lab level.  This has been a dream of Sci-Fi writers for decades, "power satellites beaming energy to the surface" etc.  ...

Kinda like the 'sun' does ... what goes around comes around ...

And, of course, one even has to be careful of what 'ol sol dishes out too, like, UV rays ...

0132z Signal peaking to S7, dips to S4 ... minimal QRN ... great show into Texas this evening ...

QSL/reception reports direct to: WLDJpirateradio at yahoo.com (repl the at with the @)

2346z Very smooth copy here, little to no QRN (static crashes), smooth signal peaking at S7

2352z AC/DC ... YES!

2357z ID: "WLDJ Whiskey Lima Delta Juliet ... taking requests ..."

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6925u WLDJ <2329z 7-17-2010
« on: July 17, 2010, 2330 UTC »
S2 to S4 signal with sig condx expected to improve

6924.92 kHz window or 'dial' frequency on radio.

2341z Trademark "The Last DJ" has played several times already ...

Other / Re: Help idenfity this Data Mode? Interference?
« on: July 17, 2010, 1748 UTC »
Thanks for the quick ID on this HF radar signal. SW-J your links were helpful to describe this signal in detail. I live fairly close to the Atlantic Ocean, so they must be monitoring currents out there. This is the first time I caught radar of any type. I am hoping to catch more in the future.

You're welcome ... in case anybody else is wondering where these CODAR (they call them "SeaSondes' for "Sea Sounders" I suppose) systems are located/originate signal-wise, there is s pretty good map on the CODAR website here: http://www.codar.com/seasonde_world_locations.shtml

Additional: Transmit Power levels and specific frequency range within this detailed product brochure:


Other / Re: Help idenfity this Data Mode? Interference?
« on: July 17, 2010, 1540 UTC »
Per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_radar possibly http://www.codar.com/

See http://www.codar.com/intro_hf_radar.shtml  "The Unique Nature of HF Radar"

In the FAQ section http://www.codar.com/intro_faqs.shtml they mention some specifics like range and frequency:

Q: How far out will it measure?

A: The range of the SeaSonde depends upon a number of environmental factors (i.e., external noise, significant waveheight, current speeds), location of radar (such as proximity to water, nearby obstructions) and SeaSonde operating frequency (the lower the frequency, the longer the range).

Typical ranges are listed here:

For 4-6 MHz: 160-220 km average during daytime. (With 4-6 MHz only, the range is reduced significantly at night as external background noise rises.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RADAR signal received in north central Texas on modest gear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-T4rTBwpJA


0337z showing 6924.68 kHz on Cpat Morgan ATTM ...

i was on 6925-6 since 20:00 till 02:50 with my mobile...  so apparently another station came on air on top of me!!!!!  Now Captain Morgan is on 6924am HE came on just as i left the air !    IMAGINE THAT HUH

Ahh .. could not tell from here, QRN isn't bad, but, I think conditions to night are poor for propagation so I have really weak sigs to work with  ...


0304z Preparing to sign off I think ... just played our national anthem ...

Thanks WEAK! Very entertaining program!

RAP playing ATTM

0156z WEAK kicking it tonight ... 'High energy' music format

0159z ID: "This is WEAK Radio"

0204z Sounding good WEAK ...

0212z WEAK is ruling tonight ... go WEAK

Hmm ... very weak copy attm.

All I have really been able to copy from this station is ... is the carrier and an occasional bit of audio ... a voice/pgm signal and not just comms of some sort ... and of course a bit of fading and peaking

0243z As of this time stamp it is still there at/near 6925.2x kHz ...

0307z There are now two carriers in/about 6925 ... 2nd at about 6924.7 kHz

0309z Resolved 2nd carrier to 6924.72 +- 20 Hz ... may be Outhouse Radio Capt. Morgan ... signal weak but improving only briefly on occasion ...

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WLDJ 6925U
« on: July 15, 2010, 0313 UTC »
He did mention he was going to give out a new, simpler e-mail address ... but I had to step away from the radio for a few min and upon returning heard dead air ... I must have missed it!

S5 to S7 here tonight ... TNX WEAK.

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