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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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Weak here, but have it tuned somewhat decently in LSB. Had an ID or two around 0004. AC/DC "For Those About to Rock"
Thanks for the show!

Excellent signal. Old country song, ID about broadcasting from above Moundsville, WV with echo. Jim Walker (I think?) home construction. "The Free Voice of the Ohio Valley" Please QSL again--I don't have your new card. Thanks!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Liquid Radio: 6925.2, 2/8, 0105+
« on: February 08, 2015, 0116 UTC »
ethereal instrumental music buried under layers of SSB QRM. Haven't heard any IDs yet, but there's so much QRM, it's tough to tell

Thanks Joe & Refmo for the ID!


A real flashback to 1983! The signal & audio sound about the same, S9+20 with excellent audio. And the program is one that I heard in '83. Not sure if I can find the date/time/freq. Another Look at Life with Mr. Wizard, Wanda Lust & Boris Fignutsky with old Battle Creek address, "Rock'n'roll Hootchie Koo" by Rick Derringer, etc.
Thanks for the re-broadcast!

WAZU, nice signal here with Fearless Fred. Great to hear FF on the funny bands again. "Hit'em Where It Hurts," FF with discussion about karma and the pirates and the FCC. "Knockin' at the Back Door" Deep Purple. Nice signal & audio.
Thanks for the show,

Excellent signal & nice audio here.
Thanks for the show!

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: Low sensitivity on Winradio G31DDC
« on: February 05, 2015, 2324 UTC »
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the note. The BNC to SO-239 did wonders (BTW, I bought it from a Radio Shack that's going out of business). Not yet sure how i compares with the R8, but I did hear SRS last night, WQGY 434 on 25910 kHz, the OTR unid with an excellent signal (not surprising to me), etc. I love the ability to be able to see the band.
Have a great evening!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Unid 6925AM 0411 UTC Feb 5
« on: February 05, 2015, 0552 UTC »
Seems to be what I'm hearing right now & since 0544 UTC. Led Zep song, I think from the LZIII album. Seems to be on 6925.17 kHz. Just playing around with the Winradio & thought I'd check to see what pesky conversations or utilities around 43m looked like and there it was. The 1st pirate I've ever tuned in with this radio.
Thanks for the test!

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Low sensitivity on Winradio G31DDC
« on: February 02, 2015, 2256 UTC »
Just picked up a Winradio G31DDC; the 1st SW radio that I've ever bought new. After having software problems for about a week, I heard back from the company that the software that came with the radio was an older version. After I deleted it & installed the new software, it worked. Sort of.

I have a PL-259 on my inverted V, so I ran a jumper from the center conductor of the PL-259 to the center conductor of the BNC of the G31DDC. All I can receive are two local AM stations with fair signals. I don't know if the radio is really sensitive to noise & it's attenuating signals on the band or something else? I just bought a PL259 to BNC adapter to see if this helps.

Anyone else had any problems like this? So far with this antenna, the R8 receives great, but the Winradio is barely showing signs of life.


Was tuning through the band to see if anyone was on the air: heard audio here, came back to it, heard a couple seconds of audio, then dead carrier for a minute, and the plug was pulled.

Aaah, it's back on & I just heard a few clear IDs. I guess BBR has power, after all.

Thanks for the blizzard edition of BBR!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950 AM 2356 UTC 25Jan15
« on: January 27, 2015, 0006 UTC »
Nice signal with what I think is a Bob Dylan song

Other / Pecadores with music: 6919L, 1/22, 2158+
« on: January 22, 2015, 2207 UTC »
Music & better signals than I've usually heard (I've usually heard them with music around 6933L).

I just got the 2014 PRA e-mailed to the printer very early this morning, so I'm taking orders. From now until 2/28/15, I'm taking advance orders for $15 + $3 shipping ($18) in the US. If you want a copy, send the $ via PayPal to info (at symbol) hobbybroadcasting.com or send a check or money order to:

Hobby Broadcasting
POB 109
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214

This edition is 178 pages and features a look at the pirate activities during the government shutdown of 2013, the Rohde & Schwarz SK010 transmitter, and Radio Free Nashville. It also contains entries on 187 shortwave pirates that were reported in North America during 2013. The book also will contain an audio CD with clips from 70 different stations. For those of you who've never seen a copy of a PRA, it is a perfect-bound paperback book with a color glossy cover, approximately 5.5" x 8.5". This is the 5th edition.

 You will notice that I am late with this edition going to the printer. I have started on the 2015 edition and am hoping to have it available before the end of 2015. But a ton of stations were active last year & I think I'll be working hard and long to have it available before Christmas. But, yes, I am working on 2015 and I am hoping to have two different PRAs made available within the same calendar year, weird as that might seem. So, if a station operator wonders why I'm already writing for more information when I just wrote a couple of months ago, that's why.

International postage keeps increasing at ridiculous rates, so I'll check on those costs soon. The last I checked, they got rid of international book rate and now it's something like $9 or $10 to ship to Canada and something like $12 to $15 to send to the rest of the world.

BTW, I'm expecting to start receiving copies on 2/10, so I should have them available at the Winterfest, in case anyone is attending.

Hi Rocky, I have QSL #5, from 3/24/90. I scan it & send a copy to you, hopefully tomorrow. Hope to hear you on the air again sometime!

Hoping propagation will change, but at the moment, no carrier at all

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